The Noobie And The Doobie
The Noobie And The Doobie
Church Comedy VS Cannabis Comedy | Comedian Reese Turner | The Noobie and The Doobie | OTS #12
Reese Turner is a comedian, classic wrestling fan, husband of a Cannabis calendar girl & host of "The Late Night Sesh".
On this episode, Reese joins Timmy & Mj to discuss the incredible "high" of performing live comedy and the comparison between "church" & "cannabis" crowds. They also talk about Reese's early experiences with cannabis, consuming with "intention", the power of community, the amazing theatre that is professional wrestling...and much more! Oh...and they reveal their top 5 wrestlers ever. #LongLiveMadDogVachon
The Youtube version will be available on Thu. March 24 at 2:00pm EST **Link Below**
Cannabis model Marijane Baker & non-consuming comedian Timmy Boyle have joined forces to explore the wonderful world of weed...from both sides. Be sure to subscribe, turn on notifications, like, comment & share! And please connect on social media & consider becoming a patron to help support this podcast experience. Thank you so much!
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Email 👉 thenoobieandthedoobie@gmail.com
THE DOOBIE: Model, advocate & artist Marijane Baker Instagram / All Links
THE NOOBIE: Comedian, speaker & coach Timmy Boyle Booking / Instagram / All links
He’s from the Church. She’s from the garden...of Weeden. They’re from different worlds with the same goal. To engage & explore the cannabis culture...from both sides.
Join medicinal user, model & advocate Marijane Baker and non-consumer, former youth pastor & current clean comedian Timmy Boyle for a unique, funny & educational look into the magical, controversial and, for some, forbidden world of weed.
Timmy & Mj (a real life “mixed” couple) bring their cannabis pillow talk into the public domain as well as inviting guests, from inside & outside the weed community, to help educate, entertain & inspire the other noobies & doobies who are tuning in.
[Music] this podcast is for adults only should
not be used as a meal replacement and may contain nuts
[Music] hey everybody and welcome back to another episode of the newbie and the
doobie my name is timmy i am the newbie mary jane i am the dippy we're very
excited today to have with us on the spot comedian and host of the late night session on kgl tv reese turner reese how
are you doing today great man thanks for having me i'm the doobie to be i am also
a doobie i like that we have to wait we have yet to have on the show another newbie we
are looking to do that somehow i i just keep getting surrounded by more and more doobies
i'm sorry that's a bad thing right no it's not a bad thing i'm learning a ton that's wonderful hey uh i was uh i know
we've already kind of briefly touched on this prior to it going to air here but uh so behind you you got the bruce lee
there and then on the other side that was the degeneration x right dx baby
uh which was uh um correct me if i'm wrong um shawn michaels shawn michaels was in dx
that's right yeah um uh what's uh what's what's big tall dude guy long hair
he went on to marry mcvince mcmahon's daughter triple h yeah okay those are the only two i think
because that's not my general i'm hulk hogan you know macho man randy savage generation although i put sean michaels
and the rock um both in my uh my top five of all time
what was it though like who else is in that thing and why and why why you know because we got to pick space on our wall
right it's very important when something goes on your wall there's got to be a reason so who else was in that and why
are they on your wall okay so indeed degeneration x first i'll start with
bruce here good old bruce yeah yeah i don't want to forget bruce that was a gift that was a gift to my parents
before i was born they went back to visit england and my dad's cousin drew that in 15 minutes
he drew that if you're drawing yeah it is stupid i know it's not even just a drawing it's
pastel you did it passed out so yeah it's passed out and it's sitting in the room where i smoke a bunch of weed i'm sorry
but yeah it's about that's awesome yeah he did a great job and then in dx you had sean michaels you had triple h you
had x-pac you had uh road dog jessie james and badass
billy gunn that was dx they were the best uh i love them a lot but yeah for
me wrestling i've watched wrestling since hulk hogan too yeah but now i i still i still watch it
i still i haven't grown out of it i enjoy watching men in underpants give each other standing 69s
there's something that's so very like it's erotic it's great it's it's everything it's everything you could
look for look you know she's flush already you're very good the funny thing about all of it is until he said hulk
hogan i had no idea what you were talking about that x thing i thought you were talking about was either like a
video game or a music band or uh and and when he said hulk coconut i was like
okay it's gotta be wrestling but i didn't watch male soap operas i watched females
i watched both i had to watch my story uh your mom right yeah i watched the
coronation street i watched the british soaps so coronation street uh eastenders riverdale oh sorry emmerdale well it's
not riverdale yeah i don't know but then i also yeah i had to watch wrestling because you know i was a kid who came up
when hulk hogan was alive yeah you know and the first time you see that stuff it's kind of you're either hooked for
life or you're not yeah and i've been for i've been to so many events in my life like crazy amount of events not
just wrestling all different types of events and i have never ever heard a building get as loud as when
hulk hogan fought the rock at wrestlemania um i've i've watched that footage
multiple times and that's the one where they originally set out for
the rock to be the hero and the crowd switched they loved
went hogan and he if you listen to an interview between uh where both hulk and
the rock share the same story within the first couple minutes as they're throwing
each other and pushing each other they're basically rewriting the script because both of them were crowd savvy
enough to go okay um they're they're not on the rock side here and they switched it up and it was
one of the most amazing match and you're right it was electric i was there i happened to be there that night that was
the wrestlemania i went to was wrestlemania 18. because it was in toronto at the sky dome
and i yeah i've been to like ac dc concerts in like arenas i've been to
monster truck shows nothing has been as loud i was my ears were almost uncomfortable yeah yeah and that was
myself doing it i turned into a 13 year old boy all over again like i'd never
even cared about girls i was just like wrestling like and i was 20 at the time
reese's the only one in the stadium screaming he's like that's why i'm so loud i got them all those crazy though you
have no idea like yeah no i i saw i was down there for the wrestlemania with uh hogan and ultimate warrior when
when when they when hor when warrior won the belt yeah that was huge because that was a
changing of that was the first real changing of the guard right like logan had held the championship he was
the heavyweight champion even though he lost it occasionally no one ever not had him as the the peak but that was the
legitimate change yeah was the face of the he was like the ultimate warrior was like testing to take the belt
away from him and see how it would work mary jane is so bored with us right now
i can see it in her eyes she's like this oh really tell me more about the big early man in their underpants well she
gets to talk about weed all the other times i get to talk about wrestling okay the
day that i i bring a guest on and we talk about drag queens and stuff like that we'll talk about drag queens they
got the idea from gold dust dust and run oh oh that guy was creepy
i don't even know where i was like wait is that that gold before this was a very very disturbing wrestler
um so before we change topics to bring mj back into this one uh
on the spot reese turner and i'll give you mine as well top five wrestlers all time i don't care
if it's just because of style or or wrestling ability or whether there's your favorites okay top five any
particular order okay okay [ __ ] [ __ ] okay here we go uh chris jericho uh
number one hard number one with a bullet i don't care about anybody chris jericho number one with a bullet uh uh
now any order uh macho man randy savage uh ray phoenix
mr perfect kurt henig oh yeah and i think my fifth
was road warrior hawk yeah the rogue warriors were because they were a tag team and they came out
with the spiked shoulder pads and like they're still like their theme song used to start off with
with hawk saying uh what a rush
and everybody lost their damn minds i would turn around and punch my dad repeatedly it's like oh my god oh my god
like it was that was chaos you know that was beautiful to see as a young kid the legion of doom is a highly underrated uh
um duo they're the best i love i like your list a lot um because there
were three on there that i don't think would hit very many people's top ten
when i when i look at i love top 10 lists and stuff like that and i've seen the wrestling list so uh like ray
phoenix um and uh and kurt henning and that's amazing um so i go i go hogan
number one no matter what's great i think frank he may not have been the most the
best wrestler but the charisma and the fact that he literally built this industry
everybody he brought it into the mainstream for sure yeah he took an industry that was very fringe and
everybody was like what's this and his his pure his pure ability to understand how to work a crowd
like to spend ten minutes doing doing this to a crowd and have everybody cheer
the entire time is one of the most amazing charismatic experiences that i want to witness so i got hogan number
one he'll never be dethroned then you've got the rock and in no particular order you have you have the
rock you have steve austin you have the undertaker and you have shawn michaels big boys yeah that's how i that's how i
put i put together i feel like elaine in that episode with the seinfeld we watched last night i want to play too
okay i'm going to name five wrestlers that i know love let's hear it oh
these might be the only five okay hulk hogan hulk hogan no it was it was
i was gonna say hulk hogan but then i remembered the guy that that um went like this was that
shawn michaels yeah triple h or triple h they both did it okay okay and um there was
let's see hogan john cena because he's sexy as [ __ ]
wouldn't forget him looks like a bad ball yeah i'd sit on his face
he's trying to follow the rock's path but i don't think he has the same same charisma he's not quite as good watch
peacemaker though watch peacemaker i just watched that it's his character it's his character from suicide squad
that he just played okay hbo max made a tv show based on him and he's he's really good and here you
go mary jane you get to watch him [ __ ] nice and it's like you get to see like
sigh you get all the way side ass of john cena like rhythmic side ass so
that's the thing i don't know if i want to see that because i would like to be surprised when i see it in person now i know what
i have to be watching tonight thank you very much for that um okay so yeah you got rock got john cena who else do
you know john cena sweetheart there was that steve austin the three austin 316 guy
um and then mad dog that shot okay you were old school oh wow i'm
actually i'm actually related to mad dog and that's the only reason i
know like how how are you related um so i'm like
13th generation canadian and if you go back it's the vashon family and if in my
family tree if you look at it i'll show it to you that's amazing so like you're also that means you're
also i guess related to luna vashon uh who was gold dust's valet briefly
we came full circle already 11 minutes and we got we did a complete circuit
that's awesome what that's amazing yeah that's pretty cool i didn't learn i didn't know that we could
pretty much end it here that's the royal the royal family of french canadian wrestling i'm just gonna go ahead and
just take off quick okay you think i would know more about wrestling you got to start looking into it now
it's like the vashons were a big deal yeah that if that's your family line you need to look into it i am more upset i'm
more like disappointed about the fact that we sold the snack cake company
yeah well you know this the snack cake company doesn't mean you have to get thrown off a ladder every once in a while you know the wrestling kind of
family you might get thrown off a ladder i don't blame you my buddy walter my
co-host actually fun fact my co-host on the late night sesh walter lin was the face
briefly of veshon snack cakes when they did a campaign to celebrate their birthday i made i made a gif of walter
in an all brown suit dancing around playing every insta it's [ __ ] great that's great
i want to see that i'm going to send it to you guys when i please do okay yeah definitely do that
it's phenomenal so we get to the important stuff well i want to know i think we were at the
important stuff but okay we'll we'll go down a different a different road well we've only known reese just a short
period of time that is correct and uh i mean i know you're probably so the last event we went to it's funny
every time i go out for a joint reese was always there you know the heavy stoners when every time you go out the
same people are always standing out there so i feel you i didn't go inside [Laughter]
well you've been smoking for obviously long enough but i want to know tell me your first time you got high
first time i got high i was 13. okay i was 13 years old and there's this older kid on the street
and you're such a [ __ ] nerd now that i think about it bro but for real like okay he was like 16 or 17 and like
there's a bunch of us at 13 and he's like yo i got something in my pocket and if
you guess what it is you can have it and i was like that's where you run as a young boy
i'm the gullible type you pull up with a white van and tell me there's ice cream and candy inside you are in that truck i've already tied myself up i'm like
yeah let's go like sir why is there a hole in your pocket
sure sir why is this ice cream cone just your dick i'm not gonna stop but i'm just asking the questions
no like uh yeah so like the guy was like guess what it is like and then like i was like i don't know
and i guess and then i ended up getting it and then he just gave us the weed so we smoked it that was your first time
ever smoking yeah like me and like three of my friends on this [ __ ] street and were like like a prize i was like weed but it
tasted like it was garbage weed like like sticks and stems and [ __ ] seeds
and [ __ ] with with some leaf and [ __ ] there you know we're like this we're like oh i'm so
high you know it was but it was one of those times that it's like i'll remember
but i don't think i really got high the first time i got good in proper high i was at my buddy's house and he made
these little pipes out of m m mini containers like okay the guy was like the definition of
a macgyver smoker you know what i mean yeah i think i think you're all macgyver's you guys finally just smoked things out of anything but this guy was
like made a whole thing like he engineered this contraption and i was like holy [ __ ] yeah let's get ripped so
we got really stoned in his at his house and then i spent the afternoon just whipping him at blades of steel hockey
blades of steel yeah i i think the cumulative score over six games was 64
to three right i went hard on him and i'm just like he didn't want to play me at this game
like when you get high you get really into video games you know what i mean it's it becomes better than a movie so
yeah i think that about everything when you get really high this is why when i said
i need to join and then to do something because i feel like i can focus more i can live i'm in it so yeah you were in
that game yeah number one i have the patience for more things when i'm not and it's always been that
way so like some people are like oh that's just cause you smoke weed now and when you don't smoke weed you're quicker to anger and i'm like [ __ ] did
you know me before i smoke weed when i smoke i would have taken your shoes if you looked at me the wrong way
you know what i mean i'm so much better now that i do that and they're like oh okay fine
what is the definition of could you i don't even know if exactly what you said now true true and proper high like so
there's a difference between that and being high so well what i don't what is that moment i don't get high anymore
like that those days are gone you know what i mean where i get good and proper like oh my god i'm wrecked i can't move
i can't move all i can do is laugh good and proper high yeah i would like to equate it to orgasms if i can yeah yeah
you busted the biggest nut yeah it's still like you get high now like it feels good still
you're still you're still good but to get good and proper high is to get these yeah you're getting a railroad
tall but but but you don't get a chance to experience that anymore like like like you just
your your body's so conditioned i don't i don't use cannabis to really get high it's not like the reason why i
really use it you know what i mean like i can understand if people were using it to get good and proper high but i
personally don't like getting that high right but i don't like being out of any kind
of out of control of my faculties saying that that's why i i wanted nothing to do with it yeah so just so you know timmy
this happened to all of us like re said i got good and proper high but that was in the beginning because our body was
still like what is this what is all this stuff that you're putting in me i like it what is it let's get some food a lot yeah
exactly but yeah so like now it's like i it's better for me than coffee at
keeping me alert and awake um uh i'll take it before like a long i want to be awake
stretch it's a i'll smoke a j if i start to feel sleepy [ __ ] smoke a j let's let's have a quick joint you know what i
mean and then i'm up it's it's one of those things and that's why i also try not to smoke cannabis unless i'm going
to be out for the night i try not to consume cannabis after eight okay because then it [ __ ] up my sleep a
little bit and like i can't get to sleep and it's not his sound asleep for me so we we've been talking a lot lately
even with some of the other people we've been interviewing about the the concept of having a purpose to smoking
that that a lot of people have this have developed this intentional smoking and then there's a whole bunch of people out
there that you know whatever they don't they don't know anything about it it's just what they do they're trying to get the you know the proper high whatever it
might be but hearing about this intention is important for people like me who used to believe that everybody was
just literally just wasting away their life and the more i hear about this intention
the more it's intriguing to me well some people use with intention to get high like well that could be the intention
yeah yeah it honestly it's like anything right you're gonna have people that are gonna abuse a substance and just just do
that and that's everything for them you can have that with literally anything you know what i mean but i found that the majority of people
that i know excuse me that use cannabis are pretty driven ambitious folks that tend to kind
of take that idea that we all used to have and kind of get it out of the way you know that i
myself it's like i i do consume cannabis when i'm on stage i play up the cannabis a lot
right but it's like but it's like you know i run my own small business i work for a company it's like i i'm i'm
one of the hardest working people that i know you know yeah and it's just uh it's one of those
things that i think the more people are familiarized with it and the more that they see the broader community at large they
start to see that it's not just what we thought it was you know what i mean like i used to be scared i used to be scared behind me when i was younger i'd
be like man these guys are gonna [ __ ] jump me and now i'm like man these guys are gonna [ __ ] feed me it's great you
know what i mean it's you just your perception changes with the knowledge that's all it is exactly anything and
there are going to be people in any community that of course are like oh why do i have to be the same
[ __ ] associate why am i associated with this person through our you know that's what it is so do you do you then
consume do you consume prior to a stand-up comedy performance prior to the late
night sesh is that part of your prep to to perform well i consumed during the
late night sesh as well like right like much like i'm doing now uh because when i was a little bit
younger not too young not too young when i was in my 20s i broke my tailbone
um and i still kind of when i sit for a long period of time especially on a
harder surface my back starts to get really really bad and this helps uh this helps with with
that you know so i had a medical cannabis unfortunately i think let it lapse i do need to get it re-redone
but that's why it was medical for for so long was because i have to man because if i have to sit
down i'm like ah [ __ ] i stand up like i'm 62 years old and i'm only in my 30s
so you know that you broke your tailbone yes that's correct okay so um
i i semi sorta can relate not because i broke my tailbone but because um i
i was diagnosed uh like a couple years ago with uh chronic coccydynia
you know the coccyx sounds like a dirty joke you're about you're setting me up for a dirty joke i'm not bad i'm not i'm
not okay i'm not i'm not but uh the doctor after doing x-rays um because i was like
you i couldn't sit for a long prayer like i'm like what is going on and like what happened
um apparently my coccyx which is my tailbone is bent
and the way it it when i sit on it if they ask me they kept asking me did you break it did you fall did you hurt
yourself did you like what did you do i said i didn't do any i don't remember doing anything
but um that's the best answer you could give i don't [ __ ] know you're the doctor like i remember i they made me
sit on a donut yeah
not an actual like food donut you know no yeah i know the donuts i'm very acquainted with those donuts
uh i had to ride around with that donut for a while and i used to work in like the heart of
montreal's fashion and hot district of women and men everybody who was super
attractive was in that area working and i'd get there for work and i'd reach back into my car in front of a group of
tens you know what i mean not eights [ __ ] tens and i'd reach into my car and come back out with that hemorrhoid
pillow and be like it's for a butt yeah and then i'd walk away and then
like you know i'd make them laugh and just leave but that was so i'm like oh it's so [ __ ] embarrassing they're gonna think i have like i have anal
fissures or something right it's like i broke my i broke my back if you want to be technical about it but
see it's a lot easier for a girl because i could just be like play it off it's like yeah i was a little rough last night i should have done that
i love playing in that dynamic it's fun to do that and people like this cause like i'm a big dude and when you
say that it's like oh my god it's like yeah picture like a chihuahua and a great thing [Laughter]
and then they get even better than you walk away it's the best yeah was that is montreal your hometown
no i'm actually from ontario but i moved to montreal and i spent 14 years out there
why did you move ah i needed to change what i was doing i was starting to go
down a path that might have gotten me into some trouble okay and i'm like let's extradite myself from this
situation and then thank you so much and then we went to montreal and then i had a great
time and i loved it a lot and i'd still be in montreal honestly if it wasn't for kobe
oh really yeah we weren't planning on coming back yeah i had a small business out there and everything and it was
great and then kovac came and it was just like this hey you know your dreams and [ __ ]
[ __ ] your dreams man that's pretty much what happened and then i had to come back and i worked in construction for a
while and i just quit that so i'm happy about that that's nice so why wait so why was there
not construction in montreal why i didn't watch construction in montreal i had a production company in montreal i
did photo and video for large corporate events and i did large weed events and stuff like that and i
was able to make my living off producing shows covering other people's shows and then doing videos for colleges and other
companies and like most of the stuff i did was like corporate retreats but nobody was doing corporate retreats so
you can hold on for so long but once yeah their work's off the table for a year you're like
oh no oh [ __ ] no oh there goes my my savings is gone
okay i gotta get a truck and go home so then we got a truck and we went home and who who is we
you're my wife my lovely wife caitlyn nice yes lady kids yeah i've been with her for now
[ __ ] like 16 years almost i think since i was 21. i was 20. i just wanted i want
to give a shout out um for miss uh august right august yeah she's missed august in the
cannabis she's she's got the she's got the she's showing off the pipes in that calendar i
believe oh she can beat the [ __ ] out of me if she wants that's what i like it's like she's a big lady she's five ten you know i like
she's an amazon i got like i'm a big man six two she's five ten our kid's gonna
be six foot seven yeah that's right she's gonna play starting center for the la lakers she's gonna be great nice now
i haven't i was trying to figure out the exact math there would you have met her in montreal or do you meet her here in toronto you better i met her here
i met her here before we left we actually went to montreal together uh and it was beautiful out there we loved
it yeah we got married out there we had our kid out there well you must be glad not to be there
now oh yeah right now like right now it's you know what to be honest it's like
most of this place sucks you know like i'm just happy that i'm with my family yeah which is good it's like i spent a
lot of time away from my family and i'm glad and now that i'm back with them i've come to realize like we do it wrong
you know what i mean instead of trying to split off and be our own thing from our family what are we [ __ ] dumb
you know like we think we're better than thousands of years of [ __ ] evolution when we live in huge groups and tribes
why wouldn't you stay with your people you know what i mean if it's on the table stay with your [ __ ] people man
because like you look like there's a solid foundation that's just not there when you're by yourself
like legit as soon as all of this happened a group of my friends and i got together and i was like
you think about selling your house let's all like sell our houses let's let's get together and pool all our money and buy
a massive house and we'll just all live together and this was at the time when the government said you couldn't see
anybody outside of your own household we were like [ __ ] that we're just going to buy a big house and i'll just live
together why not yeah [ __ ] get them on the land tax too instead of them getting to stick you four times for property tax
they can only stick you once right yeah well i understand i understand you know your
whole that whole thing of like watching your business kind of go down like i i was you know i was touring you know regularly making
a living off of comedy for 10 years and then to have it bottom out like this for two years but in the same process
um and i hope a lot of people have had a chance to do this and maybe it sounds like you have you have that sort of
cerebral look of of understanding kind of the overall picture but
i've really understood like i was traveling so much and as much as i enjoyed it
um when i got back and over the last two years been focusing on my health and eating patterns i realized that the
damage that i was doing to my body i was i was a lone wolf constantly i was always you know i had traveled with the
occasion you know with one or two other people but it was a very very solitary existence and i don't mind that but i
had a chance to examine you know what i was doing how i was doing it i was seeing all the financial
issues that i didn't do well which actually you know contributed that when covett came in you can't plan for
pandemics but i wasn't i hadn't built my i hadn't built my business you know to
to or diversify enough to handle any sort i figured i was going to be performing in front of people for the
rest of my life nothing's going to change yeah like who imagined that events were just gonna like
yeah like it just didn't make any sense to me so i plan you know i'm you know i'm pivoting now and i've changed a lot
of stuff and i'm gonna do performance and and value of who you are and i wanted to ask you about this in
particular about your value as a performer because the arts get so undervalued and i i undervalued myself
um as a as a comedian for so long because i just i just desperately wanted each gig just to pay my bills
and i've realized that no no i i'm done i'm done doing that like i'd much rather take even less gigs get paid value um
then then to beg people to you know say okay yeah i'll do it for less oh yeah it's a fundraiser that's fine oh
wait a minute how much money are you making at that fundraiser yeah i'm the one on your poster and you spent five times as much on the food that's not on
your poster yeah and so it really it just really challenged me and i just saw all the things that i had done wrong in
in all of that and like what's your story in comedy like like a lot of this is like giving me
[ __ ] ptsd flashbacks bro like like it is like that's why i started
honestly i started producing a lot more myself because i wasn't satisfied with what i was seeing even at the club level
what they're paying is the [ __ ] early 90s rates how are you going to tell a headliner that that's that can come and
fill your club night after night after night that they're only worth two hundred dollars or whatever a show two hundred to four hundred dollars a show
that's insane you know what i mean like so what i did was it's like especially fundraisers if you're an organization
looking to raise money you better be willing to spend at least five to seven hundred dollars on your
headliner on your own that's a min that's a minimum that's a yeah that's a bare bones minimum yeah
you know what i mean like but like you have to be prepared to because that's those guys will come in and you
don't i was what i would do and i was i would do this a lot i would book a showcase
style show for for a fundraiser so my headliner's only pulling a 20-minute set
but my headliner's going to walk out with 600 dollars in their pocket my middle is going to pull a 15-minute
set my middle is going to work walk out with 400 in their pocket you know what i mean and i paid accordingly everybody
walked out with a good share of money the problem is younger comics would come in and they don't know the lay of the
land and then the people who run these things approach them and then next thing you know that show
that i'm talking about that everybody got paid and we raised the organization in one night we'd raise them between 10
and 17 000 in the night yeah okay they switched they went with these
younger comics uh that now nobody's getting paid at all hardly what they were the last show they
raised a whopping seven hundred and eighty two dollars yeah you know what i mean it's like
i think there's a skill set there's there's two very different skill sets between producing a
show and performing at a show and a lot of people think that they have both and they don't some people do have both
you know what i mean but some people they just it's crazy to watch and it's very frustrating because when you watch other
people come in and devalue the whole art form by saying i'll come in and do it for a few [ __ ] drink tickets you're
like oh my god i don't even drink what the [ __ ] give me yeah cover my gas
and they're like no we got two beers it's like okay good [ __ ] can i sell these to somebody
yeah well it's so frustrating to see as you go we have to value our art we have
to and people don't that's the problem we're willing to step on our own [ __ ] parents to get stage time half these
people and what and and you and we know just because of i mean science has
proved it all over the place one of the number one fears beyond death is standing in front of people
telling stories and the ability to communicate uh in front of a crowd it scares scares
you know 95 of the population and they still go there's still this sense of
like i can do that it's like white no you you can't do that and you probably won't um but that that
kind of gets in the way so i like honestly one of the things i love to hear as a
performer is somebody when they come up to me after a show and they're like man you made me want to try it
and then i'm like this invite me to your first show please
and that's it i'll go and i'll watch i went i went i watched so many people some people good i'm glad you started
your journey man but some people ate [ __ ] they're like yeah it's a lot easier
to be the funny guy in your friend's circle and the funny guy at your job yeah it's
a lot different to be funny for a room full of strangers that don't know your inside jokes they don't know you're inside baseball
those references don't play here you know it's a very different ball game i was never that guy in my group i'm not
the loud [ __ ] boisterous guy that has everybody in my friend group roland i've got a friend like that he's the drunk in
the group he gets drunk all the time we laugh our asses off you know what i mean but on stage he can't do what i he he
gets on piss himself well i use i used to be that guy my mom my mom has
repeatedly said um to my own uh um heart hurt that you know i was the most
annoying kid in the world because i always needed to be center stage and people but people now
often would never know and i never i never answer the question when people say what do you do for a living because like the moment you say comedian they're
like you know tell jokes and stuff so i'm usually the guy now sitting in the corner looking for a one-on-one conversation for the entire night
right and then and which makes it great when you go into an event and you get invited to the dinner before the event you sit
at the table and you talk to everybody and then they're like ladies and gentlemen and you walk to the stage and everyone with the table's eyes go why
did they realize they just told you a bunch of stories that you're now about to share in front of the crowd yeah yeah that
became more uh for me like we started to do that more during this whole backyard show stuff it's like i find myself in
somebody's backyard with a bunch of people and like somebody sure enough just thinks i'm somebody else's friend and they're like oh yeah i'm gonna let
him like this all right man i'll see you like five minutes yeah
yeah yeah you go on just having a good time you're like man have you guys met jeff oh buddy i think jeff's got
something wrong with his dick you know it's so much fun like i i love it i love
i miss that that's something i miss i miss people i miss crowds like doing this and doing doing shows
in a room by yourself but talking to people is different well people have said people have said
oh the future of comedy now is going online i'm like if you believe that you've never been in a live crowd like
for a comedy experience not a chance in the world if it's also the future of comedy please i'm going to get off the ride now
exactly yeah i'll find other things to do too yeah i honestly it's the drug man i wanted to do it since i was a kid i
remember in mississauga there used to be a yuck yucks up on dixie road and i used to sneak into yuck yucks
underage all the [ __ ] time i'd sneak into yuck yucks to go watch comedy because i [ __ ] loved it so much
i love i loved watching that [ __ ] i go and smoke weed and then sneaking back and trying to like smoke the comics
after and [ __ ] and then i got to work that same yuck yucks for a weekend opening for a british comic named james
mullinger and by god like that's like that is like i mainlined the best drugs on the planet
like straight into my forehead you know what i mean that's it it's the best there's nothing like being in front of a hot [ __ ]
crowd where stuff you're saying is hitting where you feel like you can just get up in front of a group of people and jingle
your keys and they'll laugh like that kind of hot crap oh my god it's the best and
yeah nothing that we're doing like this it comes close
that's what i told people too about why you know like like i never never felt the urge to
to drink do drugs whatever it might be because people never understood that even back before i did it as a
profession finding that outlet to to make people laugh and to get that thing that was
that was a high and an experience that i didn't think i like that was my escape
that was my ability you know take 10 minutes in front of a group of people and tell a funny joke that has everybody
howling i've just escaped life at that point i've gone into a different realm yeah you know and so that that was my i
guess my drug um and i'm still addicted to it to this day that i ripped a fat dab of
i love it laughter you um do you use you i think you mentioned earlier the uh you
know you really kind of uh push up the cannabis in your act is cannabis the foundational element of
your act no the fact of a father is okay but then yes oh yeah then i play
the cannabis into it a lot because i like playing the justice the kind of juxtaposition of being the dad but also
being like i don't know i i enjoy the character that i play on
stage but it is it is very much i would say it's an element and this has actually cost me some club work actually
i didn't want to come up and say it but the fact that i joke about cannabis so often is actually cost me a club dick the guy told me it's like
you joke about weed too much and i was just like but i don't though i've got like four
jokes that are about weed sure they come in like cornerstone moments of my set one of my sets yeah
but man you can't argue with the results it gets it hits it always hits why why
would you hey you've got guys coming up talking about doing strippers and doing cocaine out of a stripper's [ __ ]
why why can't i talk about smoking a [ __ ] joint and [ __ ]
forgetting things why can't i do that like that's yeah that's that's not an image you want to put forward but yeah
yeah let's let's you know do the other thing a bunch you know the whole the whole issue everyone's got those levels
the whole issue um everyone's got those levels of um like it's sad that cannabis
is uh is at that kind of like like you said both below some some incredibly
uh deep and disgusting maybe you know a level of sexual humor um you know but
like because because me just talking about cannabis uh my in my world me just talking on this show and being a pro
cannabis um i've lost church kids just from me talking about it not even
in the show people who used to book me constantly won't book won't book me in
the future because i don't you know so my show could be completely exactly how it was before
they booked me all the time because of that but because i talked about cannabis outside of that
um i lose gig so it's amazing that that that it's there's that sigma is so radically embedded you know how i know
i'm a piece of [ __ ] wow i would 100 just be i'd be [ __ ] with
him so hard i'd be like hey why you know that god is considered infallible correct you guys consider god infallible
yeah he doesn't make mistakes he made weed man you put it here on the [ __ ] planet he
doesn't make mistakes it's here it's because he put it here you guys are drinking wine every sunday
shut up you're a [ __ ] weirdo that's what i would have done i get so mad about that
because it is it's a natural thing this is a plant it's a wheat it grows from the earth in which he the lord above has
sown for us to enjoy much like pigs and [ __ ] cows and tree palm trees he put
it here you know like yeah what are we doing why is the hate especially in the religious community the oil that he was
anointed in might have been cannabis oil cannabis it was very well known to be in the
region in the time period you know what i mean it's like what are we talking about you know well i'm i'm
blown away by the fact i mean to me it's it seemed obvious and i knew i knew that it could happen for me when i when i
went into this realm but it's astounding for me to hear that you've lost club work because in my
in my perception and especially coming from the world that i came from i would assume cannabis would be absolutely on
the table in the point in the country it isn't some it was just this one particular one and i was very disappointed in it and i felt that there
were other underlying reasons that they weren't comfortable expressing such as i had previously worked for the other club
in that city okay uh but they were they they used the weed thing uh but it's just like honestly man it's
i'm known as that guy i'll bring a crowd of weed heads through that'll come watch the show they'll have a great time they'll buy food they might even buy
drinks but don't like houses they'll buy food they will definitely buy food they'll tip well you know what i mean
and they won't be disruptive like drugs yeah they won't tip over right yeah exactly
so it's like this is a demographic that i think is being shunned i think people like joe baker puff mama uh who i have
on my show later tonight um yeah she's a wonderful person and she ran underground which is a comedy venue
slash cannabis establishment and it was [ __ ] legendary i loved that place the front
of the the place was a head shop and then you just walked through the wall in the back pretty much i didn't even know
it was there the first time if if i wasn't taken there by val from
shatterizer i would have swore that it was just um a little i had exactly a hedgehog and
and she was like no no we want to keep going you know like oh yeah okay you
know and we went in the back and i was like like you go down that long little like hallway or whatever and i'm like
this is cool yeah but yeah definitely we as cannabis consumers that's the
thing that people don't understand is we like to do other things other than just smoke weed we want to go to movies we
want comedy we want all this stuff just let us smoke our way exactly let us ingest our cannabis man
and if you know it's a cannabis friendly establishment don't come in if you don't smoke cannabis right you know that right don't come in
and complain or wear a mask yeah wear a mask man [ __ ] come on they're not gonna let they're not gonna let people in buildings with
masks on that's a security risk we know that but yeah honestly it's for me it's like
it's it's it's so weird it is such a weird kind of attitude that we have towards cannabis
uh that needs to well it will be hopefully it'll be kind of rectified in the coming
coming years but right now it's still kind of like cool what are we doing yeah
what do you find in the um like putting together uh events in the cannabis space
and like mj was just saying you know um one thing that people i don't think fully understand is that cannabis people
like cannabis people um it's it really is it's just people who
happen to use cannabis that they they don't only watch and listen to things
that are 24 7 cannabis they watch regular movies they watch regular tv they go to regular events they go to
sporting events they just happen to consume and i've often thought as a comedian
um people have often said to me like as a clean comedian they're like oh you know they ever go somewhere and they're
like why didn't you do more dick jokes and it's like you know what if you're funny
but i got people most time to come up to me at the end of my shows and go you know i really enjoyed that and can i
just ask you did you not swear at all it's almost like they were so enjoying the show and then at the end the light
goes on and i'm thinking that's where in the cannabis community right it's like yeah it's like yeah exactly you know
it's like people be like wait a minute hold on did you did you not even tell us anything about cannabis be like nope i
really enjoyed that it's like surprise surprise well that's it i don't think if you if you work on only one thing i
don't think it's going to work in any kind of thing you know yeah i
one of them is funny cannabis audiences are notoriously hard to perform for
uh because um they're just they're more number one i feel so a bit
more self-conscious with their laughter um they don't want to kind of be they don't want to be picked on as much
because they're worried that it's they talk that they're going to get spoken to and they'll sound stupid there's like a
lot of there's like a lot of hesitation that you get performing in front of them but i've been performing in front of them for so long that you learn how to
get to them and if you can get to a weed crowd you can perform to a regular crowd
and knock it out of the ballpark and it doesn't always have to be weed stuff i joke about like yeah i said i
got like four things that are really explicitly about cannabis in a 20-minute act
you know what i mean and they're relatively short bits but they are pretty key bids yeah but but they work you know what i
mean i liked them a lot i liked writing them like i tell a callback joke uh well i tell a joke about callbacks
which is which is essentially just me repeating the same joke three times and then in between pretty much saying
my wife gets mad because that's not a call back she just says i get too stoned before the sets and it's drug abuse you
know and i just kind of repeat that and i i say it twice in a row and then like after the first line they
pop the second time they pop large after that i repeat that and i'm like oh yeah
and then i just keep with the joke again and then like i tell the whole joke through again clean through and like i
get them going again and again and again and then i'm like ah and then i like look around
and then i start to joke again and then they go again i'm like oh thank you so much and that's all i might said sometimes
you know just what it kind of works and it plays off and then sometimes people will give me weed after the show and that's nice
that's why i it's funny i've often compared throughout uh the time that mj and i've been together
even on the show now about the things that i saw in the church community and
the things i see in the cannabis community and when you said that cannabis crowds are like notoriously
hard to perform for i say the same thing about church crowds people like to say oh church crowds that
would be so easy and it's like no no because when you go when you stand
where their pastor stands behind the pulpit and they are sitting in the same
seat that they sit every sunday and they've been conditioned to just watch not speak watch that's
amazing um yeah and they a lot of them don't watch comedy in general because
because the clean comedy is so rare so they're not comedy savvy yeah and yeah and i'm like i'm like you think
you think going to the club is harder than the church i i disagree i said there is a there is a crowd who is
looking up there and going what's this pastor got to say to us today and then you've got to make them laugh
and uh so i'm interested i don't think i've performed very many times in front of a cannabis crowd unless a lot of the
church people i've been performing from are secret cannabis users which are no they're on hills those are pills timmy
you did you did one cannabis uh friendly show in front of the canvas crowd at the lounge we didn't do the lounge called
kelly's green lounge timmy is not used to like he's not used to cannabis people and what your set was like an hour a
little over an hour yeah i was like no no too long we had to go in and out
they're like we gotta smell them halfway through i'm like you got these guys like in the front row like acting like oh i gotta
smoke some weeds tell us that you guys can't see it from nowhere
to the door yeah i love it uh honestly it's like when it comes to
like ken it's so tough to keep to to keep them going and that's why like people like mike rita are so
[ __ ] impressive it was like this guy could just go up and just talk he could just go up and just talk and he's got he
holds court in in weed rooms like he holds court in clubs he just he's very good at getting people into
their and he learned that skill in weed rooms because they were so hard yeah you know and it's
it's a point it's a wild thing to kill in the weed room you feel like that i've done it
i've done it i've reached the top of the mountain take me out now take me out back put two in the back of my head i don't need to do anything else but there
are so many comics though that are scared to death of tough rooms and small crowds and all
you know they're saying we need the perfect environment and i'm constantly trying to put myself in environments and rooms
one of my favorite pictures that i've posted online is me of performing sitting on a stool beside someone's
refrigerator because i did this house show in their kitchen and mo you know to me it was it was it
was exhilarating because it is tough to get you know five people in a kitchen you know to really get that energy going
into and all that and to me it's like i seek those things out so i'm looking forward to performing in front of some
more cannabis crowds and stuff because i think that's that's how we improve as performers put ourselves in those tough
rooms yeah well that's why exactly and that's why like these grizzled kind of road dog comics can kill in any room
it's because they've been everywhere they've they've talked to people of different sensibilities they've talked to urban
toronto folks and they've talked to rural [ __ ] saskatchewan folk that's the best thing and i
you're the clean comic i swear like it's part of my everyday vocabulary i apologize that's because i come from
cockney folks working class no worries we swear it's like saying the word
you know that's just what we do you know um but it's funny we also grew up kind of around the church
uh but the anglican church uh so catholic light okay yeah so you're like you're allowed to swear there anyway we were allowed to
swear like we could like you know get like a little bang i think i don't know i wasn't i wasn't good
but we went actually if i drove by that church today and i was like oh we used to go
there but yeah where is that it's in mississauga it's in streetsville okay oh
cool yeah it's a nice little town so yeah it's a weird kind of thing and uh it's a great thing for a lot of
people and i understand the need for it you know and it's a tough it's a tough world to navigate alone
and it gives a lot of people that sense of community that they need and also in terms of like the comedy
stuff it must be hard because you don't know what certain people find to be what you can joke about i once
performed in this italian hall and i made a joke about jesus once and i felt
the holy fury directed upon me like saint michael and everybody came
down and just care bear stared a hole through my chest like i i've never like you know when a
room goes negative quiet yes yeah like it got that i was like this oh i [ __ ] up here
in my head i'm like i [ __ ] up i forgot where i was [ __ ] and then i had couldn't get him
back and i had a comedian i had a club comic years ago who because we used to leave open
spots on the circuit tour that i was producing and uh he was like he wasn't clean but he
wanted to try being clean and i said okay so i said it's dangerous though because when you get into that rhythm
and if you if if you're used to dropping an f-bomb in this particular spot and you've been doing it for three four or
five years it's it's tough so he he chose me the clip of the stuff
he wants to try and i said okay you know you know and he seemed he was professional i and i to this day i i'm
sure he's professional but when when we got there we there was this room of about i don't know 25 elderly church
women and he gets up there and at one point in the joke he normally
says jesus christ now you you that that's like the ultimate swear word like you could drop an f-bomb and it wouldn't
be as bad as as using jesus christ as a swear word right in a church setting so he gets to that
point in which he had told me over and over again i don't worry about it i'm going to switch up the word i'm going to switch up the word but he was on a roll
the women were really liking them and he says jesus christ in the in the swear thing
the it was it was the most amazing thing was at the end of it he hid in the back room he wouldn't he
wouldn't come out and i had all of these sweet elderly women coming up to me
going where where is he will he come out i just tell him that we know it was a split we knew it was a slip up he was
very funny we know he didn't mean it and and i told him at the end i said i said look this is how hard it is to try to
switch between you know clean and i said but you just today you hit
um the most forgiving jesus-like crowd who
who sat there and said you know what he didn't mean that in the in a bad way that would and it was it was the most it
was most beautiful thing for me to see that crowd react like that but he was he was devastated and it's it's hard it's
hard if you've tried to got you have a clean set in your pocket and a dirty set in your pocket tell the story about the
comedian who told the joke about changing diapers and somebody complained that that was a dirty joke oh yeah the
even even clean comedy has has these lines like a dirty diaper it was a dirty
[ __ ] he didn't even say pooper [ __ ] yeah a father who because guys like to smell
things so he was saying that guys you know put their finger in pull it out yep it's dirty
and someone said that was that was unclean they're like we thought you said this was a and so even when people talk
about cleaning they are not clean yeah yeah
that's it it's hard to do man it's really clean comedy has got to be hard yeah i i
don't i i don't think i could do it because i swear too much it's just too
much of like who i am you know what i mean and that's what you have to be as a comic
right yeah or else it's inauthentic and i believe that a big tentpole of of com
a good uh like thing is that is to be authentic and when you're authentic in
your writing and you're authentic in your delivery or with your crowd you get those kind of benefits and
i i would have such a hard time i don't think i have three jokes that i could tell in that room
maybe the joke about beating up kids can i tell that joke yeah that's not dirty yeah right
listen that was a that was a staple of religion for centuries beating up kids i should be able to tell it
that's right but yeah i mean that's i mean that's what the thing the thing though and i tell try to tell people is
like there is no you know clean isn't better than dirty cannabis comedy isn't better than this company it's all about
you know being be you be authentic find your crowd and and
and know your audience and ultimately it comes down to funny is funny and if if you're in a room
be aware of the room you're in uh and the professional comics and not just professional guys who make money i
think that that's a very low level of what's called professional professional comics who have actually experienced
multiple rooms like you're saying have dealt with various people who know how to adapt to the room itself not just
know how to perform the material wow like hogan and the rock
actually call back as a we're nice full circles
um this is a good thing here just see it just as a point of reference uh
alt wrestlers are the greatest live performers um ever they can they
they literally get hit with real live chairs they have to adapt on the fly if
they break an ankle they got to stay in character um all of it is live for extended period
of time uh anyone who you if you want to make fun of the story lines go ahead but
do not underestimate them as live performance theater they they are the
best they are the elite yeah you know comics comics are super com the
best comics to be super funny but they ain't getting hit with chairs while being super fun
oh my god that's it next time you go on stage give me the chairs
we do a show uh me and me and some of my uh my buddies we do a show called laphamania
uh around the wrestlemania season and we cut we we do a show that we do with wrestlers
uh so we'll get wrestlers to come out and do spots we do spots we'll have comics come out and cut promos on other
comics it's like a really good time uh because i find that a lot of comedians are
into wrestling yeah you know because they get it a lot of them get it like we wear our pain
in here yeah yeah they they wear it both both places you know outside and inside
the stories that they they put themselves in like cafe that whole cafe thing if you don't know what k fave is
mary jane kayfabe is a term that they used in wrestling it was an old kearney term that means this is your you don't
break character yeah if you were this person you are this person in life
you know what i mean if you're a bad guy you don't be seen with the good guys you you flip kids off you do that kind of
[ __ ] you know and mjf beautiful heel work by the way beautiful bad guy and
like that was the thing and like they do that like they're so yeah i'm enamored with what they do uh
some people are like oh man well it's fake and i'm like how do you fake falling 25 feet
it's no more fake than a movie yeah right well they're
is renowned for having something like i don't know eight back surgeries because even though his leg drop looked so so
like people said it's such a weak finishing move doing that 360 days a year landing on
his butt he says it just continued to shorten his spine yeah just by doing that one move like it's crazy what you
see these guys do and like uh they've done these mortality studies where they look at athletes that have competed in
various big events like uh and they'll compare them across like one was wrestlemania one
and then like the equivalent super bowl major league world series and all that and something like 65
or something like that of the wrestlers had passed and the closest to that was uh the nfl were 40. so they were 20
higher than the nfl at likelihood of being dead uh but just because the tool they put their bodies through just to entertain
people they're that passionate about their craft that people have literally thrown themselves off of 25 foot 30 foot
just are you entertained right yeah the wrong are you not entertained um but like to
be fair and you and i can i can stand and attest to this um if anyone out there thinks that a
comedian standing in front of a room of people that knows that they're to stand there for about 45 minutes and in the
first five minutes all they hear is crickets if they don't think that that feels like getting hit by a chair
multiple times then they have not understood that especially when they finish the set
yeah minutes what was the worst k what was the worst what was the worst
walk uh like set that you've ever seen like have you ever seen anybody walk off the stage mid-set oh yeah yeah yeah but
i mean he wasn't he was uh um he was an up-and-comer a guy that was on my
mentoring squad but yeah he went up there he was supposed to do seven minutes and three minutes in
um he he literally stopped mid-sentence and walked stage right and and left and i uh
he was just it it nothing was working um and yeah it was i felt i felt
horrible i felt horrible for him because to get to that moment where you're just like uh i'm outta here uh is was it was
real tough to watch yeah that i've seen something like that it was at the comedy works in montreal back in the day uh is
it like a open mic night and a couple of us were in the back of the room kind of hanging out and like there was like a newer guy
who was he he he came in and he sat in the front row
with his girl and then like four acts before he was due up he came to the back of the room
and started shadow boxing around the place and i'm like oh it's gonna be [ __ ] great
so he goes on the stage and starts telling a joke about how he had eczema on his on his private
parts and like i don't i'm not a fan of dick jokes i don't like that humor it doesn't really work for me you know what i mean
and i'm just like [ __ ] for real this guy's doing this [ __ ] the whole room got negative quiet
yeah he got off the stage he walked right out of the room and then the host came back on and then
he came back in the room and he started calling for his girlfriend come on we gotta go
i got brought up after and i'm like man i'm so sorry people didn't want to hear about your lizard dick bro
well it was so good i had such a good time after that we made fun of him we all laughed together
uh and then i i never saw that guy again but when you're at the back of the room
shadow boxing you're in the wrong place this is not a shadow box place you're not trying to
fight the crowd yeah that's almost a uh that's almost a misunders it's almost a misunderstanding
of the uh of how thin of a line we walk like you can in
what i love about comedy and it might be what what really drives those that have been actually stayed in it for any
length of time i love the fact that i can take the same material night after night on a tour and have and
literally you can experience um standing standing ovation and
crickets all depending on the crowd and to me that's amazing that you never know
i walk into a room going oh my goodness i can't wait to see what's going to go wrong tonight like that excites me
but that's why you have to try the same joke multiple times oh yeah you test it once and it doesn't work you're like
that doesn't prove nothing yeah no exactly i remember once talking about [ __ ] experiences
i was on the east coast of canada the east coast we were out there we were touring rad dads and we were out in
prince edward island doing a show uh and this is one of the shows on like the north end of pei we were working
with this promoter who was he was like oh yeah and i'm like this guy seems [ __ ] shady you know i don't i don't like i
don't like this so we show up at the bar like an hour before the show is supposed to start and there's nobody there
i was like oh no that's not good that's not good well there's some people
playing vlt machines in the back and like i'm like i started to get a little bit angry and we're getting like
half hour before the show there's like five people in the room now i'm like [ __ ] man this is a bummer this
is a [ __ ] bummer and i go outside i start having a cigarette and one of the guys from the vlt comes out and he's like oh you want
to see karate and then he starts spin kicking and he almost kicked he kicked like right here in front of my face and
i just looked at my buddy walter and i'm like did this piece of [ __ ] almost kick me in the [ __ ] face
and walter was like what happened yeah and walter looked at me and was like this yeah don't don't don't don't don't i was
like i was like this i looked at the guy i was like i have to go sit down i'll be right back
i threw my threw my cigarette out i walked into the bar i'm like i'll have a beer please i got a beer uh me and
walter sat in the bar it's like the five people we did the show for five people
i said to the promoter after the show i'm like you're the worst promoter i've ever worked with in my life
this guy was like his best friend that he had to work the door and i was like why is your door guy trying to kick my
face off you know i'm so angry before the show we did it and like the guy said he had
like 115 people on the books five people show up we're like what
that's bad average yeah it's not it's not great that's you know so i'm like okay wow note to self don't
work with that guy next time we had a lot of really great shows on that tour and we got to take our
families out and do like a atlantic canada little swing it's so much fun man i love it out there
well hopefully uh hopefully uh live performance will it will come back hopefully come back sooner rather than
later uh reese i want to thank you for uh for being on this today like sir in my head right now i'm looking at the
time clock and i'm like like my goodness we could talk wrestling weed comedy um for another we
could do a joe rogan three hour thing right now
so um so we're gonna have to figure a way to uh to do this again because i know i know there's probably so many great
stories to come out of this um briefly here at the end though i want i definitely want you to take a moment to
tell people where they can find you and talk just just a little bit of of the late night session how they can uh look
into that as well yeah find me on instagram uh at the address under me
right now under that address uh and yeah every wednesday i do the
late night sesh with my friends montreal comedians walter j ling chris vendito
vance michelle and this week a new segment's debuting our entertainment segment with uh writer as
featured on the interrobang marty young uh so we're debuting that new segment we do that every wednesday on youtube at 10
o'clock and kelly's green lounge kgl tv i think good job youtube
yeah and it's a great time it's like uh it's a late night show for people who love cannabis if you if you like weird
commercials and where's my favorite part yeah come true that's definitely a highlight any final
words mj um i just want to say because you were saying weird hairy dudes i'm like i can't remember the name who it is
his name's always different well it's very critical okay so he his video what did you say you look
like it's a dumbledore dumbledore the shadow is like yeah he looks
that's what we do though we say things that may or may not be true nft nft for life well you know what um
social media and media and all those newspapers whatever they've been doing it for years you said it they don't care
if they're right they just want to be first so we're just going to say it and if it's right well they used to care
they used to care yeah when there was more independent things that weren't all corporate oh yeah yeah they used to care
but now when one person can own nine different newspapers something is a rotten in denmark you know
i agree agreed it's a little bit [ __ ] so like you know it is unfortunately
what it is hopefully people can start becoming media literate and start seeing their you know what what what's
happening and they take that with whatever i just want to go back to [ __ ] normal
i'm exhausted i don't give a [ __ ] about anybody anymore look at it
well you know reese i have um a magazine here that said betty white celebrated her 100th birthday well she did
technically but well we know she didn't live right like she she didn't actually
celebrate her 100th birthday so my point is just because you read about it
seen it it was imprint in the mainstream in the whatever you're finding these things yeah just do a little research
same thing goes for what joe rogan says everybody okay i got to put that out there too
because i caught some heat earlier this week when i shared my opinion on old gi
joe rogan we'll get into a
we got to cut this before we talk for another hour although i would enjoy that so we will definitely set up another time for that
um reese thank you so much for joining us everybody follow reese reese turner there late night sesh on facebook at
kgltv and as well his instagram here um cheers
to you sir thank you so much stay well keep on laughing and we'll
talk to you soon