The Noobie And The Doobie
The Noobie And The Doobie
Jeremy Smith | Les Munchies | The Noobie and The Doobie Podcast | OTS #24
We're back! After a 10-month "sabbatical" we're FINALLY releasing the last 6 episodes of Season 2. They roll out (pun intended) weekly starting Fri Mar 23 and ending with back2back episodes on Thu Apr 20. #Happy420
Enjoy these amazing conversations. Thanks for your patience.
On this episode we spoke with JEREMY SMITH
*Original Upload Date: July 6, 2022
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Cannabis model Marijane Baker & non-consuming comedian Timmy Boyle have joined forces to explore the wonderful world of weed...from both sides. Be sure to subscribe, turn on notifications, like, comment & share! And please connect on social media & consider becoming a patron to help support this podcast experience. Thank you so much!
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THE DOOBIE: Model, advocate & artist Marijane Baker Instagram / All Links
THE NOOBIE: Comedian, speaker & coach Timmy Boyle Booking / Instagram / All links
He’s from the Church. She’s from the garden...of Weeden. They’re from different worlds with the same goal. To engage & explore the cannabis culture...from both sides.
Join medicinal user, model & advocate Marijane Baker and non-consumer, former youth pastor & current clean comedian Timmy Boyle for a unique, funny & educational look into the magical, controversial and, for some, forbidden world of weed.
Timmy & Mj (a real life “mixed” couple) bring their cannabis pillow talk into the public domain as well as inviting guests, from inside & outside the weed community, to help educate, entertain & inspire the other noobies & doobies who are tuning in.
[Music] this podcast is for adults only should
not be used as a meal replacement and may contain nuts
[Music] hey everybody and welcome back to another episode of the Newbie and the
Doobie my name is Timmy I am the Newbie Mary Jane I am the Doobie we're very
excited today to have with us on the spot Jeremy Smith from Le maches I love
the French acts anytime I get a chance to use the accent I try my best that I nail either of those properly oh you'd
be banging on very very perfectly love it I think the moment I was told that I
didn't have to take French so I took French in grade nine and when I found out from my my guidance counselor the
next the next year that it wasn't required I abandoned French like that I was out
and uh I kind of regret like the only phrase I know now is uh uh Jeremy uh
parlez-vous bonjour oh really do I talk good dog
that's that's kind of my the extent of my uh my French so MJ does a little bit
better than me well I've always I've always wondered my name in French would it be Marianne
because the J might be silent silent maybe yeah
it's beautiful so so Jeremy I mean I would not have
known you were French um Jeremy Smith sounds like the most English name out there uh but but you
have a John Smith like a drug yeah yeah one step above John Smith uh born where
French background first generation yeah I'm born here uh second generation my
grandma and grandpa uh were German and French during the war they were Schmidt so actually German and then they okay
religion came here just to blended with that H to the Smith right so nice so can you speak French right now
then uh I can but like I said there's been many many many years I understand it better than I speak it now I pretty
much lost my accent and uh but that's okay I still understand it comes in handy when I was managing bars that's
for sure because we got a lot of truck drivers come through Woodstock and yeah yeah it's always it's always better
though for myself who has no French background to throw out a French phrase and butcher it than it is for somebody
who is a generational uh has a generational French background and so I can understand why you wouldn't want to
try it now because that gets risky speak Italian right can you speak
Italian no no they call me a Mangia cake
it does but it's not a good it's not a term of endearment uh my wife is uh uh
Cambodian so I'm trying to learn Cambodian words at the same time okay because my French accent but I put it
into the certain syllables it sounds terrible and I've said some pretty inappropriate things to people that don't speak English and I didn't realize
it so it's it's fun it's fun though like I'm trying I'm trying to learn
awesome is a restaurant correct yeah I will be
opening up as a restaurant yes okay and is is Munchies French for something or is it literally just munchies munchies
y'all get the the high the munchies from being high but you're also eating so it's munchy so it's play on double you
know double word of Munchies so so tell us then uh when we're we're gonna jump kind of where what you're doing right
now briefly before we go a deep dive back that's where MJ really loves to go
um but just to see where people can see where this journey is taking us you're are you a restaurateur or a chef what
what exactly do you do what is Lei Munchies so right now I work in a hospital and I was managing bars for
security so I've I've worked in the the food industry for over 12 years about 30 14 years I've
worked as a sous chef I worked as line prep um you know I've always worked in kitchens and then I geared away
um I stopped smoking cannabis and I went back to college took police foundations um and then after health issues I
started coming back to monthly cannabis but so that's what I'm looking at opening up a restaurant because I want
to be able to help people like myself who have medical issues and it's going and so on
so that's why it's uh coming up as late munchies cool well I can tell already when we
take the Deep dive backwards now like somebody who smokes foundations and then got rid of it and then came back uh is
no no even more do you miss the whole police foundation oh I didn't miss it I heard it
foundations and then came back yeah that's even more like
thing more than I can the French though because like you look like you would that's that's the mindset it's the
mindset of a doobie versus a newbie she's like he said police he said he's gonna be a cop and then I'm just like
okay yeah what was this free legalization or I'm like I have so many this is pretty yeah okay
um everyone in my family not everyone most people in my family are police officers so they're OPP RCMP everything
like that um I weighed 120 pounds at 23. so I decided to join a gym
um I got up to 240 pounds in about 10 years eating eight thousand ten thousand
cows a day I worked out 16 hours a week and I just grinded hard to put on weight
um I then went to police foundations graduated um started doing Security Management product security trying to get like into
the groove but pretty much every time I applied for policing it was sorry we're looking for white males over 35 or we're
looking for you know different National qualities or so and so on even though that I kept placing top seven or or
something that I just wouldn't get it just because I don't fit what they're looking for so I end up looking at a St
Joseph's Hospital here in London Ontario uh just doing cleaning and biohazal
disposals and waxing and driving the Zamboni around and doing all the fun stuff right and then on the weekends I
would go and manage bars so it was some pretty fun times where I'd see people leave the barn going to work on the next
day and I'd see them in the hospital and I'd be like what happened to you you left the bark fine and they're like
broken arm while I ran down the train track and fell or something right so it was a there's a pretty interesting
career path but yeah uh now because of my health I'm not working and I decided
to do this instead fantastic well let's go back MJ put up put out your favorite question in the entire universe I'm
sorry I was having I was having a flashback because I used to also ride the um the the floor burnisher the carpet
extract that because I used to work at Durham College doing the same thing and
I just had a flashback because I used to clean the police foundations oh that's funny and I remember going down there I
just want to say they were the filthiest filthiest out of all of the college like
there's a reason why they nicknamed them pigs and now I know it's because they're messy they're messy everything is so we
have housekeepers that's what they're foreign
on my lunch and then I would go down police foundations with my little like
cart my cleaning cart and I'd go in as quickly as I could and so yeah so I was
having a flashback there um that was going way back so let's go back to your way back when was the very
first experience like okay you don't have to date yourself you don't say like how how old you were but um was it a
pleasant experience was it my first time ever yeah uh I would have been 15. we're talking
cannabis just so you know pardon me yeah yeah there's actually the double question answered right there 15.
the uh so 15 um actually a couple of my my buddies from uh Jamaica they introduced me to it
and uh it was some good stuff uh from there it just took off I smoked for
years um I ended up kind of getting kicked out of home when I was 17 for partying too much and being a typical rebellious one
um from there I just kept working and two three jobs a day every day plus starting after work just took a little
17 year old you know living on his own so it was pretty experience great experience but when you were introduced
to it did it come as a it's probably a shock like it was something that you did you
know much about it was it just kind of like you know you're standing there and this foreign thing is handed to you and you're just like all right I'll smoke
that I guess otherwise like or did you have some sort of idea anybody in your life used it like what was your what was
your understanding of it that first time not in my family because my family is mostly pleasing so for me it was always
all the gateway drug the the you know the bad thing it's gonna do just go be homeless you're not gonna go anywhere in
life and right other stuff like that right so I stayed away from it uh my mom remarried we came into London
um my life kind of got booked upside down and I just was rebellious 15 year old right so um but no it was great great first
experience comparing it to alcohol I liked it more uh you didn't get hung over I could function at school the next
day still do Sports uh and so on right so for me it was much better uh choice
and alcohol did your police family uh eventually
um accept the use even pre-legalization I mean I want to know what did they do when they found out my question is after
I had the ultimatum either quit smoking or you know move out of home or or
whatever honestly I kind of wish my parents could beat my butt and kept me in school and lived at home and save
some money but whatever it is what it is and uh like I know it was more of uh I had an intervention my family got
together did the whole yearbook out saying this person smoked cannabis and now they're a bomb this person you know
all that kind of stuff right so they did the whole intervention with me and um from there I was like you know what
I'm out left my home I moved out and uh continued using cannabis so why you can
ask well no now this is open now we're down down we're down to different this is called the Multiverse
door what um why didn't the intervention work why
didn't those personal stories of people who had tried it and failed in life why
didn't they work for me seeing the amount of people I knew growing up in London a lot of them
are bricklayers construction workers doctors they all smoke so they were only focusing on the people that weren't
going somewhere and not focusing on all the people that were super accessible uh had their own businesses and so on right
so I was like no no there's two sides to this coin and you just flipped on the wrong one so it's uh I kind of looked
into it myself and I was like nope there's more medical research on this there's more so young
kid still said no I was like not not doing the narrative thing so
what happens is especially with first-hand experiences like you can hear
about this demonized thing and then when you experience it firsthand and you're
like that wasn't anything like what they said it was gonna be and and it I feel okay
like you're saying I can function I can still you know play sports and whatever so
you know it's what's the saying the proof is in the pudding yeah and they're
put into you those are good
so they so okay so now the Multiverse swings back around and fast forward to
today uh at what point did did the policing family start to go wait a minute uh Jeremy isn't
um you know the couch potato uh he's got Drive he's got energy he's physically healthy
um when when did they start to accept that or maybe quite frankly maybe they still don't
uh most of them do accept it now uh because it's legalized one and now there's more you know knowledge to it
there's what people are talking about it more and that's why I'm also here I want to talk about it more um there's more education involved
there's more um normality to it I guess um even some of them that I know in my
family do use it um because of their conditions as well right so uh they had bad side effects
opioids just like I did um and now they use cannabis I was like oh the full circle I was like don't use
it you're going to be drop out you're going to be then it's obviously gonna have to so what do you think was the
biggest hindrance though to them as a policing family was it the fact that it
was illegal or was it because you know there wasn't enough proof in the pudding
per se or or or was it like kind of like when it was illegal and we're cops so we're against it yeah well even my my
brother before he was a cop he was fully against it he didn't like it um okay no so a lot of people just
didn't like it in my family like even my mom she said she tried it once it was such a bad experience and she's never
done anything right so kind of something like that but that's what we need to change too with that first people's
experience what to do not to do how much to take and so on so you don't wreck that first experience so they do come
back right yeah well it's nice if you also have a friend that is experienced like a
guide so to speak to to teach you about you know THC dosing and terpenes and
methods of consumption and all the things that we've touched on over over 38 Episodes of podcasts
no no it was uh it was great like it was uh it was nice to see a lot of them coming around I remember when uh my
house flooded last year so um we were living in hotels and then all this kind of stuff for 13 weeks and
living off families houses and stuff um I remember going over to my parents and I found a THC bath bomb and I was
like what is this I was like what happened to you know this is such a bad thing right and I was like people come
around not that they know more about it and it's not such a bad thing so yeah well I mean the stigma that that we've
lived with for all this time is literally if you smoke a joint and that is the only way you can have weed or
cannabis this is what they're told is is they're going to be in this mine altered state that could possibly make them kill
or Rob or hurt somebody and I mean that's not the reality of it at all and
talk about different forms of consumption your your parents have a topical something that's going to help
them with their muscles or even just their skin whatever whatever it is that
they're using it for um we definitely we need to educate people and teach them that there's more
than just what we've seen in you know TVs and movies for the last 50 years
they're not going to do crack the next day that's a big thing you know you're not going to touch crack the next day I
promise you let me try cannabis but unless unless that's on your bucket list you know cannabis today no crack
tomorrow unless that I mean we could go through the alphabet yeah what's B
um they also see so when did you start then
um okay so actually before we get to that you you stopped using it yes and
let's go there why did you stop you were having you you were believed in it enough to walk away from your home at a
young age um go out on your own to sit there and say look if it's if it's this or this I'm leaving but then you ended up giving
it up so what what was that what caused that to happen so it just I was at the point 23 years old I was like you know
what I'm tired of working 80 90 hours a week three jobs I was like I need a career or something I just get rid of
all these two three jobs and all this other stuff um I wanted a career my family lives in
pretty nice lives with their careers they have pensions they have I'm like I can't do that as policing and I really
really wanted to get into um I want to say
as a hard hard way to say it but I want to get more to investigating side of it I wanted to look into solving cases for
death and murder and you know that kind of stuff I was really intrigued by that so I was like you know what if I'm gonna
do this I need to go to police foundations be a police officer for 10 years to be a police officer you can't
smoke cannabis um so I was like okay I'm gonna go back to school by the time I go back to
school join the gym put on some weight because 120 pound officer is not scary
um we uh um went back to school I'll be big enough that enough experienced enough to
actually get into policing um okay so that's why I quit for about uh seven eight years I stopped smoking
um and I just I didn't really drink because after managing a bar really turned off by alcohol the amount of
times have been puked on pooped on spit on kicked you know you name it I've had it done I've been stabbed if I've had
gun pulls on like that's legal though hey
encouraged so but uh yeah I've had all that done I've had teeth knocked out all that kind of stuff
um and uh from there I was like you know what no alcohol I drink maybe once twice a year
that's it and I just don't care for it um and then after
um college and after doing the bar security um I joined or sorry I started
volunteering at um St Joe's hospital and then eventually I went in got a job started working
there uh full-time but I didn't want to give up on the security so I kept doing security bar Management on weekends on
top of that okay I was working those 60 70 hour work weeks
and so then you found out you you weren't going to be a cop and then you're like well if I'm not gonna be a cop I'm going to start smoking cannabis
again is that how well it's actually a lot more uh not as fun as that I wish it was that simple
um so for over over a decade I've been having health issues going to doctors going to Specialists and they're all
like you're fine you're fine you're fine go home go home go I finally spoke to uh someone at the gym and he's like you
know what I've read this book ask about this ask about this turned out I had testosterone deficiency and that's why
I'd eat so much food to kind of put on weight um I also had Crohn's and neosilophilic esophagus
um so the Crohn's I just wasn't getting any nutrition from my food and that's why I had to eat 10 000 gallons a day
um so I was put on medication for that one of them being prednisone um about a week later I started feeling
the hair fall out started having difficulty moving my arm um I went to the hospital they're like
you're fine you're fine just keep working um I went back uh the week later and I was like look I look like a team Rex my
arm was like up like this I couldn't move my arm and they're like oh you pulled it at the gym I'm like I've never
hurt myself at the gym in over a decade uh they gave me an arm sling and they're
like go on your way you're fine it's a pull tender uh the following week uh this is at the start of covid
um I went in I was like look I'm having difficulty breathing with the mask one it feels like someone's literally stabbing me it hurts the doctor said
look you're just like everyone else go away it's like we're not going to give you an exemption for a match
they're like just go I'm like this medicine bag I brought in and I was like it's literally filled with medicine and
I was like I started this three weeks ago and now I'm not feeling well and they said don't care leave so because I
work at a hospital I went up to occupational health and I said look something is wrong and she goes no
you're turning green I'm calling your boss so she called my boss um and she was like Hey can you speak up
to her because it was on speakerphone I was like I kind of stood up a bit and I was like hey and then I just went that's
not and I just passed out uh well I died technically I turned out I had blood clots in both my lungs both my uh my arm
my neck uh my forearm blood clots hit my heart um so I was luckily at a hospital
working speaking to a doctor um I remember waking up to you're okay
you're okay I'm a doctor I've called it called Blue I being a stubborn 240 pound
herniated discs in my neck um and my vertebrae and all that kind of stuff so
um from there I started speaking to neurologists endocrinologists kinesiologists
hematologist and they're like look you have inflammation in your brain you need to start smoking cannabis to get the
neurons fight they're like okay you need to smoke cannabis or just cannabis for your Crohn's to bring the inflammation
down you think so like I'm like okay all these Specialists are really getting in to cannabis cannabis cannabis get off
these medications so I started looking more into cannabis and what I can do I've had probably over 100 MRI CPU scans
ultrasounds um dude everything that I'm going through and it was side effect to medication so
the opioids I was doing 14 opioids a day because I was in so much pain I started
using Vision I couldn't speak properly they thought I had a stroke so on the side of my face kind of drinks a bit I
guess it's a weird thing but yeah troops have hit I have like uneven muscles now
and um just because I have no sensory so I have you could slap me all you want I don't feel anything on the side of my
body so it's uh I'll be a good video clip nothing video there we go that'll
be the end credit scene but uh yeah I know it was absolutely terrifying I was in yeah in the hospital and uh my
hematologist was like look you have a 33 chance of dying and not living to 60 because of your condition
um that's not even including all these other commit conditions so because of um you know silophilic esophagitis
um I can't swallow food or even drink water some days so I have to go for throat dilations uh where they just
expand your throat uh so you can actually swallow food every year so I have to go in every six to eight months
and get a throat dilation done that actually helped me uh swallow so that's the issue with the mass so my
throat is so tight it hurts to breathe it hurts to swallow food um and so on so I was like okay so I'm
getting all these side effects to medication and now I'm seeing a rheumatologist because they believe
those two autoimmune disorders mixed with the medication is uh caused uh
psoriasis synthetic arthritis so now I'm getting a lot of arthritic pain a lot of
like kind of like scoppy things growing on my my knees my toes my ankles all because this medication so I started
going okay well I'm gonna look into CBD CBG CBD so I started reaching out to people and and inquiring about it and it
turned out this plant does everything it helps pretty much every disease or Parkinson's or bunch of my grandpa had
Parkinson's my my grandparents died from cancer my I'm like I wish we had this
and knew about it and it wasn't such a bad stigma on it um when my grandparents were alive
and then my five-year-old son um which is actually stepson got diagnosed with
autism um and that went even more sour than my
experience with medication um but for me it was okay I'm going to
email Health Canada believe it or not one night uh at home with my wife hi I was mixing opioids with cannabis
with like morphine with Tylenol with just because I was in so much pain I sent an email down with Canada as a joke
going I wonder if I can open up a restaurant with food and I came back as this is a brilliant story brilliant idea
to run with it so I was like okay this is kind of interesting right um I started reaching out to mpps MPS
ministers uh the premier's office um AGCO
restaurants Canada tourism industry Association and just so on and so on
like I've just been reaching out to everyone and everyone's supporting it um the premier's office told me look if
you can get a minimum of 2 000 signatures on a handwritten petition
will take you serious life is a challenge accepted I was like no problem I will do this so I traveled throughout
Southern Ontario during covid when stores were closed it was hard it's hard to be managed up by the way I have
Crohn's you don't want to be on a field trip with someone who's growns it's not fun
came with us and my kids but um so I traveled over a hundred cannabis
retailers in Southern Ontario um I dropped off petitions I went to events
um the big one was uh uh Ribfest here in London I went to rip Fest I sit outside
there for five minutes I had a sign I had my shirt that you guys noticed um I did disinfected the pens turned
around I had to line up of like 10 people and I was like oh okay I was hoping to get like five signatures you
know when I was here I ended up getting almost 500 signatures in three hours um and I heard stories like there was no
well similar to mine I heard stories where it was you know what I hate this I'll never touch it cannabis is a
gateway but my grandpa has Parkinson's and it's helped improve his quality of life where can I sell and it was stuff
like that right so I was like okay okay I had people that said they had arthritis that they're against cannabis
but they would be up to try trying it eating it they don't want to smoke it they don't want to do those the
sorry again real quick sorry no worries they don't they don't want to do the
tingatures they don't know that's something they're like if we could eat our favorite Cheesecake or our favorite pie they're like we would actually do
that and I was like okay well that's a whole new market that I could kind of look into right so uh when I started reaching out to
them um to the ministers and all that kind of stuff everyone's like we love it
um a lot of them didn't know about cannabis they they're not educated about it um stuff like that they saw the benefit
to creating this industry because it's going to create jobs improve quality of life improve tourism improve education
system which I've even been in talk with Fanshawe College coordinators to create programs uh at Fanshawe College I have
Western University students and a Dean's approval to work with students to create things to
actually help this industry be what it is so I'm waiting on more meetings with the the Parliamentary assistant to
um education I'm waiting on the 22nd I believe it is I have a parliamentary
system to the premier we're going to be having a talk and the health Canada uh
cannabis director I've already spoke with her so there's a lot of moving Parts on yes it's going much bigger than
I thought I thought it was going to be something to do while I'm waiting for my MRIs while I'm you know at home recovering and I turn into a much bigger
bigger thing than I ever thought um it's it's a an experience I don't
want to do again or I wouldn't want to see anyone go through because it is not fun I've had a billion needles in me and
I've have you ever taken a fragment needle it feels like you're being stung by a bee um so I'll get rid of the blood clots
and um but yeah I know that's where my story was I wish it was as simple as uh I'm going back to cannabis kind of thing but
it was I almost died um I was told I will not live good chance I will not live past 60 by
multiple doctors and after being told for years I couldn't have a son I didn't
know I have a stepson and I now have my first child who just was born when this
happened so I was like no if I'm not going to live to 60 I want to leave them something and show them that you can get
your butt knocked down and get sprayed back up and it's going right so for me it was uh motivation
um but then sadly last month my five-year-old who was diagnosed with autism
um I pushed for cannabis because from my experience with medication they said no
let's try this let's try this my five-year-old son um three weeks later after me telling
him the doctors he was hallucinating he was seeing dots he was peeing the bed like he doesn't do that
um it turned out that they had overdosed them uh 33 percent higher rate than the
limit for a 12 year old my son went unconscious um on the 20th last month
um we end up sorry still fresh sorry uh the uh uh he
went uh unconscious I had to carry him out to the ambulance my wife wanted to note with them
um he was I believe unconscious for 18 hours or so um they said his heart rate had dropped
up to 40. um so he was almost dead they're like if you had let him sleep because that's what I thought happened he was at school
he was tired like a five-year-old I let him sleep and I was like you know what he's sleeping too long and I went to go wake him up and he was I just go back
um he was struggling to breathe he almost looked like like a gorilla kind of trying to struggle to breathing
asleep um so from there I went to the hospital and then I started uh seeing him wake up and I was
like okay you know what he's doing better um he struggled to walk for the first couple days
um all because of prescribed medication when there's clearly an alternative that has
scientific proof that it works why are we researching more stuff when there's stuff out there that works
um so stuff like you know your CBD helping with kids with autism they're not going to get high but we have to
again break that stigma that you're not going to give your child High giving them CBD or CBG or whatever the the
makeup it is so uh from there I was like you know what we can't give a child weed
but you know what my my son loves you know his his bananas his Apple why can't we create something with food to give to
a child give them his medicine through food and so that's where I'm coming along with my le Munchies restaurant I
know children will not be allowed in the restaurant that's yeah given it'll be operated just like a bond but I am
working on proposing um food delivery service to people's houses so people with mobility issues
um if you you know if you do have cancer Parkinson's or your your grandmas and old age home and you want to give her
um you know cannabis or something if she wants THC awesome Grandma can have a good time because me working at a
hospital we're affiliated with a retirement home so I've seen many of our grandparents having beers all day long
wine all day long hiding in their air vents because they're not allowed to have it with their medicine and I was
like you lived a good life enjoy it right enjoy your retirement um and a lot of them do smoke cannabis
believe it or not a lot of them are out there smoking cannabis and uh I was like well why can't we give them you know a
brownie or something that they used to love growing up um so I'm working on that right now that's why I have a meeting coming up
with the director for health Canada for cannabis and I want to be able to get
this approved I'm sorry uh phone call coming in the um
I want to get this approved so we can actually improve people's quality of life and I don't want to ever hear or
see another story of Someone's Child almost dying because of something like this
um myself I die whatever but a child no that's that's we need to change this we
need to start educating people um and actually bring in um
um ministers to actually support it so that's it
sorry go ahead no I'm saying we've heard uh through a lot of interviews uh Crohn's has come up multiple times that
that cannabis is being used for Crohn's um I've even heard the connections with uh what you're talking about with CBD
with autism um one one thing that you said earlier on and it doesn't seem as big of an
issue as some of the others even we talk about Cancers and stuff like that um but is uh is actually pretty rampant
is the low testosterone testosterone that you mentioned as well so I've heard
it kind of connect with these other ones but low testosterone is actually it's
actually a big it is a big problem and a major and a major health concern that doesn't get nearly talked about enough
um they just advertise the little blue pill yeah yeah so that's what it is where is cannabis with low testosterone
where does yeah I can't take testosterone I I struggled
with mental health for a while um I was very suicidal I did a lot of bad things attempt stuff like that
um before I found out that's what it was I was like I'd watch Family Guy and I'd start crying watching Family Guy I'm like this is not right I'm gonna you
know the big bouncer guy on whatever and I'm crying watching Family Guy for a stupid reason like something's wrong
um and then it turned out that's what it was I don't I was producing enough uh testosterone your own to be a 60 year
old woman they said they said I it was on a scale of 30 I was at 2 for
testosterone levels so now I have to do injections every week to bring my testosterone levels up
um I was thinking in my head great I'm gonna get even bigger now it doesn't work that way when you're not producing testosterone it just levels you out to
being normal right so right so it's a lot uh mental struggles uh mental health
issues that I support um because I smoke cannabis well I started smoking cannabis cannabis again
when this all started happening right so when I started having all my health issues I was like no you know I've been
without cannabis for almost eight years I'm going back into cannabis and I was
back to being you know you felt like me again I felt like an actual person not
just a burden on the society right so um I had a couple scares with uh like
jumping and driving and alcohol and stuff like that and training tracks and it's Jerry and as a man our ego gets
ahead of us and we are too scared to ask for help we're too scared for you know kind of stuff like that which people
need to know it's it's okay it's okay to ask for help it's okay to say something's wrong what is it and for me
it was just testosterone get that testosterone and needling in I felt great I don't take it for three weeks I
start feeling that slip again start getting emotional again um so you do notice with mental health I
haven't researched enough on that with cannabis yet I've heard it does help I've heard it helps with hair growth now
I was reading last week it helps with hair growth and I was like weird that kind of plays with testosterone right so
it's uh it's interesting but there's so much this this plan can do we need to
have more research more support more government stepping in um my biggest issue was when I reached out
to like arthritis society and Cancer Society and all these like organizations it was we would love to support it we
know it works we have patients that use it but we'll get our funding cut like a big Pharma if we start getting into this
right so I was like there's something you have to do so that's why I started this petition I have a federal petition
I'm working on right now I have a meeting coming up with a MP to see if he wants to be the supporting MP for it for
the federal changes for the health regular uh regulation so I still struggle with some words too uh
regulatory system um so yeah there's a lot that I'm doing and not just a small pie of that rabbit
holder you're talking about but I'm even uh trying to get indigenous support so I'm out there supporting I actually got
one Ida cannabis shirt on right now but uh um I went out there and started speaking
to indigenous people because when I spoke to the house at Commons they said there's only one other person out there
petitioning for what you are and it's indigenous people so out of respect I draw well pair I spoke to them I spoke
to business owners I spoke to Chiefs I spoke to uh NDP leader who's also a
chief in Ontario uh they're like no one's ever cared about us to come and say what do you want do you mind if I do
this and I was like well it's to me it's a respect thing so I was like do you mind if I do this and if I do it while
I'm speaking do you want me to fight for anything and they said the same thing everyone I talked to it was we want water roads rehabilitation centers
um you know housing and I was like okay I'll start fighting for that um so when I saw started doing that
ministers didn't want to talk too much because I'm not indigenous they don't want to listen to me so I was like okay
well what if I create a business with an indigenous person and would not work so I'm working on that now I want to create
a indigenous First Nation business for hemp products I want to get out to someone like me I I you know protein
cups water bottles let's start making them out of hemp again or clothing let's make it out of temp again there's so
many things that hemp can do that would bring enough funding into the indigenous First Nations uh communities that they
could afford to do that stuff so I've already had a meeting with an indigenous
Member of Parliament uh they said if I do make this happen they're going to try
to get us funding to even support it so there is something out there that can be done it's just baby steps are in the
work and I juggling a lot in this little tiny rabbit hole
it's so crazy that uh you know like you know you get you get one you get one
personal health scare and that leads to you know what seems to
be on the surface you know here's Jeremy Smith he's opening up lay Munchies right
and now and then you explain the whole story it's like wow that that personal health scare and seeing how cannabis
helps with that is now I mean it's not just a restaurant it's a whole opening
up um and educating on the overall Wellness of cannabis which has led you into
meeting in front of the House of Commons and and like like talking to MPS about
bigger changes like it's just it's it's crazy how one person's personal health
scare can lead to such well the scope of things I feel like yeah that would I'm
I'm sorry I'm like sitting here silent my tears have finally dropped sorry
and I I understand that the research I'm going
to try to do this without crying I understand that the research is not where it should be and where we need to
protect the growth and development of our young children and their brains
um but just like when legalization like pre-legalization when they made the
medical system the list of ailments for allowable medical cannabis licenses was
very small cancer glaucoma that was it yeah we know today that
cannabis helps way more yeah than just those two things so all I'm asking is as
I'm sitting here wearing my cannabis is safer than Pharmacy yeah that's perfect yeah is that when you have a child that
might need a little bit extra with it like Pharmaceuticals can we not please
just explore the option of cannabis like Jeremy's saying in the form of
non-psychoactive CBD CBN CBG and have
an alternative and you know what just like they they put your you or your children on this medication and say here
try this why can't we be allowed as parents to make that decision for our children
that's where I'm like I feel like Jeremy's is personal experience and then now your son's
personal experience has now led you to you know what yes the restaurant is the first step but I can see you taking this
further like you're saying to to expand to maybe not just home but have a family
restaurant where it is up to the parent if they want to have that child's dinner infused or non-infused with with infused
gravy or non-infused gravy like I think if you can give a 16 year old a
drink at a restaurant their parent there like if I can take my son to a bar and he can have a beer
that's my choice but he can't have a salad with a little bit of uh THC or CBD
in his vinaigrette like I know they definitely won't allow it they won't even they're like they've said over here
yeah years but it's a baby step forward I even said so when this first started I
was like can I do this no okay can I do this no okay so we kind of compromised onto where I'm at today
um it's very complicated because I'm trying to mix in with ministers and Attorney
General's office with so everyone's opinions I'm trying to go okay this is the stuff my biggest thing is if we do
this incorrectly it's not going to happen for another 10 years like it's yeah properly we have to do it safely
um especially someone who already managed a bar I've had to give CPR to people I've had to you know put people in ambulances I've cut people or sorry
not myself but I've seen people cut off from alcohol and then their boyfriends or girlfriends would go up and sneak
them more alcohol and then they had alcohol poisoning and uh you know I've had to crawl underneath stalls and pull
people's heads on the toilets because they passed out puking and it's just it's it's insane like most people don't
know what's out there because they're so having a good time they don't realize what happens I I'm literally taking or
I've took women out of men's hands trying to get them in caps because they come at 10 minutes to close and they
wait to see which one's the drunkest woman they go oh get in the cab with me and I run out and grab them from cats
um it is disgusting what happens but I want to make sure with this system and I want to stay with most common question I
get is how is he going to get home how are they going to drive same thing as you do in a bar take an Uber take a job
take a you know bus walk whatever you gotta do you don't I'd be an adult
um but it's there's a lot a lot of puzzles to this piece and I'm trying to do it properly I'm actually looking at
uh collaborating uh with someone who's I don't know if I should say the name or not but they're out in Alberta area
um so we're having a meeting next week and we're going to see we collaborate together because right now I have the
Attorney General waiting an MPP waiting in two ministers waiting for documents
to be sent and I don't want to mess them up so I'm looking at getting funding I have a couple meetings this week for
funding um uh from pretty big companies funding this um to pay this company to do all the
proper paperwork to actually submit everything uh because for myself I haven't worked in two years I've pretty
much just been doing this my wife had to get a job uh plus her she's been busting her butt trying to help us out I went
from making really good money to not making any money and the worst part was that I was denied disability so I was
like how am I denying disability when I have seven conditions that are the the well just the ability
and uh I've sent them over 3 000 documents to proved from Specialists
doctors doctors notes they literally told me that insurance company said doctors are only people with opinions we
don't have to listen to them I was like part of me I'm like did you not I said Google Jeremy Smith cannabis I'm all
over like Global News London Free Press legally magazine ounce magazine I was like it's not a fake story I literally
almost died and uh I haven't gone to the paper about my son because he is a kid so I don't want to yeah
um but uh yeah after seeing him with Like Oxygen tubes in his nose and all that kind of
stuff I'm like no this it needs to change so I I have to collaborate with people to make it happen faster and
right now it was perfect because it's been three years and they're starting to look at everything right now so it's a
perfect time for me to propose this because if while I'm proposing it I'm also proposing uh music industry so we
can have Rib Fest I've already spoke to the owner of rip dust amazing guy love him and his wife like absolutely amazing
we want to do cannabis infused Rib Fest so we can actually get out here and have music festivals I've already been
speaking with DJs that have DJ'd for uh Snoop Dogg and you know um uh people for like marshmallow I
spoke to their people and I'm like if we do this will you be on board like let's get people going right let's make this huge
um so not only is it going to open up a restaurant let's go to open up the lounges the
um the the music events the festivals so it's just going to create more jobs more work it's going to bring more tourism in
so if you come to London you're going to come to London for an event you're not just going to go to event lead you're going to eat food you're going to pay
for parking you're gonna maybe get a hotel so like it's a it's a big picture that I have to paint because when I've
been when I propose to ministers and they're like everyone else just comes on board and they're like we just want to
have weed for food man I don't like like that's literally how they act propose it
uh I was like no you need to paint the whole picture the Mona Lisa wasn't painted with a with a you know pencil
crayon but it takes a lot of colors a lot of a lot of moving parts to make this work um so that's where I'm at now I'm in the
middle of finding people to uh fund this um I've asked for zero dollars this
whole time um for me it's more of a I just wanted to see my restaurant open I want to be able to see you know kids
laughing and and uh you know families happy with this I want to see grandparents out there laughing and I've
had people come up to me you know at the gym and in the park at the grocery store and be like you're the guy you're the
guy I saw you in you know the paper and my wife's like oh here we go again I just want to get out there and go home
right and uh it's pretty cool but at the same time I'm like it's getting out there and the amount of people that have
came up to me and I've talked to you for you know 45 minutes an hour just randomly because they're like my story
is this I had this I'm like this is what I want I want people talking I want people actually getting out there and
you know supporting this making a difference so so you described it as like everything that's happening you're
painting this Mona Lisa um who uh famously is uh yeah lots of
color lots lots of greatness went into it but missing eyebrows um what is what is she doesn't have my
rose oh yeah Google um what is what do you feel is the the
missing piece right now what is what is a piece that needs to fall to really start getting this to take get momentum what
is that what is the eyebrows that aren't quite there yet the eyebrows I need are literally the paperwork so that's all
I'm waiting for so that that's it so I like I said I've had ministers MVPs attorney general all waiting for this so
I literally just need documentations which the person I'm having a meeting with um that's from Alberta already has most
of this uh legislative sites and stuff like that um I stayed out of the newspaper for a
while because I had people saying that they were working with me that they spoke with me and I was like no no no no no I was like I've never spoke to you in
my life I don't know you you're gonna wreck this I'm like you're literally gonna wreck this like just zip it and just wait and uh um I've had other
people um uh I won't say from Alberta Reach Out BC uh the us actually someone in the U.S
um cannabis Solutions um Daryl Frey I believe his last name is
um sorry if I messed up your name uh but he sent me stuff after uh seeing me in the paper he sent me CBD oils he sent me
uh CBG stuff and he's like give this to your son give it to your son um and for myself as well uh love it he
gave me oils he gave me temperatures he gave me water soluble products um and stuff like that I'm like it's
just to me from going from a bar industry to cannabis it's more of a family it's more of a you know you're
out you're supporting yourself as cannabis people uh bar industry is like
no don't go to that bar they stock their you know they're cheap or whatever it was always you're putting each other down um I like cannabis way better everyone's
happy everyone's supporting um like I say I got to meet Montel Williams which you know blew my mind
that I got to meet him but he was such a nice guy I talked to uh his crew was amazing as well
um but yeah it was uh completely different lifestyle because I had literally just applied for
um Corrections and I applied for border patrol about a month before all this happened so I went from someone
literally going into policing aspects security all that kind of stuff to
cannabis so I have a lot of people in my family that go okay we see and now we see the benefit of it
um and I love it I love seeing the people that we never have touched it are now contemplating it uh even my
mother-in-law I gave her CBD cream for her arthritis and stuff I went over yesterday and she's putting on like yes
there we go like use it right like that's what I'd love to see is people you know and normally do it do it
um so it's it's we're moving forward it just it takes more of this so for sure well I'm pretty sure if you
tell people you've talked to the Newbie and the Doobie you'll pretty much be green lit on anything yeah oh I can
apply I was following a podcast uh last week and I messaged them in the chat of
the podcast and uh they're like oh my God you're from Canada you need to contact me in the Doobie they're like
they're amazing up in Canada actually I'm on their their show next week
yeah so there's nobody I'm watching the states too so it's it's amazing I love it
phenomenon I wonder if that would end up wake and bake America they can make
America hey that'd be a good one but yeah no I wish I uh I was actually supposed to be a spokesperson for lifco
like I was going to go out there be a speaker that's what it's business a speaker um and then I talked to my lawyer and
he's like you've signed so many ndas he's like do not do it he's like you're gonna say something wrong
just so I had to messenger and I'd be like sorry I have to back out like my lawyer said no it sucked because when I
went to lift codes I'm talking about like oh this will be a great Next Step this will be like in the in the crowd just like can I can I just walk up there
can I please I couldn't do it right so yeah but uh yeah I know it is happening
we are moving forward um if you don't like it for recreational and then medicinals not
offer or option sorry and you can not take the THC and just you know use it
for medicine and if you want to be you know have a good Friday night then yeah come eat a burger a poutine you know a a
regular meal like your chicken wings and so on um and just have a good Friday night go
to the movies out there or whatever imagine imagine how how crazy that is to
trust the Judgment of adults to make responsible choices
what what is how is that even possible yeah I I just want to thank you Jeremy
because you know I live in a world where there are cannabis consumption lounges through like you know you can purchase
at a bar um a cannabis beverage instead of an alcoholic beverage I would like to live
in a world where I can go to um Home Depot and go into the garden center and get a cannabis cutting or
clone um I want to go to bathroom Body Works and buy a lotion that has CBD or THC in
it so restaurants are just like this is to me is it just makes sense to be able
to go like you're saying Rib Fest how awesome would it be even just normal Rib Fest but it has like a green truck
covered in like big pot leaves and you know that you go over there you're getting some infused food like I could
see the crowd around the truck I don't think too much about it but like
the owner does support cannabis so when I was outside I called the police first and I was like I'm gonna go there with
the sign I'm going out there with a shirt can I do it the police are like go ahead I'm like yes I went outside stood outside the gates and like I want to say
within five minutes some security came up to me and they're like the owner wants to talk to you I'm like I've already called the police like you're
not gonna kick me off everybody he goes no I want you in here he's like I use cannabis for my condition he goes get
your butt in there he walked me around and he was like um this is Jeremy like whatever you want
let him in let him but don't care and it was amazing like like I said people coming up to me in wheelchairs being
like I would do I would actually enjoy cannabis this way um and even someone with Parkinson's
came up and was signing my my form and she's like I'm sorry I'm like don't be sorry I'm like this is why I'm doing it like I want to you know help you guys
um so for me that experience was when I was like okay this is a wake-up call this is bigger than just London Ontario
it's time to go provincial and make it make changes make it make it happen it's
huge you got you got all your signature signatures I'm guessing oh if you give me two seconds I could run and grab them
I have a stackable this big I figured I was gonna say because you know if you need more we'll just put out another
call to action and we'll just get you more well the federal one is gonna be a lot easier so provincially we have to do
handwritten signatures they don't allow e-petitions for potential okay so I actually had to go out and go hi I'm
Jeremy that's my story whatever and get the signatures and and so on and obviously I had over 100 cannabis
retailers helping as well um that was amazing to see the sport the support from Kansas retailers I had a
couple changed their mind after they saw me in the paper going oh your competition now pulled my hold my right
I had a couple uh go oh we didn't think it was serious until we saw you on you
know global news or something like that and then they're like okay now we wish can we have more I'm like oh okay here's
more um even time there goes signing a petition
um to show your support yeah um because you think it's not gonna work
it's just so funny it's like it's another example of that virtue signaling it's just like I'm gonna sign this
because it looks good and it's like oh wait oh oh you're serious oh never mind I'll take it back that's so
funny all right I even had uh one one of the uh MVPs I spoke to uh before I even
got my petition started I reached out to lawyers and MVPs and and um I was a Commons and I was like what
do I do like where do I start how do I do it um the very first MPP I spoke to wanted me to monopolize it they're like why are
you gonna do all this work if someone else can just open you know an Italian one or a you know Italian bakery or
something like that I'm like I don't want to monopolize it I'm like look at Harvey's Wendy's McDonald's there's
healthy competition nothing wrong with it so I got rid of that mvp and now I have over uh what 13 mpps right now
willing to take my petitions and that was the commons and collectively stand up for this um I have uh the premier's office ready
to take my my petition and actually look at it but I actually posted a picture on my Instagram it's like a stack like a
big stack of thousands and thousands of signatures I have uh well you're going I mean you're doing the like a lot so many
people in our world at various levels they they go
um I don't you know there's too much red tape or um there's too many hurdles yeah and so
what they do is they just try to circumvent them and like you're saying like you know you could have there'd be
a lot of people who would have just marched in with your sign in your shirt um with but you've called the cops first
you did the due diligence and there's so many people who just want to like kind of just circumvent it and go in and do
it because it's like these these red tape stuff but when you do it like you're doing it say it's not it's not
trying to you know find a way to get around the rules it's like these are the rules so if I go through the rules like
you're saying if you pull this off and you you go and get all the documents that they need and this goes through
you you know you get in the door as opposed to going Underneath It All opening it up and then it gets shut down
and then it's this big storm of like oh like painting a picture I can literally
see that's what you know the lasers in the movies has a laser oh yeah and I can
see red tape and I'm the kind of person that I'll be like no how do I get around here
what is this tape here for what does this mean how do we get it yeah what are we doing
here let's eliminate this well I know it comes in a big factor from like going to completions and policing and learning
learning about you know how the system works and all that stuff um and then when everyone in my family's
you know into policing uh and I was just a bar manager and bar security manager I got teased all the time so I was like if
I'm doing this I have to do it right or I'm never going to hear the end of it so I was like did I go do this properly
it's like when you see those movies where like you know the guy you know the guy runs and he like he scales a wall
and he's jumping over everything and through everything and then his buddy opens the door and walks in and you know
that's my boy you did your job the door here like a door right here and it's
like the same thing you know you think of the laser picture of somebody who's like have you ever seen like uh one of the oceans movie with uh forget the it
was um right and he's like he's training to
dance around these lasers meanwhile you know the oceans team just goes I know
why don't we figure out a way to get it before having to go through the letter here it's not like why go let's let's
just do it let's find out how to just avoid the lasers and you find out yavoia the lasers in your way as opposed to
trying to get around the red tape and try to like figure out how to avoid it all just go in and figure out how to
either get the lasers shut off or um you know find another way to do it but you don't have to do all the dancing
that happens just go through and some people would call what you're doing dancing I guess it's all perspective right but the final product is going to
be I mean you know freedom for us you're gonna get it done right yeah and that's
the thing like I've spoke to uh AGCO and they're like well what are you gonna do with this how are you gonna do that like how are we going to make it work then
we're not going to over certain people under certain people so I've been working with Western universities students and we developed a machine that
actually micro doses properly so if you go in there and say I want 0.5 milligrams of this you know five
milligrams of CBDs cbgs THC that goes into the machine puts into the sauces then we can cook with the sauce other
than now right now they're just using those little turkey basers you know you know maybe it's you know 0.51 if you're
you know 1.2 or you know not exact measurements yeah this way it eliminates
the Human air so we I developed that and they're like wow you literally have looked at every angle I'm like you have
to you have to look at how we can do this and make sure uh it's done properly otherwise it's it's just not going to
work and I've seen I've had so many lawsuits not against me thank God uh working in a bar industry that people
will try to sue for the dumbest little things right and we have to make sure we cover our butts there or no insurance
company will even insure us so it's like okay we have to have all these things in place to actually
um cover more than just our butts and make sure people have a good time I would love to see them
I feel like that's like a whole I like science like I like all that little
well and we've talked a lot about like I I don't consume cannabis right now but but I am open to you know the infusing
process and putting you know CBD in my in the breakfast meal that I have now or in some other way and one of the things
that we've often talked about is the sometime in exact science like you're
saying you know you bake a cake but you don't necessarily know if every piece of that cake is equally dosed yeah right
just because this is you know more butter in one side so what you're talking about is
especially for someone like myself who has although come into this space and as
I'm learning have moved into a side of advocacy and seeing the benefits of it and coming to a place where I see that
there's very real possibility that it could benefit me but I'm also very skeptical and I don't want the high and
so it's like I want to make sure if we find out a a dose amount that works for
me yeah I want it comfortable that that is a I don't want to be surprised you
know you know and one thing so I just think what what what you're working on right now is it's what's cool to me is
that it starts off from this I'm doing this restaurant but when you step back and look at the bigger picture
um it's uh it's it's so vast in terms of the impact this has on the entire
um industry and the perception of of cannabis and and the scope of what the plant can can do in our world so it's
pretty cool uh thank you for sharing your story today where where can people find you what's the best way to connect
with you um I would say Instagram right now and uh LinkedIn so Instagram at uh Munchies
merch 519 or just Google Jeremy Smith cannabis I you'll find me on LinkedIn news articles uh I'll be on LinkedIn
message me I I pretty much answer everyone so um don't don't hesitate to reach out
that's awesome that you can get to a place where it's just just Jeremy Smith cannabis just seriously put those three
words in you and you'll find me um for everybody watching and listening uh Jeremy's information will be uh
linked Below in our description boxes both audio and video um if you want to reach out and connect
and and maybe even uh to support the process as opposed to just waiting for the final product to
come out uh Jeremy thanks again for joining us today for sharing your story um MJ any final words nope not today not
today always Jeremy any fine words um I say let's support some changes and let's get our munches on that's awesome
I love it all right thanks so much again for joining us everybody uh connect with Jeremy Smith online uh however you can
thanks so much have a great day [Music]
thank you [Music]