The Noobie And The Doobie

Rodger "BECK" | The Noobie and The Doobie Podcast | OTS #25

• Timmy Boyle & Marijane Baker | Rodger Beck • Season 2 • Episode 62

We're back!  After a 10-month "sabbatical" we're FINALLY releasing the last 6 episodes of Season 2.  They roll out (pun intended) weekly starting Fri Mar 23 and ending with back2back episodes on Thu Apr 20.  #Happy420

Enjoy these amazing conversations.  Thanks for your patience.

On this episode we spoke with Rodger Beck.  AKA...BECK!
*Original Upload Date: July 13, 2022

Also at A Little Bit Of Beck


Cannabis model Marijane Baker & non-consuming comedian Timmy Boyle have joined forces to explore the wonderful world of weed...from both sides.  Be sure to subscribe, turn on notifications, like, comment & share!  And please connect on social media & consider becoming a patron to help support this podcast experience.  Thank you so much!

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Model, advocate & artist Marijane Baker  InstagramAll Links

THE NOOBIE: Comedian, speaker & coach Timmy Boyle  BookingInstagram  / All links


He’s from the Church.  She’s from the garden...of Weeden.  They’re from different worlds with the same goal.  To engage & explore the cannabis culture...from both sides.  

Join medicinal user, model & advocate Marijane Baker and non-consumer, former youth pastor & current clean comedian Timmy Boyle for a unique, funny & educational look into the magical, controversial and, for some, forbidden world of weed.  

Timmy & Mj (a real life “mixed” couple) bring their cannabis pillow talk into the public domain as well as inviting guests, from inside & outside the weed community, to help educate, entertain & inspire the other noobies & doobies who are tuning in.


[Music] this podcast is for adults only should


not be used as a meal replacement and may contain nuts


[Music] hey everybody and welcome back to another episode of the Newbie and the


Doobie my name is Timmy I am the Newbie Mary Jane I am the Doobie we're very


excited to have with us today on the spot Roger Becker is what I'm going to call you is just Beck for the rest of


this hour Roger how are you doing today I just blew it just blew it how easy is it Roger


are you show me just back no we were rolling with that I know no I know no there's no editing I I blew it but I I'm


like I'm just going to call you back for the rest of this thing Roger that's what I said yeah you said Roger and I thought


Roger Rabbit oh yeah pointing in the wrong like my my cameras


right it actually is yeah I do that all the time because I'm always I glance


down I'm like Oh my hair and then I Oh wrong side yeah


well back we want to thank you for joining us and that is the term I'm going to go with this because I I like I


like The Branding aspect that's why I want people to be calling me Timmy um that's why Mary Jane changed her name to


Mary Jane because branding is so important wow nobody's gonna really listen to a Janice about cannabis maybe


Joplin Maybe I know people know me through through just my artwork like if


they know me personally they'll go hey Roger what's up but if they know me just through my artwork they'll be like oh hey back and that's cool too like then I


I kind of know oh you know my work how's it going that's how I Define people anyone who knew me before I went into


comedy which is now what uh 15 years ago they will call me Tim so if somebody


calls me Tim I'm like yep you're you're a long time associate you know as soon as you go Timmy that's been comedy


career forward except for the people I don't know if this happens to you um because back sound it's kind of


there's a generation of people that don't like the nicknames or the like they won't call me Timmy I'll be like


hey I'm Timmy and Timmy is on every email I sent them and then I get to the venue and they say hi Tim my dad's one


of them he refuses to call him she won't go they won't call me Timmy they'll call me Tim until they're blue in the face even though everything I have it says


Timmy on it will you get that too will anybody be like I refuse to call you back that's a nickname I don't like that


no oh no I've had just people just call me Roger or back Roger James sometimes because that's my middle name okay so I


got that when my mom was like when I was younger and I was a kid I would get into trouble my mom would be like Roger James


get over here so that's just sort of like you're in trouble name James so


that's my more like playful when I'm drawing cartoons and stuff and sticking up the street art that's my like goofy


playful and then Beck is like a sharp stamp brand yeah yeah yeah I know is that the that's the logo behind the yeah


I like that logo oh yeah so this my my mannequin has my hat with the logo on it


that's like the stamp I'm like oh I like that yeah yeah it comes off and you can stick it in different spots and then


this has a print of like all my cartoon characters on it yeah oh that's cool this was made by Uh custom crowns as a


company in London that I collaborated with nice um and I've done that over the years a


bunch of different collaborations with companies it's kind of cool for them to just pop up and say hey do you want to do a cartoon thing and yeah for sure


let's do it um now I'm very interested in in the cartoon aspect the looking behind there


and seeing uh uh is that supposed is that that's not bugs or is it bugs it is


bugs but I I I'm looking them up yeah yeah bugs but I put um it's Roger Rabbit


and Bugs Bunny so it's Bugs Bunny dressed as Roger Rabbit yeah because it's very it's it's very like very uh


psychedelic-ish right now I'm going I'm going it looks like bugs but it looks like Roger I don't understand what's Happening Here


on Halloween I did that as a cartoon I just drew it and then I thought you know what I want to do that as a big painting


and I did it on this big forefoot panel and then it's just been sitting in my office for a couple years I uh I wanted


to be an animator growing up I went to uh I went to school for film and television but I always wanted to go to Sheridan


College I'd heard that that was where uh a lot of the good animators were coming out of and so I'm literally gonna do it


right now for you I'm just gonna quickly draw this is the very first cartoon character that I was really really happy


with and I can do it quickly so I can it's kind of like my little party trick I'm sitting at a restaurant where they


got the paper on the table oh yeah yeah that's fun so it's just this little but it's it's kind of like this guy so I


don't know if you can see so there he is yeah that's cute so I did that some kind


like in grade I think it was grade 10 art class or something and it stuck with me so it became my my signature kind of


thing I draw it on anything it's something that I was able to just do quick I really that that little character goes everywhere for dinner


with us yes is on is on every restaurant every restaurant the whole napkin you name it do you have a signature


character or just a logo um that's actually funny because I don't have a signature character I'm kind of


envious that have some friends in the sticker in the street art community that have a signature character that they


stamp up everywhere um played with a few different characters but nothing that's really solid like this is my my go-to thing


right so um have you drawn yourself like do you have your own no that's another


one I'm actually looking at I did a poster called drawn together so over the past few years I've done for people in


the community like cartoons of them um and I did a poster of them all together


and someone said hey where are you I'm like oh I'm not I I actually haven't I did sneak myself into the karma cup


poster um I think in 2019 okay all right otherwise no I haven't


done myself what uh where did this journey start we're gonna we're gonna probably gonna


find our paths like crossing paths in regards to your cannabis journey and your art Journey


um both of them are I think are equally interesting and then where they intersect of course but uh let's go art


um do you remember the first uh cartoon character you drew um I don't know about the first but I


know that somewhere in this tiny messy office I have a Sketchbook from when I


was 10 and it was in 1993 and the Blue Jays were um in the World Series you're already my


best friend here this is amazing so I was over at a friend's uh family friend's house and we were watching the


World Series and I had these um Warner Brothers like Looney Tunes characters and I drew them all in the Blue Jays


outfits like playing baseball yeah so so I vividly remember that from when I was


10 and I still have that book somewhere that's awesome and it's funny that I came back around to that as an adult


because now I still like doing parody stuff like I'll take a famous or popular character and mix it with something else


thing it's stuck with me for so long and it


kind of came back around that's cool I actually uh I gotta show I


gotta show off some of my favorites um I'm a huge fan of dicks I like I like your dicks well you have


some I have two bags two bags I have the I have the a bag of dicks and I have


another bag of dicks I think there might be enough now for a third bag of dicks


oh I will take one of those too in my nightstand beside the bed because that's


where bag of dicks go I don't know it's that sounds very painful to slam a drawer


shot on them they're really cool like this one here is Mario


so let's just for for those of you who are just listening for those who are listening you're missing out this is why you need to


watch it on YouTube if you look on the back there's like dick farmer and Dapper dick and look Jules dick what movie is


he from I wanna I wanna I wanna rewind for a second Timmy you might appreciate this the reason that I started the dick


collection um I was listening to David tell skanks for the memories and


um he had a joke where he talks about uh I don't want I don't want to butcher it but he says you know how when you


wake up in the morning uh your dick is wide awake because that heart your Pricks a farmer like it wants to get up and go in the morning and the visual of


that I was like oh dick farmer that's funny so I drew a dick farmer and then that was the beginning I got a drum old


dicks like it was yeah and people are like oh you're like the guys in Superbad you just draw a lot of dicks I'm like I


know you're like I don't just draw a dicks okay did you ever did you ever see


the uh the Netflix uh mockumentary of yes the the guy who wrote drove dicks on


cars yeah yeah yeah those other things that people were trying to figure that was that was so well done such a a


completely infantile kind of thing that was made into this great mystery it was


amazing did you ever did when you were growing up even though you don't remember you know the kind of the very


first moment but did you ever think one day yeah I will uh I'll draw dicks and sell them


what's funny I didn't but thinking back again maybe it all came full circle because when I was eight years old I


have a vivid memory I found a book in my parents closet The Joy of Sex and I think


oh this is interesting um and then I started drawing some of


the vulgar things that I found in book like crude little eight-year-old versions of sexual acts and my friend


had thought and they flipped out and I was so ashamed of myself and I said I'm never gonna draw anything ever again


draw more but now I'm also drawing more decks nice wow so now did did your


parents still they obviously they were against you drawing um sexual imagery at such a young child


as a young child when you when cannabis came into your world were you also Young uh no actually I was


older I was it was past my teen so I didn't dabble with it in high school I touched on it a couple times in college


okay and then it was only after I really got into the workforce and became sort of an adult that I started to play with


it and I was like oh I like this I really like this and then um a few years back I don't know what


happened with my body but I just can't have alcohol anymore I can't drink so I sort of slowly meandered over like wheat


is my thing and drinking if you want does it help does it help your drawing does it help your creative process oh


yeah yeah and I have to be careful um what kind of strains I use because I


want something that's bouncy creative social give me some energy if it's like


couch lock Indica if it's like this is good for insomnia I'm like I can't I don't want to touch it nothing


yeah yeah I always used to say I smoke way too much weed to smoke heavy like


like you're saying couch lock strains because I I smoke weed all day long I got to be able to up and function and


like you're saying I got pep in my step I'm outside I I whenever I see like I saw Snoop


before the Super Bowl on Sunday he was smoking and oh yeah I wonder what what


he's because he can't be taking that punch you in the face stuff all day right


so wait Snoop Dogg smokes weed


they posted that little like photo of him like a little video and we're all like oh my God that's it I'm gonna stop


listening to his music now like it's new come on where where does is there a crossover in


your cartoons in cannabis or does cannabis just part of your private life that helps you in the creative process


um there's definitely been a huge crossover like I started I think I just started drawing


funny cannabis things like I did uh the volcano volcano Vape as a cartoon


character and then I did a bong and another vape and a couple little weedy characters


um and then I started reaching out or branching out into other things like I think that was probably around the time that I connected with tweedledo Marley


and Drew who drew her that little joint character which became a sticker and a pen and it's uh it's been around and


it's pretty pretty popular now excuse me since then I've connected with a lot of


people it's really snowballed in the camp World saying oh you've done that I saw this can you do something for me


so would you uh I've talked talked to some other artists about this I always found it very interesting because I grew


up I grew up in the church I mean that's affected the way I viewed cannabis even um but I grew up in the church and I and


I need to pause you for a second I just want to say that I've seen a bunch of your episodes and I put it on sometimes in the background when I'm working and I


didn't know pretty recently that about your your


history and then that you two were a couple oh okay so that was cool for me it was exciting


because I you know what you see people on the surface level and you see them at festivals and stuff when you hey how's it going great to see you and you don't


really know much about their personal life so when I dig a little more and I go oh you're really into this oh or


you're connected like that's me oh well thank you for listening to us in the background


um so when I went into uh when I went into comedy I


um obviously because of my where my faith was and all my connections were in the church and it was a clean brand of


Comedy churches was primarily where I I performed yeah and the question was


always um the battle in in my not Fringe of of


uh in that area of community was are you a Christian comedian or are you a comedian who happens to be


Christian because Christian comedians were stigmatized for that they would just tell all these


um Inner Circle Church jokes that if you came in from the community to watch a Christian comedian you wouldn't get any


of the jokes because it was just Christian jokes yeah whereas I always said I'm a comedian who just happens to


be Christian my faith never came out in my things I just told funny stories that happened to be clean


would would I would assume by this by what we've heard so far you would consider yourself a


um an artist that happens to smoke cannabis as opposed to a cannabis artist


yeah I think maybe I'm somewhere on the fence because I do a lot of work in the Cannabis field and I like doing it on


the other hand it's not the focus of all of my work right and does do you feel that because so


many there is so much stigma especially in in businesses some businesses you know and I know it's true with churches


but I know it's also true just in the business world there's still a standoffishness it's almost like they won't work with somebody if they find


out that there's a cannabis connection like does that is that a struggle for


you as a as a marketing marketable artist to sit there and say look I got to keep my cannabis art maybe more quiet


because I might lose some of my maybe bigger corporate gigs or whatever I don't know the scope of where your art


goes but does that ever cross into your mind of going you know Can Can I Be Free


as a cannabis artist or do I need to kind of pick my spots um I think


I I I don't think I'm worried about that that much because a lot of the clients that I get come from the Cannabis World


anyways okay um and some like I have a few clients in the US that come back and I do some work


for them um so I have a few I think I have a few clients that are pretty consistent and


they're they're all in the Cannabis world I don't think I've ever felt like I had to hide it one thing I do feel


like I have to hide is the goofy not so much the dicks but I do another series that's called cartoon coitus and it's


just classic cartoon characters in dirty sex positions like during sex so we're


coming back around um if I post those on my regular Instagram page it'll probably get taken


down because I've gotten a warning before and I was like these are fun and cute and adult humor so people kind of


like the yeah rinse but I have to be careful because my audience is such a wide yeah yeah drum well I mean like


there there is a genre for that sort of thing like I mean um I remember watching the movie Fritz


the Cat when I was probably too young to watch that movie yeah um because I was


like wait what are they doing I'm like they're cartoon hahaha


so there is there is a niche for that but um I I met you through the Cannabis


space um I think the when I actually like I've seen your stuff around I think a lot of us if


you've lived in Toronto or traveled in Toronto you've seen one of Beck's stickers somewhere yeah one character or


another right um and I think it was a high Canada or a high can a magazine piece that um I


think Mellow Moments have done yeah yeah and uh I I've like read it and I was


like oh my God this guy is amazing I'm like I love your art and I became very


quick I was like anybody who's anybody in the Cannabis phase has been backed


I don't want to say that because then people who haven't will be like Oh I'm a nobody no no no maybe they are back


because this is what happens somebody like me sees all of these beautiful wonderful people drawn in like and


I'm not saying like like you're saying it's not that if you haven't been drawn you're nobody like me I haven't been


drawn but you're damn right I want to be backed and that's what you've created is you've created this like this desire to


have I want to have myself cartoons and not just cartoon I want to have it done by Roger Beck


it's funny you say that out loud because I'm always in the middle of my own work and I don't really see what's going on


but I have a note on my board that says aspire to create a luxury item and I


don't feel like I do but I think the idea that being backed like a verb like


people want to be cartooned by me is kind of a not a luxury thing but sort of a cool exclusive thing yeah well if you


don't have um the phrase get backed yeah as your phrase it legitimately should be because


like yeah you should be a verb yeah you should definitely do that yeah that's uh in fact there should be a


newbie and doobie dick um no I do like decks but I don't want to


be one maybe we just have to enter into your Joy of Sex uh compilation oh sure


sure I do I do want the link to that uh off air it's funny sometimes I'll see the


connections that I get from people who I didn't even know they have this sticker they've seen a sticker


um there's a girl her name is LV illustration on Instagram and she just started putting out stickers in the street and it's these


these paintings that she does and it was a girl licking the CN tower like it was a phallic thing


um but she actually sent me a picture of one of my cartoon coitus stickers it was Dale from Chip and Dale yeah and what's


the girl's name from Chippendale you know I want to say chip hat but that's not


right whatever her name is Gadget Gidget really whatever it is that was like a


show from the 80s anyways they're having sex and she sent me a picture of her


friend's fridge and she has that sticker up on her fridge people do that all the time they go hey


my friend has the sticker on their dashboard is this yours I'm like yeah do you do you think


um do you think more well okay I know this is true actually I don't even think if you think it more people would be


interested in the darker dirtier cartoon world than would


like to admit it's kind of like with cannabis there's a lot there's a lot of secret still a lot of secret consumers but I mean there's a reason why Disney


porn is Disney princess you know is making a ton you know in fact yes is


that there there is an industry out there that is very interested although rumor rumor straight rumor is straight


rumor um people have always said why hasn't Disney taken all those sites down


um might be behind it actually anyways just a rumor I'm not saying anything careful they're gonna take down this


episode yeah yeah well Disney does have that powerful Disney characters like on that


statue or on my water bottle like I have I have they're all over the place my


office is full of copyright infringement yeah is this is Disney who is obviously


the big player um are are they a the inspiration for you for me it was Hannah Barbera


um I had a giant Drew when my parents let me draw on my walls and I had a big Scrappy do and a Scooby-Doo drawing on


my walls um that I drew myself just kind of you know I'd always use the grid method to


kind of pull that pull that off but so Hannah Barbera was my I couldn't wait to work with Hannah Barbera I love those


characters um who was your inspiration um I think Hannah Barbera definitely a


bit of Disney there was some from all over like I did a Waldo series that was 150 classic cartoon characters dressed


like Waldo and the first one I chose was Bobby from Bobby's World yeah oh my gosh


um so that was just like oh something pure from my childhood I want to sort of put that into this


so it comes from all different places like through the 80s 90s even some earlier stuff like I'll go back to my


parents favorite cartoons and tech savvy and that kind of stuff yeah do you have a do you have a a favorite


piece of work that you've done it's a good question like I mean that


bunny one I mean it's in a prominent place you know people don't just put their cameras up for stuff like this


shirt though I actually had this I had to set my alarm so I could clean my


office and put things in a spot that they looked nice like to set the scene


yeah because that's not there by accident and so and that's a pretty it's a pretty important piece to you that was


in a corner um yeah no I like it and I've wanted to do


so usually I'll Draw Something in My Sketchbook digitize it and then I can do whatever with it but I usually make


stickers sometimes I'll make pins or lighters but I want to start doing bigger bigger bigger stuff like if I


could start doing murals um I'd like to look into that so larger scale and smaller scale which I've


started doing with my miniature stuff okay now your stickers are not only found on people's fridges but stickers


are notorious for just showing up on Street lamps and stuff like that um how does it feel to to be uh many


vandals first choice of uh putting something on public property you must feel pretty proud about that uh yeah no


I think it's funny I put them out in places that I think people will see them like a crosswalk button or I don't want


to obscure any sign text but maybe I'll put it on the corner of a sign and then I've seen that people even try to peel


my stickers off I've asked people like are they stealing


these because they they want to keep them or they don't like it and they're like no they want to keep them they have


people have collections of stickers they rip off the streets yeah it's crazy that's awesome do you have


any of those no I don't but um I I have I take the whole sign you remember


oh yeah yeah she just she just takes a sign right to the Trailer Park Boy concert and I was like hey look a sign


Jimmy parrot was on the ground yeah it was um it was like a filming we're filming Here sign


no do not park your side yeah but it was clear it was totally broken and snapped off and well old and this the way the


story we're telling right now is way past the statute of limitations so there's no there's nothing involved here


um have you ever though I you you have by the sounds of it a very


um you may think it's small other people may think it's large but a fan base a dedicated fan base to your art I think


he even knows how large it is because there are people you know what's funny Roger Becca is they just know the style


and the character like the I look at my Instagram uh follower number and I think


it's been at the same number for like two years okay look at that I'm like oh I don't


think anybody knows who I am but right there must be every day someone going hey cool sticker who made that have have


you ever in the era now where everybody wants to transport their favorite thing onto their body have you has anybody


come up to you and shown you a piece of your art on them as a tattoo tattooed yeah actually


um there was a girl who asked me to design a tattoo for her custom and it was red fraggle


um mash up with Tank Girl oh got that on her leg and


um she also got have you seen the Labyrinth I'm sure you've seen the Labyrinth yep you know the worm around


the beginning the little worm um I did that as one of the Waldo characters and she got that also on her


tattooed on her leg and she said one day she was riding her bike down the street and this truck I


think I want to say was a kaplansky's meat truck it was started sir uh started


pacing beside her and she was a little nervous like what's what are these guys doing and she stopped at a light and the


guy rolls down his window and he goes hey sweep back and she's like cool yeah thanks


that's awesome that kind of stuff pops up and people tell me these fun stories it's like that's that's worth it


Let's uh let's let's go have you got you haven't even heard your first your question about cannabis at the beginning


because we started art but when when did when did cannabis kind of jump back and


forth between College he's in college I'm I'm curious uh to was it a positive


initial experience or was it like a oh my God I'm way too high and did you read


out like no it was actually really good it was it's my first year of college I went to Sheridan for film and television


production at the end of the year we I I didn't live in the dorm but we went to the dorm


we had a big party and bounced around to people's rooms and someone pulled out a bong and they started smoking and then


hey Roger you've never smoked before hey he's never smoked before they all pull me in you're gonna smoke your first bong


I was like okay okay cool I did apparently it was a big one


um and I got super chatty and hungry and I remember at one point saying to


someone like hey I know I'm high because I just won't shut up but it was a good experience I liked it


and then I didn't stick with it I just was like that was a fun thing to try um


until a few years after I graduated I was working in post-production


um on TV commercials and sometimes I would have to work late doing graphics and stuff and it was


super boring and one of the other guys said hey we're gonna pop out and smoke a joint you want to come sure


and it made the work like I could focus on the work and it was interesting and I could just go to the


screen and do do do do what I was doing I was like wow this is cool um so from from there that was probably


2008 or nine it's slowly slowly ramped up to like


as long as I'm I'm balancing it properly like it makes me productive and and


energetic and creative and social mm-hmm uh you went so you went to school for


film and television um and I would have thought like I share it and correct me if I'm wrong like they


had they had an animation a good solid animation program right yeah oh yeah um so you go into film and television


but you've got you're doing you're doing graphic stuff when did you when did you then take that transition from working


in kind of that that visual medium to specifically becoming a cartoonist


um I actually it's a weird story I guess I was working in post-production on TV commercials and


then after that job I decided Well I want to stay in TV but I don't want a ton of responsibility


I took a PA job on something I took a PA job on some lifestyle shows


and I started doing PA on some film and TV shows up until 2012 and at that point


I was on a show for uh six or seven months and it was like 12 plus hour days


um I went through a really bad breakup so I had this mental craziness at the time and my boss pulled me into the


office one time and she said hey do you want to come with us on the next show and I was like no I don't I don't want


to do this anymore so I started doing something it was at that point


um when I was going through this breakup and I had I don't want to call it depression but I was upset a lot


um I thought you know what if I die tomorrow No One's Gonna care about me at this


office they're gonna hire someone new and without a step they're just gonna keep rolling I wanted something where if


I die tomorrow it's done they can't replace me and no one else is going to


do the thing that I'm doing specifically so I slowly started going what do I want


to do what's fun for me and that's where the cartoons and the stickers in the street yard came out


that's cool yeah it's nice when you can actually not only find your passion


but be able to follow through with it and and bring joy to other people in the process yeah I think that's one of the


things too that I that inspired me to start making stickers was I saw a sticker in the street and it struck me


and I realized for that one moment that all these people were passing by and living their lives but it was just me


and that sticker and I was like that's cool and I had a little moment and I was like I want to create that for other


people I want to create like when you see a magic trick and for that one second you're like what and everything


is stripped away and you're totally vulnerable like I want to create that for people and I have a bunch if they


see my sticker or a polar pack of stickers out of my pocket they're like oh my God so it's fun to it's fun to see


that has your has your style evolved like I noticed like with your guys right


now you've got a very kind of uh uh it's it it's a dark a dark line outline which


which I in my mind seems to be um a newer art form like they got those


thick black lines around all the characters now um is it like did your style evolve have


you always had that same sort of look and feel yeah I when I started out I um


I wanted to I sort of emulate the older cartoons and emulate some of the artists


that I liked and I found that doing really thick lines but having all the lines sort of come to a point sort of


gradually come to a point was like a cool thick sort of bold style that I


that I was drawn to so I honestly I'm not sure again I'm right in the middle


of it so I don't really know but I'm not sure that my style has developed that much since I started I feel like I'm sort of


sort of doing the same thing it has a very and I'm just going I I'm mesmerized I'm mesmerized by by the


Roger Rabbit bugs mashup quite frankly um like my my inner my inner love of


cartoon is is like all over the place I know you know we're you know cannabis is still on the agenda but I'm fascinated


here it it what I like about it is is the crispness of it it's like but it is


I think it is a blend of an older style and it might be because you've got an older style cartoon character with a a


well I guess he's not even a newer one I mean my goodness Roger Rabbit was a long time ago but it has it has a it's not


quite as dark thick dark line as today but it does have the look and feel of an older thing I think you've got a really


nice blend that that looks up to date but has an old feel to it so that that's


from just somebody who's you know 50 years of seeing cartoons it's a really


nice blend thanks no yeah I think that's what I try to do I put a bit of a back style to it but people will recognize


right away that's a Raj rabbit or that's a Fred Flintstone yeah yeah I like that


the there are old cartoons like um I love the uh is it Betty no Wilma the


Wilma cartoons and like and I'm like and she looks updated and she looks fresh she doesn't look like she's from like it


was a 50s 60s yeah yeah that's yeah that's like a long time ago but those


are also the the cartoons that I loved and I grew up with you guys probably did too and I did um a few years back a


series of nine different Flintstone characters all smoking weed and then I turned them into um a pin set and a coloring book and I


did a torch wrap and some different Limited I think I even did some shirts well the reality is is that uh according


to what I'm learning about the history of cannabis uh most likely The Flintstones were using cannabis it


wasn't until long after the Stone Age that they decided they would ban it well it was the Stone Age for a reason oh the


stoned age nice there you go give me that one what um


uh I have so many I literally so many questions it's almost like it's a it's


like an art class I've got a question okay you do that while I'm trying to process because there's so much my


question I know you were talking about doing things larger scale


um what's the possibility of getting you down to say graffiti alley in Toronto


and getting you to do it on a larger scale yeah that would be cool I I want


to be obviously respectful to the artists that are there because I don't think you can just jump in and go over something


um but I'd like and I say I'd like to do these things and I haven't really tried


yet because I'm sure it wouldn't be that difficult but I'd like to find a location where there's some foot traffic


and people will see it and someone wants to put something big on their wall that people would want to stop and take


pictures with um and then probably someone to sponsor it because even buying paint is


expensive and I'm like I wanna I wanna paint a wall but I can't buy the veins so so what I would suggest is um if


you're listening to this or watching this on YouTube if you have a business and you would like to advertise and


catch the the Eye of people's attention contact Roger Beck and get him to come


pay you you pay for the paint you pay him to do the work and I guarantee you


you're going to end up with a beautiful job that people are gonna walk by and go what's in there and come in your store


and check it out because they're going to be so wowed but stuck thank you thank you I appreciate you saying that that


would be cool back you can you can buy that clip from us for a commercial for we'll figure out a financial deal later


but uh nice you'll get the royalties I did have um a project I was excited


about there was a it was a blank wall and someone said you can come and put this here and we decided something I would put there and I was like you know


I have I have an archive of hundreds of cartoon characters that I've drawn let's not come up with something new let's


just pick something throw it on the wall yeah um it just didn't work out at the time but I was excited to sort of get


that rolling and oh maybe this is going to be you know up there uh I have seen uh see I'm such a visual


person which is why I went into film and television in the first place TV is my favorite medium but I have seen some


some really interesting devices that people have smoked and used to consume


and I'm looking at whatever you're using and every time you do it it looks like one of those like like New Year's Eve


blowers oh [ __ ] and I I I can't figure out what that is I don't know if I've


seen something like that what are you three of them in my purse really yeah


it's a shatter pen and I think it has a glowing thing on the end so the logo glows when it when


you pull on it yeah oh yeah yeah that's the thing that caught me I'm like what is he sweet okay like a flashlight dead


oh yeah yeah so that yeah that glows so the actual


um cannabis extract is in the top part of it yeah so this that's the battery just the gold right now


yeah it just yeah it looks weird it looks interesting it also has if you unscrew that little light a little USB


thing so if you need to charge it up you can do that it's very classy looking I was like what


has he got it but it did it looked it reminded me of like the little blower the sound the sound makers but then it's


obviously I thought it would be better than having like a rig and a torch and a bunch of stuff set up here yeah


more quiet than a torch yeah yeah yeah we interviewed someone to use the torch


I couldn't figure out what the sound was at first because it had it off screen and I and I'm like what is it like is I


think his pipe broke like somebody go help them I do that on my family call I'll mute it so you don't hear it and


then over to the side I'm lighting my torch yeah do you have is this on your


and another thing that's interesting you pointed over and you've got this wall with this list of things on I always


appreciate people that have like some sort of dream wall or goals list or whatever that they have on their wall


um have you yet like partnered with um like a product in the industry to


have like a character on one of those vape pens or whatever is smoke pen or what's it called


uh yeah vape pen yeah okay vape pen I got it okay cool um I haven't really we so much white


space on there it would seem perfect I know right um we did one for karma Cup in I think


2018 or 19 and it was a it was a Mike my cartoon designs wrapped for a pen but


other than that uh no oh well okay should I do it now I should write


this down there's so many Avenues yeah I feel like I should do a commercial for that now if you have a product that has


a lot of white space on it um get it backed that's what we're saying right get it back that that might be my I


don't know about downfall but it's one of my things uh I feel like my art is very


strong but my marketing business side is not very strong so once the art is done and I throw it up on Instagram I'm like


all right now what do I do I think that's that's true of our like I struggle with that I know lots of my


comic friends do I think that's just a common problem with artists is that we we ultimately just want to create you


know we're usually bad businessmen we're usually bad sellers um business people sorry I'm all full of


art upstairs that I can't sell because I don't even post the money yeah so I don't think you're I don't think you're


alone and I don't think you're alone in that but I think that's just the the bane of being an artist


well yeah like that that uh Bugs Bunny and that Mario painting are both like


four feet or so but my this little tiny office that I have it has it's on the


top floor so it has slope ceiling and I can't put anything on my walls so those just sit in the corner


okay they have like a collection of a bunch of stuff that I'd like to put up but I can't


now I can't see the entire um character on your your right but it


looks like a mashup of Mario and Milhouse from The Simpsons is what it actually looks like that's a it's a


Mario Waldo yeah oh the Hat yes oh my God he is huge oh there you go oh


because it looks it looked more yellow tint um when it was back that's why that's why I thought in Milhouse with the


glasses I love that I can hear him yeah and I've wanted to do more cutout paintings like that and I got a jigsaw


and I have wood and I just haven't made the time


it's amazing what what is it I could see a dirty Santa in somebody's front yard


what is it about the mashup that you like like obviously you've like you've learned towards


blending yeah I I don't know when that started it was probably just with the


Cannabis stuff like when I did the Flintstone series and I said oh I'm gonna do The Flintstones but all smoking


weed so I I started having fun with this idea of mixing things it's going to be this but it's also this like I did this


one that's Porky Pig but he's a Toronto police officer yes okay


um and there's no pants I appreciate that yeah oh of course yeah Looney Tunes no pants


um yeah so I think that's just been something that I've always been drawn to is taking this idea and that idea and


putting them together and see if that's funny or if that's novel yeah well um Beck said when he was eight great you


drew um the blue the the characters playing yeah yeah so even back then you had a


desire to like take something and be like you know what I see it a little differently and that's where I was


attracted to to Roger's art is because it's totally different it's not like


like I'm saying you take Wilma and you change her a little bit it's like oh my God Maxim magazine years ago


put uh Marge Simpson in the magazine and they had her oh yeah


yeah of course you know what I mean and like soaking in the tub and I was like I I bought that issue that God love and


hate nobody wanted to see Marge like that and then other people were like we wanted to see Marge like that you know and it was it's I don't know it's kind


of fun I like it that was the thing that like drew me to it it's the twist you know yeah and I think that like you


mentioned before there are probably a lot of people that don't talk about it but they like that sort of thing


yeah I think they yeah people people just don't people don't want to talk about a whole lot which makes makes


perfect sense I mean when you're an artist or you know trying to talk about real issues or whatever it's just it's


so divisive right some people will will look at you know the the dick drawings


over there no and they'll be like that's you know that's so that's so infantile like grow up like do something you know


like paint to Picasso you know and then other people are like awesome right do you have a dick also


no but I now that you're saying that I feel like I should do a Bob Ross stick




I love it you have to be upside down no would it be boss cop or cockroz


oh there's so many yeah okay you're already you're capping in


you're tapping into to brain powers and things that we try to we try to keep down


um there's there's just so much potential in art but it is divisive and as an artist it's always hard to kind of


go you know like anyone talked about cannabis and going you know some people will will people have disconnected from


me already just by doing a podcast that's positive about cannabis I don't


even have to smoke cannabis for anybody for some of the people that used to book me to hold back and art can be the same


way too and you've talked about you know how you've got to keep your maybe the dirtier stuff aside


um has there been something though that you have done and you put out and it did


receive some sort of criticism where it kind of made you think and go I like the


photo you put up of uh yeah like I put up a photo of me copying a Kim Kardashian pose


where she was you know just you know standing topless you know in like the mirror this was year a few years ago


like years ago yeah and so I put um I put a sensor oh it was a sensor bar


so I put a sensored bar across my chest in the same pose and he's a man and I


got I got um talked to by a couple good friends of mine who who said you know you promote


clean comedy like that's and I'm not even I'm I'm literally a topless man that you can see on a beach at any time


with a censored bar yeah but they they were adamant that a clean comic at that


level of cleanness shouldn't put something like that on their Instagram it was it was really quite interesting


to me you know you're saying you can't you can't have that as part of your comedy


Persona or as part of your public Persona right because it was I was had this this High blend and I realized very


quickly that clean comedy had multiple levels it I could not just


say I'm clean comedy and this is dirty comedy and and I don't even stand for the fact that one is better than the


other there's an audience for both but within clean comedy there's probably six


levels of what people say yeah that's clean or that's clean


we've been watching Seinfeld revisiting it on and binge watching it and that


show is sexual innuendo from beginning to end yeah on Netflix in the background and uh yeah


some of the stuff that comes up I'm like oh Seinfeld talked about that yeah and people but people label them as clean


because because a club clean is uh no no racist no crude no no f-bombs you know


that's Club clean right so Jerry could talk about sex you just had to keep it cleaner whereas in my church shows I


can't even go the word intercourse so so this picture of of me doing a Kim


Kardashian pose was seen by some and so that takes me to the question for you


where there's something that you posted and it may and and you got a little bit of of of look and and made you kind of


go should I have taken that down is that is that is that really the direction I want to go does anything happen like that


I'm trying to think if it did I think because I'm not very political but sometimes I do some fun cartoon like


when Rob Ford the the crack Scandal came out um I did a cartoon of Rob Ford holding a


sign because we're like oh he's gonna get kicked out he'll need to get another job so I drew a picture of him holding a


sign that said will mare for crack and I made stickers of it and I slapped them around town but a sticker company


contacted me and said hey can we put up a life-size version of that and I was like oh for sure so it was like five or


six feet tall down by the Roger Center and I still have a clip somewhere it was on CP24


um but that and I did look forward in a Ghostbusters logo like no no Ford Ford


musters okay I slapped that around and I saw some people like give me crap for


that but it's not anyone that I know I just saw some comments yeah yeah absolutely didn't give me [ __ ] for


anything I've done I'd love to hear it yeah it's hard it's hard though to to tackle some of those issues with with


any art form whether it's verbal or drawn you know it's like you know you got stuff you want to say about politics


but you know it's it's so emotionally charged that sometimes it's better to just sew Bugs Bunny mixed with Roger


Rabbit true true but I feel like I'm not I'm not really a political person anyway


so like I also did a Doug Ford but it was just a cartoon dog and then he had a


shirt and tie on he looked like it's obviously Doug Ford as a dog with a little dog dish and it's cute but I'm


not saying I hate Doug Ford and I'm not saying I love Doug Ford it's just something fun that I wanted to do exactly please tell me you labeled that


one dog Ford yeah yeah I think that's that's where I try to


tell people listen they say look I'm not you know if if I if I post and I I try I


live by the rule up until just recently and and it's gone a little bit Haywire but I you know no politics you know no


religion like it was just let's just I just want to do comp like I'm just going to do comedy about life and not going to touch those topics


and but when you do post something that's political um I found that even if like you said


even if you're not making a statement one way or the other the people on either side will read the statement yes


yes right and that's where it gets dangerous and it's like I didn't even make I didn't even make pick a side I


just put out something that I thought was funny and they they read into that I have that problem all the time when it


comes to talking to people about cannabis rules and regulations because there are a lot of people that are not


very knowledgeable and when I explain to them that you can only purchase 30 grams


at a time and whatever and they're like oh well that's stupid and then they start attacking me and I'm like yo I'm


I'm just telling you this is how it is and that happens not just in cannabis


happens with everything like if you don't want to see anything political about what's going on in the world right


now or especially in Ontario Canada don't go to my Facebook page I've literally had enough and every single


post is like go watch CPAC stop talking about this go watch educate and I'm just


like it's it's almost to the point where like who am I educating who am I talking to because like Timmy's


saying the people that are listening are already in the same already there it's


like an echo chamber you know and and we're kind of all at the point where we're done with this whole topic of you


know the government and everything like that so like yeah I just I get frustrated when people


think that because I'm saying something that I mean it or thinking I'm like no I'm just telling you this is this is


what it is yeah that's where I try to be careful too because I'm not super definitive on things like that I'm just


like here are the facts and I'm not picking a side one way or the other like I'm not trying to make enemies and I


don't want to be divisive with people well how dare you um corrupt Bugs Bunny by blending him


with Roger Rabbit I was asking the opposite how dare you


he could be holding a joint or a dildo and that would make it probably worse


that's true now do you now I might have a carrot I might have missed this even earlier in the conversation and if if I


did forgive me but you've got this dick collection with do you have a joint collection with a whole bunch of joint


characters uh no I have characters like like well


like no it's all those characters they look like dicks but there are people you have like a whole bunch of rolled joints


no I don't um there was just one that uh was pretty popular that I did for Tweedle Doom that was called the Jolly


joint and it was just this happy little joint character and um I think a lot of people probably have


the pin on their jacket yeah do you have one uh I wasn't lucky enough to grab one


there I think I'll just send it yes please do yeah


it's it's funny because um I think uh not the last time I seen you


or maybe it was it was after Tracy curly had passed away and I was Adam and I was


like the only thing I want from Karma cup that day was I was like I wanted Tracy curly back it was a pin


um I got there all the pins were gone the only thing I could get was a lighter that you pulled out of your own personal


stash for me because I was like there's no Tracy


that was the day I got the bag the bags of dicks and I got like um I think I got bong man and a pin and I was like I was


devastated but like that's what I mean can I love the Cannabis Community because you've seen how much I wanted to


get something you know what I mean and you're like okay yeah that's that's what is fun about


Karma cup and I miss about community events is you see all these people you connect with people there will be a


handful of people like oh I've done a cartoon for you or you're wearing it on your shirt yeah like it's uh it's


humbling and it's really cool so that's why I'm hoping uh that we can start doing that stuff


again like Karma cup I know that they're hoping to do a festival I don't know what the details are there


but if if that can happen then hopefully it does because we need that yeah


um I when I told Timmy uh when I first started introducing him to events


um we really have only been to a few like Grassroots events and then we did


Lyft uh once indoors and then we went last year where we did Outdoors


um but you went to Karma Cub yeah and it was a much you can attest to this it's a


much different vibe um like a lot of the other Grassroots events we did were on the outskirts of


Toronto so it's it's like in a field when it's very Mucky and like the nice thing about Karma cup is it


feels like when you go to the mall it feels busy it's bustling it's like yeah yeah yeah I can I get that for sure I


haven't been to any other festivals but I know what you mean I've I've heard and seen some things where it's just kind of thrown together in a field and you're


like what's going on yeah well hopefully we can get to those again


um there's a lot of non-artists who I noticed your tattoo on your


forearm um I feel like I feel like when I do these interviews because because we come into it and I feel like I'm a comedian


who just trying to work the room because I I often like spend you know so much time talking about things that I'm seeing in people's backgrounds just


catches my eye but so um there's a lot of non-artists that want to create their own tattoo


um and then they bring it to the cartoon the artist and they're like can you draw this and the artist you sometimes probably going that's horrible but


you're paying me all draw that on your thing and then but but real artists then


also hit a thing of going well I'm not going to put my own art on me that's a little bit pretentious do you have any


of your own art on you um I actually have a Toy Story [ __ ] stamp


no I don't actually I don't um we shouldn't have denied it you should have left it there that would have been a


great clip I've wanted I've wanted to convince


someone to get if they'll if they'll get it I'll draw it it would be like probably buzz in the Middle with the


wings out and then maybe some of the little aliens and like the slinky dog and stuff all across the back I would do


that I mean I wouldn't get it but I would drop it you wouldn't do it you wouldn't put any of your own art on you


I don't think so I don't think is that just an artist decision or like like were you sitting


there saying yeah like I ah to carry my own art on me that seems a little I think I've just never had an inkling


like my first tattoo I spent a long time I spent a while trying to think of what


I wanted to get and it was very personal for me and then I got another tattoo that was uh a love you know love bot


it's a Toronto uh little street art character but I got a low bot heart uh


on my leg because that was also special to me but I don't feel like I I've done anything that's special enough to me to


get it stamped on me do you only draw um fictional do you do you draw a human


form human light like real life um I can I just haven't really because


it doesn't it doesn't appeal to me you don't like humans yeah


cartoons are more fun they are they're just inhuma or they're in cartoon form like you've seen them Mellows


oh yeah I know yeah I I have friends that actually like they collect your like not just stickers but they collect


your stickers because they want their friends oh yeah yeah yeah collect them all


collect all your friends that's what it is playing cards and and like most of


the ones I've done were committed that people got so I don't want to step on anyone's toes and go hey I'm gonna sell


a pack of stickers or anything but I think it would be cool to have a whole collection of all the all the Cannabis


characters you should see if you should you could get trading cards I think we all would buy packs of them and see you


know if we could create a whole a whole team I think that's one of the challenges is


that's a good idea and I'll write it down and then it'll be on a list of like a thousand good ideas that I have that


you can never get to there is a a very popular


um verse phrase uh in the church that talks


about a prophet is never accepted in his own home so basically you know


um you know the person that that is trying to preach the truth the people who held you as a child is always going


to see you as the child it's like stop it Jesus you know like we literally you know we saw you play in the sandbox we


don't want to hear from it as a comedian you know very few of my extended family have ever come to shows I don't know if


that's because they they don't like they don't like my comedy or if it's just because it's like yeah it's Timmy we've


seen him you know tell jokes at at Family parties or whatever do do you


have family that Embraces and comes to you and say listen hey can you can you do this card up for so and so we you


know where your family Embraces your art and wants your art or are they just kind of like yeah yeah D Doodles on the side


um I think it's the same it's like uh they knew me as a kid and it's nothing special so yeah no I don't really have


any family members ask me to to do cartoons or anything for them


but I still get people who ask me it's like what so what else so what else do you do you do I know you do that little


comedy thing and I and in my head I'm like I paid my bills for a decade doing this little comedy thing yeah like like


it's not like it's like what you're saying it's just kind of like yeah yeah it's like some somehow people don't take


it seriously if it's not a nine to five check-in checkout right here's your paycheck every two weeks they're like oh


you're just goofing around yeah yeah they're they're like especially and I'm sure you know and I won't get into


specific numbers with you for your art but I mean you know there's us there's a uniqueness


um of Art and it's like when people say oh so wait so you get paid blah blah blah and you just stand on stage for an


hour it's like no I get paid blah blah blah because very few people can do what I do for an hour on stage that's why I


get paid blah blah blah yeah yeah so it's like it's like you said you did nothing all week no I ran a business all


week to allow me to go do that one hour stage thing that gave me money to pay my bills yeah they don't see the 90 of the


work that goes up to the 10 percent of the public facing here's what I'm doing yeah yeah it's interesting because yeah


they would look at at yours and be like so he just dropped so he draws all day but but I will say I've had nine to five


jobs I've had part-time jobs you know I've worked two part-time jobs to make a full-time job because I couldn't get a full-time job


um but I've also traveled with you and I've done the tours with you and


um I have seen this man work harder than anybody I have ever met there is when


you don't have a nine to five job guess what is 24 7. yeah yeah I remember


um someone telling me a few years ago they were like I don't keep office hours I just get [ __ ] done constantly


right yeah absolutely kind of a good motto but I think you have to balance it you don't want to be going full charge


at 11 o'clock at night that's yeah yeah I know an idea that you can at one o'clock you know I'll answer an email or


I'll draw a picture or something well it's good that you have what what is considered an office space and I and I


didn't for almost I I'm just starting to develop one now um because it is tough when you when you


wake up you go to your kitchen you have breakfast and then you go you you open up your laptop and you're still at your kitchen table and you realize that work


literally never stops you have no space to say I'm working I'm not working yeah


and that especially at home that split is tough because you can sit there and open your laptop and then go oh I have


to do some dishes or I got a sweep or something like just all the other things that pile up yeah yeah that makes it


difficult um back I want to thank you so much for being on here I know I mean from the moment we started doing this show uh MJ


has been saying we got to get back on we gotta get back on we even had one of some of your art when we were in our in


our studio when we first started doing the show some of your art was up on our uh on our Shelf immediately being


displayed so to have you here with us uh today uh it's a great great pleasure thank you so much for spending time with


us thank you I really appreciate it I'll have to send you a little something else to put up on the wall oh that would be


awesome I think you should call that uh the the painting behind you I think you should call that what's up Beck


yeah I like that thank you all right well we'll figure out the financial applications of that as well yeah I


already owe you royalties for for something else I think it was the get that the commercial yeah yeah


we're both making a whole lot of money going forward off of this conversation back hopefully


uh MJ anything any final words um I'm looking forward to collecting the trading cards


nice yeah let's see what we can do back where uh where can people find you what's the best way to connect with you


um and find a way to get your art out there more more often Roger James that's Roger with a d on Instagram you can see


me in my work and I also do Miniatures at a little bit of Beck which is not


cannabis theme but still creative and fun and too many Izzy because you know Idle Hands with the Devil's Playground


um yeah so Roger James on Instagram is the best place to find me and uh give me a shout that's awesome thank you I forgot about


those Miniatures those are cool yeah definitely go check that out we don't have any more time we gotta go check


that out well we'll do a we'll do a second show a second episode on the on the miniature life of Roger Beck as well


sounds good all right thanks so much back appreciate it thanks so much talk to you guys soon

