The Noobie And The Doobie
The Noobie And The Doobie
Laura Connelly | Pot Head Plant Mind | The Noobie and The Doobie Podcast | OTS #23
We're back! After a 10-month "sabbatical" we're FINALLY releasing the last 6 episodes of Season 2. They roll out (pun intended) weekly starting Fri Mar 23 and ending with back2back episodes on Thu Apr 20. #Happy420
Enjoy these amazing conversations. Thanks for your patience.
On this episode we spoke with LAURA CONNELLY (formerly Ginger Ganja Goddess)
*Original Upload Date: June 29, 2022
Cannabis model Marijane Baker & non-consuming comedian Timmy Boyle have joined forces to explore the wonderful world of weed...from both sides. Be sure to subscribe, turn on notifications, like, comment & share! And please connect on social media & consider becoming a patron to help support this podcast experience. Thank you so much!
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Email 👉 thenoobieandthedoobie@gmail.com
THE DOOBIE: Model, advocate & artist Marijane Baker Instagram / All Links
THE NOOBIE: Comedian, speaker & coach Timmy Boyle Booking / Instagram / All links
He’s from the Church. She’s from the garden...of Weeden. They’re from different worlds with the same goal. To engage & explore the cannabis culture...from both sides.
Join medicinal user, model & advocate Marijane Baker and non-consumer, former youth pastor & current clean comedian Timmy Boyle for a unique, funny & educational look into the magical, controversial and, for some, forbidden world of weed.
Timmy & Mj (a real life “mixed” couple) bring their cannabis pillow talk into the public domain as well as inviting guests, from inside & outside the weed community, to help educate, entertain & inspire the other noobies & doobies who are tuning in.
[Music] this podcast is for adults only should
not be used as a meal replacement and may contain nuts
[Music] hey everybody and welcome back to another episode of the Newbie and the
Doobie my name is Timmy I am the Newbie Mary Jane I am the Doobie we're very
excited to have with us today on the spot Laura Connolly the ginger ganja goddess who is I'm glad you said that
right she's a cannabis and health coach I'm very very interested to hear um kind of what that means and how it's
absolutely applied to people's lives thank you so much for joining us Laura absolutely thank you so much for having
me it's been a something I've been really looking forward to I've been watching you guys a lot so I'm fantastic thank you I picked up the uh the ginger
thing pretty clearly as the redhead yes it is that's usually the first question I got so I guess yes
it has has that ever been in a we talk about stigmas a lot because of cannabis
my mom is a redhead and it's not exactly you know the most that explains it you
know common hair color right no it's not it's actually two percent of the world's population or something like that yeah
so did you experience a a stigma a shunning or do people go embrace the
uniqueness and go ooh the redhead so I've been lucky enough to get kind of the embracing side of things
um you know kind of I I always get like oh I would die for that color or you know people pay so much for that color
um but it's funny because I think as a male growing up I think you get kind of a different reaction to that as a male
redhead um but the one thing I always hear is that that you know redheaded Snapchat was kind of right
so you like it though because some people don't some people don't like their natural hair color especially if
it's one that's gonna stand them out right or not stand you out or not Sandra
actually when I met MJ she had red hair dyed red hair it wasn't natural right it wasn't beautiful natural it was like
well I just happened to have my bucket here it was like red red it was red
I've enjoyed it I think it's good to to stand out and you know except for those times when you're trying to be Incognito
of course it's uh it's a little bit harder but it's hard it's hard to smoke a joint pre-legalization with the red
hair just yeah [Laughter]
so before we get into kind of what a cannabis health coach is and how
cannabis fits into overall Wellness uh MJ likes to start at the beginning so MJ
let's take this whatever everybody has an entry into cannabis right most of us
it was many many years ago and it was um smoking because that's really all we
had um but then there are people that are newer and came you know found it after
legalization so they had the luxury of getting to try different you know
um whether it's Edibles or different forms of consumption so tell me about your first experience with cannabis and
you don't have to date yourself that you have to say How old if you don't want to that's fine no it's good we can take it
back so I have been a cannabis user and a cannabis lover for about 15 years now
okay um but really it started for me in college is just fun you know I was
recreational user um you know I was uh roommates with a girl from Seattle so it became
um kind of part of that culture very quickly and it was something that was ingrained to um and in college it's just kind of a
big part of the culture too and it was um certainly much more enjoyable to wake up the next morning after you know hang
out with my friends and smoking than all of the drinking that was going on um but I won't say that they didn't combine from time to time
but I think it started right yeah yeah I mean I remember the very first time
um you know I was listening to again to the beginning of your stories and the first time I smoked a couple times I
didn't get high and I was kind of like I don't really understand you know I'm coughing and I'm not even getting what is a big deal about this is not
something right um but I think it was again around like maybe the third fourth time and I you know finally felt it and
um you know I was hooked after that pretty much and I wouldn't say addicted necessarily but in the sense that it made me feel good and it was fun but I
didn't feel out of control of myself I wasn't forgetting things it was it was an enjoyable experience so it did take
me a little bit of time to get there yeah I definitely I felt that too I was like the first time I I like wait when
you smoke and you don't get high it's like well this is kind of a waste like with what not only did I waste my money
on this but like all these years I've been told there's like something about terrible and I'm like
doesn't it even do anything and then yeah really again really it's not that bad I
kind of like this feeling I was able to focus more and that's why I was like I was absolutely hooked as well it was it
was just feeling better I wanted to feel better and I could sleep better and I could you know everything just the
colors were more vibrant and I don't know how to explain it just like I was in a different world absolutely yeah it
was like the first time I had an edible too same kind of thing this is a different kind of whole different way of experience in the world oh yeah do you
know uh how how big the dose was in the edible like was it was it even higher than than what you had smoked did it
throw you off guard um no like luckily so I mean to be honest no I didn't know the dosage or anything like that this
was um you know something that we cooked up in my friend's kitchen
kind of experiment um but luckily I had you know with people that had been doing it before
they had made brownies currently oh I wasn't just on my own with that um but I think it does throw you for a
loop it definitely does take longer to kind of kick in and that's where most people get in trouble is that they're kind of
impatient with it and it's not like smoking where you're going to feel a head high immediately it's much more
body high in a couple hours so we're like you know in a little while so um it didn't really throw me too much
for a loop but I just remember walking around that day being like wow everything is just really lovely today
and it was just a really nice kind of it was a nice day and it lasted for so much longer too which was a kind of a fun
experience for me just kind of learning then about the different methods of ingestion and how things can be
different depending on how you take it so yeah that's one thing that I'm in the middle of figuring out on the journey
we've talked about it here on the show and and um I think more of this journey will get revealed because I've already given up
on the smoking I I know I won't consume uh in that form anymore I believe in the
power of three I tried it three times not not for me so let's move on so you
know we've talked about you know infusing and and the Edibles now and I've had a CBD cookie which well many of
them they were so good now that that's my that might be my
downfall if it comes to THC with Edibles because uh I I when I snack I eat
healthy in general right so that I can enjoy my snack time when it happens you know
and I will I will usually snack hard when it's time to snack but we can still
get you a regular brownie though babe okay I'll get a regular brown yeah
just don't have just don't have like a tray of or a bag of like you know gummies yes that will end me back in the
day when like when Laura was saying with them back in college when you you made it in your kitchen with your friends and
yeah we all some of us knew how to make butter and stuff like that but concentration was different for
everybody's you know type of butter and you put the tray of brownies in front of
everybody and you're sitting there watching a movie and yeah you eat a brownie and I was always one of those
people that would eat one and sit back and wait and wait and wait and have other people and they'd still keep
eating them and keep eating them and after a certain point you kind of look at the tray of brownies and even though
you want to eat another brownie your body it won't it won't my ear
having a tray of regular brownies around might be helpful for that okay I'll look at that
um as a as a newbie um and growing up in a world where I
assumed the only intention of smoking cannabis would be to escape this
wonderful world of mine like I'd be like you know like I love I love my life I didn't need to feel that escape or that
high or that that bonus I I thrived you know I as a I was a
non-professional full-time comedian so I was getting the energy of people just laughing at things that I did I didn't
feel I needed that um and we've talked a lot lately about the smoke you know using cannabis in for
intention and The more I've learned about the medical side there's I think there's a lot of people who are in my
space now that are watching and listening and um are going well I don't want to get high but more I'm learning about the
wellness aspect the endocannabinoid system that's built into us
um you being a cannabis and and health coach I think I think it'd be very
interesting to talk to talk about what how you blend those together and and where that intention is in regards to
cannabis absolutely well I think you know cannabis and wellness blend pretty seamlessly together it's really um an
amazing thing to watch and for a lot of people that doesn't have to meet and you know getting high although I find
absolutely nothing wrong with it um you know it doesn't have to be THC it doesn't have to be
um that experience that I think you're absolutely right too that if if you're using it to escape
then you know you're probably not doing it right like you know you shouldn't really be using anything to escape
necessarily if you're using it to escape then it's a problem um so that could be true of cannabis but
could you be true of a lot of things um so I do think there's what I like to call a conscious cannabis consumption so
you sit down and really think about why is it that I'm consuming cannabis right now is it because because I want to get
high is it because I am having physical pain am I feeling a lot of anxiety
um and then the other side of that is looking at the um you know the strain
the cultivar that you're going to smoke and how is that going to you know lead to that end goal how is
this going to help me um and for some people that could even be you know getting the munchies might be a good thing if they're not feeling
well if they're feeling nauseous a lot then they're going to look for something that's going to cause an appetite
um or for a lot of people could be um more of a high CBD strain because they're feeling a lot of anxiety and
they need to kind of just chill out a little bit and that also works really well with a lot of Wellness techniques like like
deep breathing and a lot of breathing techniques so it's um kind of moving those things together
um and another big thing I think that people come to you know as a health coach with issues with is sleep and
that's a huge problem I think a lot of people struggle with um and that's something that actually THC can be very helpful for
but it's amazing how they can be pulling the different like cannabinoids and terpenes and all the science that's
coming out about it you know I like to say that nobody's really a cannabis expert because we're all still learning right now and it's also new that it's
hard to be an expert in something we know so little about um so it's interesting to kind of keep learning but to to kind of know that
these things can be helpful so many different reasons but if you're using the wrong strain
just like if you're you know there's different mental health medications out there if you're using the wrong medication it's not gonna work if you're using the wrong cultivar it's not gonna
work so it's just kind of consciously thinking about what am I smoking for or what am I consuming for it doesn't you
know eating t-shirts all those things um and then how's it how am I going to get there what's going to help me uh when you mentioned sleep I've uh I've
been on I've well I've been very very vocal about the fact that everyone's trying to find the secret ingredient the
quick fix for health in general and do I've done the research for for years and
I'm still doing it but it comes sleep better eat better get more exercise you
do those things and it'll be amazing how many things will be cured and handled in those things in regards to sleep that
was the one that I think I had the least handle on and we've been hearing a lot
about uh over the last little while I'm being so educated about why people use it and we've heard sleep come up a lot
um that's interesting you say that because you know how much cannabis I consume yeah I I do know that we always
he always says because we we both have fitbits and we track our sleep and our stats and you always say I only get like
six hours of sleep a night maybe that's like in in like sleep but it's always
quality sleep that's the one thing you always yeah it blows my mind because I
have I am seeing my sleep like I've put myself on a regular sleep pattern
um I don't no I and even especially and I haven't even I don't even think I've mentioned it to you lately but the last
three days I've woke like my alarm's supposed to go off at seven o'clock and for me that's that's early like like
that's not that's not a time that used to be on my schedule right but I've been I've been my sleep has been getting
better and it's been getting I've needed a shorter pound of time to get the rest that I need and I've been waking up I no
joke 6 59 three mornings in a row I have woken up and looked over the clock and
go oh my goodness my alarm's about to go off my body's like yeah no it's amazing and the quality of sleep is becoming
substantially noticeably according to Stats and stuff like that better
but hers is like I can't even get close to her quality I get I get like 23 REM
on the average every night which is and I don't remember my dreams so what what
do you have to do what do you feel is and maybe maybe you
don't know I mean none of us are are experts like you said but in your experience you know in terms of like
deep sleep and REM and and and and just kind of restorative sleep where you're you know your heart rate can drop down
where does cannabis affect all of those is there one that maybe it like does it
cause people to have a deeper sleep do you have any idea of how it affects the Sleep patterns well I think it all works
um kind of together as much of Wellness does but I think as as far as sleep it does kind of regulate your stress um the
actual stress hormones it can block that um Ananda mind uptake an anime uptake
um so it cannot really help to um kind of calm the body system down in general
um I think there's a lot of other tools as far as sleep that you can be using just to help with you know tracking is
is a helpful thing in general just to be knowing where to even start it um but I do think with cannabis it just
it is a ritual that I think a lot of people can put into their bedtime that is helpful and that is um you know
sometimes we'll see people is like smoking and breathing techniques um it could be like cannabis tea uh you
know something like more CBD based generally speaking um or a lot of people like Edibles at
night um they find that to be more of that kind of body pie can be more relaxing in the body and that helps with
with sleep um but it can it can kind of bring down your resting heart rate make it a little bit more relaxed mm-hmm that's that
strain that one that you said you didn't like because it so it was uh Bruce Banner number three it was really heavy
um hitting and uh you said it didn't allow you to focus on the conversation
yeah it was the third time that I had smoked and we were trying to have a conversation or I was and I was trying
to have the conversation I lost track of the conversation and I phased out and I didn't like that right that that's
actually what what broke the the I don't like that thing it's like I'm not doing this but some people that's literally at
the intention when using that strain that cultivar would be I'm going to use this to relax to go to sleep so you
wouldn't have had that conversation it would have been you know Seinfeld and then bed so I used I used it at the
wrong time we've been talking about time and place and how important that is too yeah absolutely like set and I said your
mindset yeah and then you're the setting that you're in it can make a huge difference for this type of thing so it is
um that absolutely makes it very and again yeah timing of of what you're using and um and that's why it's
important if you're going into a dispensary if you're buying something to get that COA the certificate of analysis if you can see what your your cannabis
is made up of see the um cannabinoize the terpenes what's going to be in it what's going to be helpful
I know it sounds all complicated but you know it's a lot by smell too like those terpenes once you know everyone always
has the nose nose it's gonna you're gonna open that bag you can smell you know the more citrus smells fine smells
and you'll eventually kind of learn like oh this one smells you know Piney I'm thinking that maybe this is going to be more
um you know something for 4J time something for when I need you know a little more energy smelling more
um you know calming so it's kind of just learning that about yourself but yeah Timmy Timmy says it all smells like
weed because she she gets so frustrated to be like oh smell this and I'm like mmm smells like meat I've seen I've seen
those memes too and it's like you know people are like oh you know but you know it is it's hard to get used to but I
think if um you know if you're in there if you are ever into the center you can go and smell things like back to back and kind of get that experience of
comparing them you can start to notice oh he can tell the difference he can tell the difference like if I I think oh
this would be a good challenge to give him two jars and to give him a bag and
say which bag like which jar does this bag belong to this one okay so you like
match the smell yeah um because he he does he's like yeah I can tell they're
different but I'm like you can't you can't smell that this one has more linole in it he's like no I don't
even when you're talking about like the um the terpenes is that the smells yes
yeah you talk about the turpins and this is another thing that's fascinated me is that the terpenes
are in everything right like like all people have been so afraid of this plant
this is what I'm learning and discovering yeah and then you find out that a lot of these aspects are it's
just like well this is you use lavender at bed to go to go to sleep and you you know
like like I put on a I put on a red light and I have rain sounds and I have
my temperature at a certain temperature and I've got you know lavender and and he's gonna say well you set up all this
stuff and all of this cannabis any different yeah like cannabis
yeah it just it baffles me how I I'm more and more just really seeing man we
we use other things to accomplish the things that cannabis accomplishes and we
probably won't touch cannabis well we probably years before it was it like became criminalized we probably used
cannabis for a lot of those things you're talking about um like it was in
medicine it was in tinctures it was in like we know the doctors also gave people cocaine and stuff right yeah they
were fully informed but like we know it was used as medicine yeah well I mean even the even the thing
of you know nothing worse than having the the person addicted to their coffee every morning going cannabis you guys
are addicted to cannabis and meanwhile like they can't live without having so like what's the difference between MJ
needing her joint first thing in the morning to get her going and clear her mind and the person who spends 15
minutes in the line of Starbucks every morning to get their coffee and yet for some reason that's fine and can and
having the joint in the morning isn't well what about the mugs that say I'm sorry for what I said before I had
coffee would that be acceptable if I said had a shirt that said I'm sorry for what I
said before I had my cannabis because I mean it's true I honestly I tell people
I smoke cannabis for your protection right it keeps you safe from me from me
losing my [ __ ] on you yeah no I think that's you know tons of people are you know what people say like we're
self-medicating like sure okay like that's um but like you're saying like people do that with coffee and
excuse me you know everyone is is kind of using those different tools to get through the day get through your day get
through those hard times or whatever it is and you know it's it's it is silly and kind of circles back to that if
you're going to misuse it then yeah there's something wrong but if you're using it correctly and it's working for
you and you're not hurting anybody then I don't see what the problem is and well even the even the negative side where
you talked about we talked about earlier on about you know I think oh they're using it to escape well tell that to
anybody including myself who at the end of a hard week you know binge watches you know you know three seasons of
Friends right like what what is TV what is sports all it's all an escape what is
sex what is sex well I mean it's better than Sports and Seinfeld well I mean like I mean sex is supposed to be used
supposed to be used for reproduction right but some people like to do it for fun and I mean you don't always have an
orgasm so you don't always get high right okay you don't always have the experience you know
and it's still an escape actually that's funny because you say you know when you guys talked about you know the first
time that you know like what was so exciting about that yeah I bet you a lot of people have that same
story with their first sexual experience it blows their mind and they're like wow
I really liked it okay that's what you need to do that's all
find the right cultivar so when did you
um and moving towards become officially having this title of uh cannabis
Wellness Health coach when did you make that transition from say recreationally
using it and becoming more and more aware of the wellness aspect
well it's kind of out of a process I guess um so the first step really was in college I was um I was sexually
assaulted and it was after that um that was really kind of brought to the awareness of how much it could help
me because like you know I continued smoking and I you know handled handled my [ __ ] and I went about my day and then
moved on from that but I think cannabis had a huge part in that um that I was able to continue going to
school and pull myself out of that um and then from there I
um ended up in a marriage that was not so wonderful um so I was married to a man who was an
alcoholic for quite some time and that really kind of shone a light there for me on alcohol use and kind of
the downsides of even my own drinking and the kind of the habits that I could fall into being around somebody like that
um and that you know kind of taught me a lot about the the other side or the the usage that people again the escaping
that people would use certain things for um but throughout all of that time I did
get my masters in mental health therapy so I became a therapist and I was working um as a therapist and I was still using
cannabis um and I saw so many clients coming through that were saying like yes I used
cannabis and it helps me and it's wonderful and then they would go and see the psychiatrist for the medication and
say well the doctor is he's threatening me he's going to take away my medication if I don't stop smoking and that became so unbelievably
frustrating to me um because it you know it was a threat to these people so they were scared out
of taking something that was helping them um and So eventually I kind of made the
the switch and I enrolled in um the canvas coaching Institute which is a wonderful program and became a health
coach instead and this way I can help people with their mental health through the use of cannabis and if you know if
you are using mental health medications other medications that's totally understandable I'm not saying that those are useless
um and absolutely you should be talking to a doctor about confining those things you know I'm not I'm not a medical professional in that sense
um but I also think that just because you have a mental health condition doesn't mean that you should not pace in
cannabis in fact I think it's a reason to be using cannabis um so I love the idea of being able to
kind of help people um without that stigma without the fear without all of that um kind of
medication based practice that's behind it so it's really been um kind of a
journey for me to find it I didn't realize this was even a job and when I first found it it like it was like a light bulb moment I was still working as
a therapist during the pandemic which was a horrible experience in and of itself
um it was just like this light bulb went off and I was like oh my God I have to do this like this is amazing so I just made a made a switch like a lot of
people did during that time um and now I'm I'm absolutely loving every second of it so yeah I find find
that interesting that you you are a firm supporter of cannabis for mental health
because as I'm sure you're aware they have been saying for many many years this is why it's a deterrent for teenage
you know Minds to to consume things like cannabis and I have been very open with
my drug use in the past over the years and I like you was in bad relationships
with an ex with same thing alcohol and abuse and
um some of those things I probably used for recreation for fun to escape other
it might have been to escape but I really feel like if cannabis wasn't in my life
all of that other stuff that I did probably would have affected this brain to the point where I really feel like
cannabis kept me like I have so much mental illness that runs rampant in my family that
I heard 25 was like though when you get to 25 if you got no mental illness
you're good 25 I was like yes and then that year they're like oh no it's 30 now right
yeah and then they hit 30 and I was like yes and they're like no no it's 40. I'm like
[ __ ] either way I'm gonna consume my cannabis right and I feel I
feel fortunate that I I did have cannabis because with the alcohol and
the mushrooms and the um ecstasy and the acid and the you know what I mean like all those chemical stuff
into the brain that it's just interesting because I feel like you I feel like it
not everybody should have cannabis but just like Pharmaceuticals not every pharmaceutical is going to work for you
either it's about fine-tuning your health and it's nice to have a coach
to walk you through that because the doctors don't really have all of the
information and they don't know how the Pharmaceuticals are going to interact with the Cannabis so right without the
coach that the in between you know like yeah there's a lot of uh
dead air you know it's it's a wonderful tool but there's you know there's so much about it and it is you know a
process to figure out what really works for you and that process can be kind of frightening on your own you know you don't want to end up you hear stories
about people getting you know dope sick or too high or you know these um you know kind of things that happen and
is a real thing right yeah and it's it that's why you got to start you know you
start low go slow those types of things that you you just kind of work your way up to it but if you don't even know what that means you know go low on what like
you know it's it's kind of that what do you mean that can be a very intimidating world
there's a lot of new words a lot of new things going on so it's it's nice to have somebody to walk you through that and that's like no no judgment no real
problem you can be you know you could be smoking for 10 years and still not know half that stuff like there's so much to
learn and not everybody wants to or had the time to learn that before but I do think it can be so important to kind of
avoid any of those moments where you're like well I had you know too much THC and I got so anxious it was a horrible day but you know we could we could avoid
that and we could kind of work through those moments or um you know have those little trickster tools to help with those moments so yeah
and that's the great thing with cannabis nowadays is you can actually um you know THC percentages you know
right yeah huge difference who were beat back in the day it was like he'd go see
your buddy and first of all you had to choose which guy you were gonna go see if you were lucky enough to have more than one right
um and then it was uh do you want the 30 bag or the Forty dollar bag right and
that was built a small because I only bought in small back then you know what I mean but it was like that's all you
got to choose from now you get a whole like oh my God it's anything no it is it makes a huge
difference to be able to just know what what you're getting and that is going to make a difference for everybody's experience and I think you know just
being able to then understand what it is you're reading when you get that certificate analysis that says like this is how much THC or CBD or even though
the minor cannabinoids those types of things but um you know it is it's it's all about that I think once you know about the
endocannabinoid system once you know their bodies are set up to be taking this medicine and you understand how it
works in your body I it's hard to be against cannabis you know I think anybody who is anti-cannabis probably
doesn't have a lot of information about your endocrine system yeah I would agree uh well I would I think I what I'm
discovering is that there's probably people a lot of people that are pro-cannabis that have no idea about the endocannabinoid system absolutely yes
there's a there's there's a lot of information and a lot of educational opportunities out there but there's
still a lot of people both in and outside the industry that actually don't know anything about the plant or what it
actually does right no I think there is still a lot of Education to be had and you know that's why I think being out on
social media and you know as much as possible as much as you know you can be with the different rules and things but
um you know just trying to get out there as um as an advocate for the plant in general and just being like you know this is not wrong it's not bad it's not
a a problem if you you know how to use it just like most things you know people can overdo it with coffee too I've seen
that um and that can cause anxiety just like anything so it's it's you know it's just about how you're
using something it's just another plant that can be a great tool that may not be for everybody but is certainly for plenty of people do
you do you find that the people that come to you looking for coaching are more newbie or more doobie
they're probably more more doobie I guess um I get some newbies in the sense of
um you know kind of learning about cannabis and not having like been having been a
consumer a smoker for some time but not really having ever looked into it kind of a person
um you know it's kind of interesting I'm you know I'm in New York so we're kind of getting into the whole legalization
and all of that so it's kind of on the brink of um I think opening up more and more to
new people as they become comfortable with it and being able to say I am interested in this plant so I think
that's kind of you know kind of breaking the stigma becomes really important and just getting the people to be able to step up
and say yeah I'm interested for after so long haven't been like maybe I'm not or maybe you shouldn't because there is a lot of um you know stigma to fight and a
lot of propaganda that went out for you know many many years for people that you
know it becomes hard not to believe those things especially you know the baby boomer generation um yeah exactly so I think the more that
we kind of break that stigma and have that education out there it becomes easier for the the newbies to come out
and say okay I'm interested I'm curious about this I think it would be easier for newbies
in general to go to I mean just human nature suggests that the longest the longer you're involved in something the
more you're afraid you're going to look like you don't know what you're doing and admit that you know like I have
somebody who's been like I've been smoking cannabis for 30 years and go I should go to a coach and find out how to
like like that that to me seems like even a harder thing to overcome I almost feel like you can say no because in any
other see this is where cannabis is different in any other thing I would agree with you but
with cannabis everything has evolved so quickly that even the consumer like
somebody like myself who has just smoked joints my entire life if I didn't walk
into that glass door and start working selling pipes and vaporizers and thongs
and um the honeycomb things the extractor to make the oil I would have known none of
that I like I had to learn about all those things and in learning and talking
to people I was like like like I think what happened maybe correct me if I'm wrong Laura when you
said it just made sense to put cannabis into this thing that you were already doing yeah as soon as I found that I was
like I was already doing retail I love doing sales and talking to people and as soon as I realized that I could do that
with cannabis yeah like it's a no-brainer so that's
why um even when talking with Ashley the other day we try and find as cannabis
consumers as many possible ways to infuse cannabis in our lives as as we
can whether it's through work through edibles through topicals through ART through through whatever it is that
we're doing comedy you know events we just we just love cannabis so much that
we want to share it and you know absolutely agreement from the rooftop be like it's a plant right yeah
exactly you got to get the word out there people know yeah yeah
to everything like that and I think getting out to different audiences that way too yeah for sure I'm going back to
in particular the mental the mental health aspect and you were talking about the um about young young kids yeah
because they say to wait until 25. is is that where you're at too in terms of
information you've had like in terms of like what would you coach a a younger person who's going you know what I got
this and this and this and you're like yeah candles can help you but maybe not now right
um well I think there's where I think that comes from really that whole 25 is that your prefrontal cortex in your
brain is generally not finished forming until you're 25. um so they like to say that if you're gonna be smoking cannabis it could be
messing up your brain um so I you know I don't think that there's necessarily the
science behind that to to prove it but I could be wrong on that I don't want to say I'm 100 and right all the science
but um you know there have been strains and I do think if you're going to be a
you know using it for a younger child I would say I think CBD is the way to go and there are many people who who give
CBD to their children and um Charlotte's Web is a strain that was designed specifically for a child who is some suffering from severe seizures so I
think there are many applications um even just like hemp seed oil using it there's so many ways that the plant
itself can be used um you know I even know people that use cannabis without decarbing it without
you know heating it up first and it's just like a vegetable that they can eat it or put it into juices and so it can
be a health food that's used to help any age um so I do think that it can be a
very useful tool for for younger people um you know I I would never take on a
client that was under the consumption age obviously of 21 but I do think that certainly there's nothing wrong with
incorporating different ways of using this plant with with anybody
my son is uh he'll be turning 17 this year had to think about that for a
second returning 17 this year and he ever since he was like 14 has asked me like he knew I consumed
um he knows it's medical he started asking you know 14 what does it feel
like because to me he says it just looks like it makes you happy you're laughing all the time yeah good mood I don't
understand like why can't I try it right and I explained to him look the only reason why somebody your age would be
consuming cannabis in any form would be medicinal and you don't have a reason to
be taking cannabis medicinally at your age right you know regardless this is
the hard part because I don't lie to my children regardless of how I lived my life
back when I was your age right this is how things are now
okay right like and I'm sorry but when you turn 19 and you're legally allowed
to go in the store I will make sure that you are ready you'll be knowledgeable you'll know what you're going in for and
you're not going to end up getting all those negative side effects so yeah yeah
educating is the right age is important yeah he's still waiting but um the
funniest conversation between both my children was uh I think my daughter was eight my son was like 12 or something
like that and she looked at him and said when you grow up are you going to smoke
weed and he said yeah probably and she said not me I'm gonna eat it
yeah and I died I was in the other room just cleaning they had no idea that I was
even listening I was like oh my God that's so funny I love it it wasn't even
an option of like will you be using it or not just like how will you be here yeah I thought when she said no I was
like oh yeah she's just saying she'll never do it but she was like I'm gonna eat it eat it and I was like that's a smart girl yeah
yeah have you are you in a family that supports
your use or even your business um so I am like I'm lucky enough to have
a very supportive family so I will say that that it took me a long time to be open with them about it though
um you know it's hard I think you know I always like to say coming out as a stoner for me is very difficult you know
I think it kind of was a process just like anything you're kind of you know revealing a piece of your identity to
somebody and you might be afraid that they're gonna judge you for that um but luckily I have been very you know
accepted and I I know my family loves me no matter what but that fear in the back of your head kind of creeps up and it is
and you know you realize that that comes from that same stigma that you're out there trying to to fight and you're just
letting it in your own head so I was like you know what I gotta I gotta cut that out we're gonna we're just gonna fight the bullet here so I think it is
you know standing in your truth being like yeah this is what I do it's what I use and I'm you know there are worse
things I could be doing by far so I do think it was lucky that I was in an accepting family because I know not
everybody is is so lucky um but no I've been so they don't so
they don't consume no not my not my not my
but they do they what what's really helped me move from
being completely ignorant about it and uh assuming a whole lot of of very wrong
and negative things about it again coming to the place where I am now where I stand on the side of advocacy
for it and I'm trying to figure out once it kind of like how her kids discussion it's not it's not
whether I'll use it or not it's going okay I think I understand that there's a place here but how
um and hearing the stories of of people and seeing MJ's life and see seeing the
effects and the thing so is is that what like are your family watching you and
seeing learning more about the benefits to to mental health and physical health
and and in your own I mean obviously your own health Journey mentally
um is is that part of their Positive Growth experience do you think as well I
think so like honestly you know my my parents certainly grew up in that age of um you know where cannabis was kind of
freely used they grew up in the 70s and that type of thing but um you know through work and and the
laws it was not something that they really partaken in um in quite some time I would say
um but luckily I do have you know kind of extended family that have used different um like tinctures or even CBD
and those types of things that have opened the minds and I think um for me it was breaking down those
stigmas and being like you know I I do use this for mental health I I can you
know back that up with not only my education but things that I've seen from from clients in my own world
um and I do think that that has helped them realize that it is you know just a plant that is something that people can
use and be productive and that they can use and it's not all um you know the
Cheech and Chong stereotype or um you know it's not all that type of negative stuff that they got even though
I love Cheech and Chong not saying that they're a bad thing but we're just like you know that stereotype
that they were so ingrained in kind of Unbreaking that you know what once I became a stoner I also got a Bachelor's
degree bought a house became a mother got a master's started business things have been progressing in my life I'm
using cannabis is one of those things that have helped me get there um so I think just that whole process has kind of helped break that down a lot
for them um now that they're ever like outwardly against it necessarily but certainly it was like you know nothing that was was
talked about or you know it was not something I wanted to get caught with as a as a kid so
so yeah a lot laws in general just don't make sense to me like um especially in the states uh you know she said yeah
where is New York at right now in terms of legalization that was it was part okay well yeah so I
want to find out where New York's at and then I mean at this point I feel like New York really knows where New York is at
unfortunately um so we are so we're like illegal to smoke
it it's not illegal to buy it um they're not they're not giving out
any licenses quite yet but they are kind of working on all these different meetings and things
um I think the biggest win for us was that they are allowing medical doctors to prescribe it for any condition that
they see fit okay um so before it was very limited like you know the regulation was like that you must have
this this or this to be able to get medical marijuana yeah um which I always thought was very silly that the government was telling a
medical professional what they could or could not prescribe something for um because I thought that's what they went to school for but uh I guess now
they're allowed to do it for for any condition that they see fit so it really opens up the gate then to
um I'm hoping allow for more you know mental health conditions being able to to fit under that bracket or
um you know a lot of pain conditions that didn't fall in right now before was really just like cancer and more severe things
um but so I think New York is really chugging along we're hoping to be you know opening dispensaries and
consumption sites within the next couple of years here but I know it's a slow process so it's so interesting the way
laws work like I don't I don't understand and I don't agree like for example Laura is saying they're
basically getting what we had originally which was the medical system that doctors could sign however doctors
remember we were talking the other day but doctors were not actually allowed to sign because of the government didn't want them to sign unless it was for
um and then they took away doctor's licenses and they find doctors and then
and like we still don't have um consumption sites you can consume
outside anywhere that you're legally allowed to consume a cigarette you can consume a joint unless it's private
property and then it's their rules um but like we don't have cannabis lounges or anything like that right okay
like my point behind the confusion especially behind the states is in New
York for example New York is one of many states in the US that it is still legal
to marry your first cousin but lovely you can't buy a joint right
yeah tell me this I was like what but you're not hurting anybody either way right right
well so like one people would probably look at like
yeah things just don't add up right yeah I mean I think it's Florida that you're
not allowed to sing in public in a bathing suit either which is crazy because most people are
in bathing suits in Florida Florida the story behind how these laws got put
on the books like what happened who in a bathing suit was singing so much they had to put a law in the books to make that step well Toronto's do you remember
the horse one yeah you can't drag a [ __ ] a dead horse down uh one of our amazing yeah one particular Street yeah you can't the
other one yeah you know you can drag dead horses down on most streets in in the Toronto area but it's apparently and
it's fined by like 50 or something yeah the try dragging that horse down and
smoking pregnant with one hand and smoking the joint with the other then you're did you
see that before legalization a police officer coming over here you've got a dead horse dragging it down the middle
of the road and he's like what do you got in your hand there
for the joints wow yeah they don't make sense to me I
always thought like New York to me I'm surprised that New York is still
um not farther along in this regard because maybe this is a Canadian's perception of
the US but New York and La it's like those are the hip places those are the
the places that are ahead of the game you know the parties are happening right yeah so like what in the world is New
York doing so far behind that maybe is that is that just a Canadian perception maybe New York and La aren't the hit
places anymore I don't know I mean we like to think so I guess yeah that's surprising I'm not leaving the hip part
I'm in like the I'm in the upstairs part but we'll we'll say I was gonna say I don't think you lived in New York based
on the sound I don't hear any like honking I'm in the um the buried in snow
very quiet part so you know the nice about that so what what is what is the main problem with
New York in regards to cannabis what what is the battle right now why are they having such a hard time with this I
mean I think it's just coming down to setting regulations and I do think that they're trying to avoid you know a lot
of what's happening in California right now or they're kind of realizing that maybe some of the the things that they put in place weren't so great um you
know and they were really our um epig I guess so to speak like they were in California went first and a lot
of these legalizations um and they're kind of backtracking right now realizing that maybe some things they put in place weren't
wonderful we're not so great for them um so I think maybe New York is just stepping in a little too nervously or
maybe a little too hesitantly that we're just kind of having lots and lots of meetings lots and lots of um you know different fact-finding
missions and things like that where I think they're making a process out of it to avoid a problem later on which I can
appreciate at the same time it's very confusing for people when a year ago they were like yes it's legal but like
don't buy it like you can't because they're confusing so um that's you know
that's even we're not really even allowed to grow it yet so it's just like where do you get it like what you can
consume cigarettes same thing you're allowed to you can smoke it but you can't buy it and you can't grow it so where do you get it don't answer that
exactly from L.A oh yeah that's one of those things that
like it makes no sense yeah you can have it you can smoke it but yeah maybe New York
maybe New York is just afraid for good reason I mean it was only in one generation like when I was growing up
New York was you know essentially Gotham City right I mean it was known for like
like you you know you probably found cannabis along with every other drug of choice in every back alley like like New
York was a um you know don't go out you know past eight o'clock at night I mean the crime
rate was like the transformation of that City in one generation has been amazing right
um so maybe they are a little standoffish going uh you know we want to be careful with uh bringing you know
kind of re-entering into some of this stuff because it it has had a pretty nasty
past that it freed itself from in regards to a lot of what they would call
you know I wish people would stop lumping cannabis as a drug in with all those other like dark alley you think of
like when you think of all those other I see metal and dark I'm like why don't they equate it with rainbows and like
yeah but no that's how I perceived it all it
was no no everything is rainbows and and peace signs and like I love it
yeah no absolutely but I do think yeah you're right they people don't want to be you're given that bad reputation or
you know I think a lot of places don't want to be the guinea pig for New York they don't want to be the first ones to take the step in and you know we're all
kind of just feeling things out so I think everyone's kind of like well we'll see what that county is going to do first and kind of you know see how they
handle it and see what happens there and then um but you know I don't I don't think that they're gonna say no to the amount
of money that it can bring in for the state for too long so I think once they see that it can be that beneficial
financially I think it'll right Ken um I don't see I don't see the state sitting
around for too long because Canada has been in the game for a couple years now
and the rest of the world is starting to open up too and I don't know if you know this but Canada is shipping stuff out
all over the place to the states to you know I mean like the states is going to want a piece of this right yeah
something to jump onto and I you know I I think that it's gonna be hard to ignore when so many people are wanting
it like there's a huge group of people in in the states that are on board with this and even people who don't necessarily consume but can see the
value or the benefit um and there's a lot of ancillary businesses that can be out of that you
know it's not just dispensaries Growers and and you know the ones that are right with the plant but you know bookkeepers
who work with the businesses or you know the the different um you know lighting companies there's so many different businesses that can
benefit off of this one industry starting up that it's it could be an incredible benefit but lots of different
different reasons I think to have it but hopefully they'll they'll do it in a way that is uh smart I guess when you
mentioned a little while ago um you said one county is looking at another County like in terms of your setup you know
you've got a bunch of counties within your state right and so they they can
function independently in things like this so for this they are so what they're doing is they're leaving it up
to each County to decide if they wanted to opt in to having dispensaries and
then they could also opt into having lunges um so that was uh I think just at the start of this past year as as the year
came to a close they had to either opt in or out um and I think many you know many are
kind of waiting to see and I think most that opted in are allowing dispensaries and maybe not lounges yet
um right so and you know it's kind of interesting to see the difference but there are some that are offering both and I think the bigger cities
um you know Buffalo Rochester are kind of more on top of that um but you know I think it is
interesting to see you know because then it means too that you know I don't have to travel that far then to get to a
different County that might have something that so I do think that these counties are going to start to see like okay how much is am I missing out on
here based on not having these things or so it is in this case by County so it's kind of been a a weird kind of jigsaw
puzzle of where things are are allowed to be opening or or not so so she says
County that's like our towns are parties yeah it's like um the
corporate different towns like so um like so like the City of Buffalo is
in Erie County okay
we had something similar here where um in Ontario the cannabis store the people
that are in charge of um you know all of it they said you know we're gonna have every
um city or whatever say whether they want to opt in or out of getting a cannabis dispensary and then if you were
in then it was up to a business to come into your city and apply for a business license and then set up shop and right
they could have like in where you live numerous different shops or whatever but
they all need to get the business license and yada yada but um apparently if you did not opt in
as a municipality or whatever when the tax dollars came down from the
government for the Cannabis sales you were not going to get a chunk regardless
of whether or not you had a store in your thing but you had to opt in
so you could opt in and have nobody bring a store there and still get funds from yeah from this thing so like people
were telling people like go to these meetings explain this to the townships explain to them that if you opt out
you won't get the fire the funds made fun to help you like and it's gonna be
big yeah yeah and a lot of money from opting in so absolutely yeah and I think
it's it's definitely a benefit and you know I think it'll be very exciting as things kind of start to open up but I
think people are very eager at this point so it's kind of been interesting to see people navigate them
the different kind of laws here as we're all figuring it out so so with with all of this kind of still even in Canada I
mean like like so sweet so much stuff is still is still learning you're you're in
this industry right now or you said you actually went um to an Institute for cannabis Wellness or something like that
yeah so on the verge of of where all this is progressing you're probably
pretty pretty firmly on the ground floor of of a cannabis Wellness industry
um is that exciting to you where where you know where do you where do you think this is going how big is the instant
like how many people are doing what you do so it's um it's all an online thing and it's you know probably more than you
would think but it's I definitely think growing um I think it's going to be uh a
trend throughout 2022 I think it's definitely a big you know mental health in general is
pretty huge and I think we're all very focused on our physical health at this point you know just stay healthy keep ourselves healthy I
mean all those types of things so I do think that being able to incorporate something that a lot of people have associated with fun
into wellness and and being able to be like okay like I can do both like that I can actually use this to help like okay
or um like if I have a hard workout then afterwards I can use something that's going to help with my pain and
inflammation and I'm gonna feel better tomorrow and I can do a workout again like I can continue to feel good about myself and in my body through this tool
um so I do think it is um only going to increase and only going to gain momentum as people you know
continue to educate themselves too um so I do love that I am kind of on the ground floor and I hope that more and
more people can be brought into it and and with our our more health coaches that become cannabis health coaches or can
incorporate you know canvas into therapy even um you know more in private practice those types of things I think
it can be a wonderful tool for so many different um you know different professions and
different people what would uh what would how would you describe very
briefly somebody is is who is the per like right right now
describe kind of what that person is looking for when they're going they're going to come to you what is it that the
the Cannabis health coach is going to provide help them with and walk with
them through something sure so um the normal kind of program I guess I would I would sign somebody up for
um like a six-week program um so you can learn about cannabis the plant itself things about like the the
cannabinoids the flower of annoys the um the terpenes all the different parts that make up the cannabis plant
um and it's not anything that you have to know about there's a lot of handouts and to bring it down making it easy
um and then there's a lot about kind of incorporating the the Cannabis into the different sections like we kind of talked about
like incorporating cannabis into your sleep incorporating it into your Fitness routine um and how you can even eat to support
your endocannabinoid system and how stress up support your endocannabinoid
system and it all is so um holistic I think and integrative that it's really amazing to kind of touch on
on anything and I know that makes it sound really broadly like you can come to me for anything but like um I think really mostly what I see is
people kind of struggling right now with just being overwhelmed with life in general there's a lot just kind of
stress and you know it's hard to turn off your mind a lot of times a lot of people um struggling from kind of loneliness
even and depression and I think being able to reach out and have someone to support you but sometimes having the
knowledge is great but that doesn't create any change necessarily like I could have all the knowledge in the
world that doesn't mean I have the motivation of the discipline to create change um and a lot of people don't on their
own it's a very hard thing to do so it's really nice to go to somebody and be like okay I need to get a handle on my
anxiety and you know I might not be able to leave my house or I don't really you know have that ability so you can meet
with me virtually and that's great and we can do some work through kind of the science behind us and how we can incorporate it into those Wellness
techniques that you might already know about um and then just kind of have that ongoing support for kind of that
check-in like oh this worked or like you know this Dosa you know was high high THC it caused a little bit more anxiety
and it's like okay let's you know maybe we have a little bit less next time smoke half that joint early on only take a look down a little bit
um and having somebody just to help keep track of those things or to provide you with the tools to check it yourself to
be able to do that is really helpful so um I think it is just kind of all of those those things so it's a whole
program that really you walk through to kind of learn how to bring it into any part of your life that you're really looking to bring it into
well I can from personal experience uh I I know how easy it is I think I speak
for many human beings where we all think we can um wait you're human well when I was
human Okay um I remember thinking that I could do I just make it happen myself for example
especially with with the way online information is now and I went to run my very first marathon
and I'm not a runner and I basically because I had set this deadline of when
I wanted to run this Marathon it was part of this you know Dare To Dream adventure and I skydived and bungee
jumped and ran a marathon all within like this week and a half span and so but everything I looked at online was
like every training by expert Runners you couldn't train in the amount of time
that I was going to do so what I did was go oh well clearly these people know what they're doing but what I'm going to
do is take all this information and blend it into a condensed training
session using their theories right so I built my own thing from no running
experience no nothing um you're supposed to run get get up to like 32 kilometers like I don't in this
I don't know what it is in the States but it's a 42k run it's a marathon sure okay yeah yeah almost made up to
32k so like two-thirds or three quarters of the way in training before you actually go and I
I got to 18 and blew my knee and I was wrapped up in ice for like I don't know
like a couple weeks or whatever and everybody who knew anything about running was horrified it was doing and I
went to the The Running Room like a week before the marathon and said hi I need running you know running shoes for this
marathon and they're like well what have you been running and I showed them my shoes and had no soul and they're like what like like they were like this is
not good right let's just say I finished the marathon and I'll never do it again across it off my list yeah but I I what
I found out from that though was that how easy it is as a human being to just
go yeah I'm just going to take this information and put it together and how poorly and badly that can be and that
the importance of having a coach it would have been very way more beneficial to me to have have talked to somebody
and even if they were just bold enough to say you can't run a marathon in six weeks from now like you can't and then
at least I have that information to go with but so I'm just glad that somebody like you is out here I didn't know that
you there was such thing as a cannabis Health wellness coach and it's somebody like me is in there going okay I'm on this journey MJ's my coach right and I'm
glad I have somebody's you know who who knows what they're doing and when I start to
I know what I was doing with me because I did it through trial and error um it's interesting because I've never
greened out I've never consumed so much cannabis that I've made myself sick because like I've said before I made
brownies and I look at the tray and I'm like I don't think I want another one like you
can feel you can assess your own body just yeah so that's why we it's a green
out like blowing out your knee and wrapping in an ice for two weeks no dreaming out is yeah apparently you feel
like really nauseous and sick and some people even throw up and right I mean it sounds like The Hangover equivalent for
it is good to have somebody and like it's good like and guys even walk you know no I know that when I do try my
first edible you know we've already talked about this she's like you know like we'll we'll set up the right setting I'll be there I'll be you know
we'll we'll kind of find out we'll Journal it you know we'll mark it all down so uh so this is just it's just
awesome because not everybody has an MJ in their life and so it's awesome that you're doing this and when I first found
you on Instagram and looked through what you did and I thought that was super interesting to me so
um and it's all online too right it is it's all virtual so I can work with anybody which is the cool part too it's just uh it's very open so anyone that's
interested can can reach on there's a whole you know network of of health coaches so if you did really want someone specifically closer to you you
know I'm certainly help having to help find that person too so I know we have your Instagram down below it's Laura
Connolly uh the uh uh what what is it Ginger Ginger ganja God yeah yeah I just
want to say no it wasn't off screen before you said it but he said ganja he
gets a ganja what's a ganja so uh where else can they find you how
can they connect with you is that the best way or their other it is the best way you can always Jam me right through through Instagram I am on you know on
Facebook um but that's the easiest way okay you know that links all my good stuff so if you find me on Instagram you can get get
a hold of me that way fantastic MJ any final words uh we love Instagram too that's generally where you can find us
all right Laura thank you so much for joining us uh everybody uh if you're
looking newbie or doobie maybe you just want to find out if this is something
you can incorporate what if you're a doobie I just want to point down there even if you're a doobie you're a newbie because you don't know
it all and you might need a coach or you might know somebody who needs a coach and like me I'm I can't coach everybody
so contact Laura don't blow out your cannabis knee I
figured it I'm trying to blend it together don't blow your candy
don't green out your knee no it doesn't work anyways we we wish you all the
success in your in your work going forward hopefully we'll be able to connect uh um in some other way along the way as
well so thanks so much for joining us today Laura thank you so much
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