The Noobie And The Doobie
The Noobie And The Doobie
Sheriann Baker | Cancer & Cannabis, Social Media, The Power of Community | Noobie & Doobie OTS #29
On The Spot with Sheriann Baker. Living with cancer, Sheriann is a content creator, cannabis advocate & spreader of positivity!
During our conversation with Sheriann we discussed her life with cancer & cannabis, managing social media as a content creator as well as the importance of collaboration & community building.
Instagram: instagram.com/sheriannbaker_
Cannabis model Marijane Baker & non-consuming comedian Timmy Boyle have joined forces to explore the wonderful world of weed...from both sides. Be sure to subscribe, turn on notifications, like, comment & share! Thank you so much!
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Email 👉 thenoobieandthedoobie@gmail.com
THE DOOBIE: Model, advocate & artist Marijane Baker Instagram / All Links
THE NOOBIE: Comedian, speaker & coach Timmy Boyle Booking / Instagram / All links
He’s from the Church. She’s from the garden...of Weeden. They’re from different worlds with the same goal. To engage & explore the cannabis culture...from both sides.
Join medicinal user, model & advocate Marijane Baker and non-consumer, former youth pastor & current clean comedian Timmy Boyle for a unique, funny & educational look into the magical, controversial and, for some, forbidden world of weed.
Timmy & Mj (a real life “mixed” couple) bring their cannabis pillow talk into the public domain as well as inviting guests, from inside & outside the weed community, to help educate, entertain & inspire the other noobies & doobies who are tuning in.
[Music] this podcast is for adults only should
not be used as a meal replacement and may contain nuts
[Music] hey everybody and welcome back to another episode of the Newbie and the
Doobie my name is Timmy I am the Newbie Mary Jane I am the Doobie we're very excited to have with us today on the
spot Sherry Ann Baker who we have been wanting to have with us for uh quite some time
um we've even entrusted her with our phone to take uh pictures at an event because that's how good she is around
water online everybody needs to follow Sherry Ann Baker and if you're not
please do that we'll give you more information about that later in the show but Sherry Anne thank you for joining us
this morning thank you for having me I'm so excited you guys are awesome
yes and if you're only uh listening to this on an audio format I say poo poo to
you because you cannot see the amazingness and you'll hear the energy but you won't get to see the energy that
is Sherry Ann Baker so those are so awesome that's why I love you yes it's it's actually one of my eyes I mentioned
this to you at Lyft or sorry not at Lyft but at uh the kind Summer Festival but it is one of my favorite ways to start
my morning is I go through my Instagram stories and your face is always smiling
and cheerful and you're always doing your little dance with your doobie and I'm like what are you smoking today you
know it's just it's a nice way to start the morning so yeah absolutely well today I'm smoking Saints so far one of
the ones that's about my six or six so we're gonna get in we're gonna get into your cannabis journey and and
everything that kind of you know impassions you throughout this I mean you're at so many events you do so much
online yeah um but I'll I do want to hit before we even get
to that I mean you are so incredibly active on social media oh yes we I mean
it exhausted us and it's why we took some time off not your social media our social media
yeah like and going to going to events and trying to enjoy the event but trying
to document the event and then trying to make sure you're on top of all that posting stuff and I tell people all the
time there's there's a reason why people pay people other people to just do
social media for them because it's so much and do you get you look like though
you just get energized by it and it's just it's just it's a passion of yours yeah I just I just love it it's just a
way of networking with people that's how how I look at it right so so when I go to event I basically
um I just you know say my hellos or whatever and sometimes it's can you just saying hello it's gonna be time
consuming because so many people are there like with kind oh my gosh it takes you it took you almost like an hour just
to walk around that small little venue because there were so many of us there and you just start talking and then you
see somebody else and somebody else so yeah it's very time consuming so basically yeah I go in and I try to get
um my hellos in really fast and then I try to do my videoing and you know focus
more on doing my being more creating and and that sort of stuff and then and then
if there's time after then I'll do more networking but I'll tell you it can take up easily eight hours easily and you
still can't get all your videotaping and you still can't see everybody but you do
you it's kind of important because you like you said um you know like I don't get paid for it this is kind of like my hobby this is
kind of what I love to do but it is very time consuming it really is but I love
doing it yeah it sounds like you must have some sort of plan though because even like we get
confused sometime just trying to look at our files and go what have we posted what haven't we posted when are we gonna
post this no no it starts even before like Sherry I was talking about it it starts at the event you can attest to
this we made it we we started on the left hand side we walked
20 steps and ran into somebody strictly hippie yeah then we walked another five
steps and we ran into Chris Burns next thing you know we're halfway down the thing we're running into shatterizer
team now we're all and like like you're saying now it's like 45 minutes and we've only made it around one small
little L section and yeah I'm such the person that I'm in the moment and I'm having fun and I'm chatting and I'm oh
my God and I'm like oh Timmy goes do you got your phone and I'm like oh yeah a photo a photo we need
to get a photo right because if you don't take a photo it didn't happen exactly that's exactly and nowadays for
sure and that's just at the event like Timmy said like and then you get out of the event
and you have what do we have like 70 76 or something like that photo video
things from yeah from kind yeah and I I I feel like an old person now I made
fun of my dad when he told me he had to check emails at work and I probably shouldn't have done this because now I
feel like it's coming back to haunt me yes because the files Go from my phone and I can't get them to upload to my
drive because my phone is maxed out on battery and it keeps saying synchronization error oh that's the
really stressful part of it and then if you do manage to get this they give you now this special piece with your phone
that plugs in the bottom that you can plug USB like a whole memory stick in and then I take it to the computer and I
plug it in the computer and I'm so excited to see them and now I'm like oh gotta put them in this this app to make
it a video or to make it a photo and now I have like like like Timmy
yeah then you've got to tag people are literally after kind after kind I
would okay so the first night I was at kinda let me just first of all kind was I'm gonna say was the most absolutely
amazing is the best event that I've been to in the last three years since of
covid um was absolutely spectacular so I don't know if that's what took so long to get around it was because you just I mean
you couldn't I was gonna say it took you that long to see see people my God I would just turn around and be like somebody else somebody else somebody
yeah and because you could get away from people and but that was a great part of that right like it was just everybody
was just so loving and hugging and it was like a big hippie Fest and I just loved it but the first night it
literally took me and I was there for opening at three o'clock until nine o'clock the
first day to actually be able to actually even relax and say hello to anybody because it was just so busy
networking and taking videos and yeah it was just and then of course I was
exhausted so then of course I I live right downtown so I I walk home and then
of course you know I'm so excited I got this adrenaline going I'm like okay only one video and then of course you know I'm up there till four in the morning
and then sometimes just tagging people tagging people takes hours right and
then like you said and then if that's why it's whether your phone wants to upload or if Instagram wants to screw
around with you and not dead it's a very time consuming so yeah I do I do have a
plan and it eventually hopefully yeah it's just to get out there more and hopefully have more sponsors I need
sponsors now it's been six years that I've been doing this and I've been doing this on my own with absolutely
um no help from anybody and I I haven't asked for help because I didn't know how the heck this works but I see a lot of
people that are doing really well on it and I need to figure it out and I'm going to because yeah like you know I
love doing that it's funny it's funny that you say that because there's people like us who are looking at you going oh
that person's figured it out we got to figure out what they're doing so it's encouraging to know that that even you
haven't figured out what would though because as a as a comedian I'm prefer and a very poor marketer I must have
performing professionally since 2009 I have always been on the stage doing my
own marketing doing my own you know you know agent work all I everything's
myself there's so many people in this industry too that are doing podcasts doing
influencer work whatever it may be running a business and they're struggling I know you haven't figured it
all out but I know we're not the only ones who think that you do a very very very well what would be a couple tips
that you could share with everyone else is going how in the world do I do this better what were a couple things that
you've learned that you're like this this this helped me a lot you just you just got a network that's really the
biggest thing you got you got to be out there like you know I you know I I don't know though I mean it's you know it's
funny you say that because the other day I was thinking about that and there are some influences that I see on social media that have a lot more followers on
Instagram that I do but there are the events so I'm like what are we doing
like what am I what am I not doing right like I don't get it right and but I'll
tell you like when I'm at the events I am recognized like it's overwhelming like oopsie even when I was at kind
um I like I had people and I at all the events coming up to me and it's the
funniest thing because I don't know how celebrities do it but yeah people come up to me and they're like oh my gosh how
are you so that first thing I'll do is I'm looking at them okay do I know them or do I not know them and then
thankfully most of them will say you don't know me I follow you so then I'll be like if you otherwise like I have no
idea who this person is right but they're so awesome like everybody is just so awesome and and and it makes me
kind of feel funny like you know what I mean because I I don't think I'm any different than anybody else so now it
doesn't matter I never will be like in in social media world I do got about I
don't know about 15 000 followers and Twitter was actually my biggest platform Twitter that's one of the ones I got to
say Twitter was my biggest platform um
Twitter followers like at all um and then and then somebody introduced
me to Instagram and then that's it I've been on Instagram like big time Facebook not so much but yeah I would just say
yeah um just get out there do you networking talk to people um
um you know I'm not gonna say like offer your free services but sometimes you got to do that in every sort of job even
jobs that you get paid at you always gotta you gotta show that you're a team player and that you're you're willing to
to learn every job and every Department to kind of get your nose in there but that's what I'm doing and I I find it
starting to work because I kind of did actually have um two or three people that um came up to me and wanted to go
further so things are starting finally after six years
um yeah it's just patience right and it's also getting the recognition and I'm finally
um yeah people are starting to take me more seriously so well I think money guys well I gotta figure out how
to get the minutes I get lots of loot I have a whole table
full of stuff right you're like now if I could just turn that into monetary yes
right and you know and in all fairness to the cannabis companies out there we do know you have a marketing funds you
have just like any company um you know you're you you you have this money so if us influencers are out there
and as Comedians and us people are like going out of our way to promote your
events and you see us at all the events and you see us there's a group of us we're always you need to start you need
to start um recognizing us and you need to start
um somehow what's the word I'm looking for guys compensated yes I think I think the
real problem lies with him and I say this all the time Timmy can attest to it it's the rules and the regulations that
need to be addressed around cannabis marketing right that way can allow for
more like I don't know you mentioned Twitter and I was like was on Twitter because I just recently heard that
Twitter has now changed their cannabis advertising policies to include not just
brand awareness right because before like you could just say you know you know whatever cannabis Brand X cannabis
brand I don't want to promote anybody because like you said no compensation right so X cannabis brand right um is is
able to talk about uh their product now rather than just saying come and check
out our store right right right so it's things are slowly changing Timmy says
baby stuff apps and you know we're moving in the right direction that's frustrating though I agree with you we
need to start pushing and we need to see you know we we deserve a space too and I think it's kind of count on the like
kind list as well they're trying to do what what a lot of people sorry they're
doing better what other people have tried to do for years and that brings illegal and the the Legacy together
together yes and this and apparently well what I I you know what I'm I've I've seen a little bit of Separation not
as much as others have but this the kind was great there was it was just like we were like this like there was so much
love between everybody and I think that's the way it should be that's the way I've always felt like because I before I came to Ontario I didn't know
about all the Legacy and all that how it worked because Alberta is totally completely different right and um so
I've been learning but I when I first came here yeah I could definitely see it's like oh you buy it you buy the
legal and then it's like what what I'm about cannabis I don't know what you guys are talking about so I had to like
nobody gave me a book on how to learn all this I would go to the events and that's how I was slowly starting to
learn and I'm very um I'm just kind of one of those girls I don't like to ask a lot of questions I don't like to look
dumb so sometimes I do I'm dumb because I just kind of figure stuff out and I ask really stupid questions but that's
how you learn right but that's how I've been noticing is in the last year for sure
um for sure we've really started coming more together and I think now I've heard
this a lot from us influencers and us people um who are out there supporting these um
wonderful cannabis companies um that they're not feeling compensated there's a whole bunch of us
um so I think they need to start compensating us or looking at us and changing the rules just to include us
more and to compensate us because we are we do bring in a lot of people as they
see like I know a lot of people go to the shows to see you guys and all honesty people go to the shows to see a
lot of us and and a lot of us are starting to get discouraged so we just gotta it's a fine line though right
because you when you continue to promote
um on your own and you do it well then I'm not saying all companies do this but
there's certainly some that would go well why would we compensate because you're already promoting for us well
that's it so it's it's a it's a difficult line because we we want to be supportive we want to promote but we
also need to kind of go wait a minute maybe I you know because we've actually done this with other people with like
when you go to events right we support other companies podcasters influencers
but when we go to events we want to wear our brand stuff because we're trying to
promote us like for example you're wearing a shirt that is promoting a company right right and this is you're
not getting compensated yeah no you're doing it the product yeah right they need to they
need to recognize there is there is brand recognition and that you know hey this product is a great product I love
um I'm like looking because I normally have one close by it's a it's a med Tanner it's a grinder yeah I'm sure
you've seen them airtight waterproof storage container grinder on the bottom yeah um I have never earned a dollar not
even a penny from that company yeah oh yeah we don't have pennies um but I
love I love that company I love the product um I'll talk about it all day every day
um but I have I'm also weary about taking on endorsements and stuff like
that because especially when it comes to product testing um
what if you're paying me to test a product what you're paying me for is
the testing of the product what you're not paying me for is an unbiased opinion
right because I'm going to give you my opinion my true 100 opinion absolutely
whatever you're giving me because I don't believe in false advertisement I agree so that's where I'm like I would
be willing to deal with with that sort of thing when it comes to like products whether it be Grinders or anything like
even non-cannabis related it's still it's got to be you know it's going to be truthful
absolutely absolutely I agree like you know like I find actually yeah I won't I won't do any sort of review or any sort
of a product on a shitty product absolutely not no no way no way I've actually I've actually had people who
have given me Rick Simpson Oil that I um didn't find was very good product or
good quality and no I believe absolutely not because I'm not going to endure something that's a shitty product no I'm
not putting away no because that puts your like honestly especially in the Cannabis industry when
your career everything rides on your reputation it is not worth doing
anything that is going to to affect that like I like to believe I'm a pretty
decent person so I'm not going to go around looking around here oh MJ beat an animal or some crap like that because
that's never gonna happen that's why people like you because they can trust you and they can believe in what you're talking about right and they yeah they
they enjoy what you talk about right because what if you endorse that RSO and
then next thing you know somebody gets really sick off of it yeah subpar product and you're just like I
don't want to be responsible no it's so good for you also for taking that same absolutely not no no no for absolutely
not I actually have to even block the guy I mean if I actually had people who
have tried to attach their Richardson oil to my name and it's like first of all okay I've had one gram first of all
I'm not even gonna know what one Graham's gonna do like I take one gram a day so like you know what I mean so so
yeah no you and I know and you're not I'm not endorsing it I'm not putting my name on it so get my face and my name
off of your product right like oh yeah I get it a lot I get that a lot I believe
that because um I was like I don't want to get too much into I'll just say this I I believe
that because of who you are and what you're advocating yeah
but yeah but I'm like before we get into that story can I ask her the question well yeah I was gonna well you have
something else first go ahead no I it leads into that so everything that we
set up to this point just reveals um for you to to do what you've been
doing clearly you are investing a lot of time clearly you are investing a lot of
your heart um and energy into this which leads
ultimately to the question of of why which ultimately leads to what MJ's
question is because you are you are clearly wanting to talk about cannabis well yes oh I see the discussion on
cannabis I don't know what her journey is well I don't know if this led to your journey so my my question always stems
with or starts with uh your very very first time using cannabis this in any
form so whether it's smoking eating whatever you're right downtown yeah
I was 11. okay okay and my sister
um me and my sister have never gone along and she thought that she'd [ __ ] me up and get me high and then I'd be
all screwed up and do really stupid she's gonna be the older sister yeah she was yeah she's three years old and she
did do it and she hooked me and I smoked the whole joint I loved it and I never thought and then you guys started you
started getting along because you both were like Hey we're not talking no no no no she only did it to try and get me in
trouble I think she thought my parents would figure it out that I was high at 11 but no they never figured it out but
but but he was probably more pissed off about that and would you that's the way
she was I think I think her and her friend like had one puff I think that was the whole plan was get sherian
really screwed up get her in trouble and so you know my parents taught me not to waste right
so I smoked the whole thing and we had five and a half acres and I still remember this a great memory and I still
remember this I got on my little Honda 90 after that and drove around on my five acres all buzzed out thinking wow
this is life like even at 11 years old I knew how great it was
would you have gotten in a lot of trouble was your was your family against
weed was it was it a anti yeah I was home you know I don't think
not too sure my dad my parents were alcoholics so
so yeah um I don't know you know I don't know my they were hippies I mean they had they
were into Elton John and all that so you know there must be a spider
busted those alarms this morning in your building it's a good it's a good thing cannabis is legal now because in the
past you would have been running for cover going are they looking for me no I never did I never did I never ran
but yeah no I I just I've always loved it and I've always I always had a lot of anxiety
um even as a little girl and suffered from my drains as a little girl so I don't know if all about came into play
and that's why I loved it so much and maybe having
parents that um were alcoholics that maybe kind of took me away a little bit from that maybe
I don't know do you feel we talk a lot about um uh consuming with purpose do you feel
that even at a young age there was a sense that it was medicine for anxiety
or was it simply a recreational enjoyment no absolutely let's put it this way I remember being
1918 and I'd be all stressed out my mom would go Sherry Anne go smoke a joint to
you know and she knew it because it would calm me down I've been allowed to smoke pot in my
house since I was 13 14 in my mom's house not my dad's
house my Dad would kick my ass my mom my mom anything went anything went my mom
smoked car my mom knew oh yeah right yeah and yeah and so then as as you got
older did you um did you narrow down at all the the
intention behind it did you kind of go wait this is also helping with this and this and if I smoke this strain and this
dose it will help me with this or like how did that process of growth happen well you know what no it was just had to
be canis didn't matter if it was sativa Indica hybrid it just had to be cannabis
it was that yeah you know it was the sativa the Indica doesn't I've never
noticed a difference of the highs the lows the couch you know what I mean I just love the high
you know as soon as I just it's just high it's I just love being in that
place you know what I'm saying and I don't know maybe like I said having parents that were alcoholics and seeing how stupid they were and knowing that
you could have so much fun but not be stupid and not feel like [ __ ] in that state and not
remembering what you've done and you know what I mean and yeah I remember as
a and I did this once I remember my mom I guess I was like 18 at the time and uh
my mom was a my mom was a bad joke okay she was a mean job and uh
yeah all my friends knew because she'd even show up in the bars in Toronto and oh my God anyway she was a mean girl
this one night she was really mean so it was like okay well let's let's get talker into smoking a joy because we
knew as soon as we could get her to smoke a joint it just took her down brought her boom right on the couch that
was it nighty nights mommy money and that's what it was we just had to get her to have that possible and we did as
soon as we got her to have that puff she would just mellow out and she would go to bed she wasn't a belligerent mean
person so I saw it from a very young age um the effects and my auntie thanks my
auntie Dar was a hippie um did she introduce me no my sister introduced me the clock but my auntie Darlene was very um you know she gave it
to me as a young you know I was 17 or whatever and she'd give me bags of it and um and and she but she also knew
that my parents were alcoholics and she also she wasn't so it's we kind of saw the different effects right like that's
different highs between mean stupidity High all right drinking alcohol ruining
your life because that's what it did to my parents like the alcohol was my parents life it's both of theirs and um
and the weed you know I'm still here right like and yeah you don't make
stupid decisions you don't go robbing up you don't go smoke a big fat drink of I think I'm gonna go rob a bank today you
just don't do that right so yeah I wish I wish I wish my parents would have been
more pot smokers and and would have got away from the alcoholism you know it's
back then it's sad it's sad because I grew up you know we talk a lot about the fact of my background growing up in the
church be pretty much being born in the Pew of an Evangelical Baptist Church and and not hearing much about cannabis but
as I got older of course knowing that it was there and getting to a place where I was preaching against it because everything that you're saying there the
stigma is still attached to that people don't people don't make that distinction no somebody really kind of sits down and
go when was the last time that you saw you know you know people smoking weed you know beating up somebody in the park
right compared to when was the last time you heard about somebody who was drunk causing some damage and so I just want
to say a phrase my grandma used to say all the time and she said do you know how you can tell when alcoholic or a
bunch of teenagers that drink hang out on the hill she says they leave all their garbage and [ __ ] lying around she says do you know what happens when a
bunch of kids show up and smoke weed she says nothing they're quiet you might
smell them that's it she says they leave nothing behind they like yeah they're paranoid so they're cleaning up after
themselves they're good they don't want to get busted right that's the truth that's the honest to God too it really
I've certainly I've certainly seen it now and it just it just baffles me that that that sort of yeah you've got to see
it from the inside yeah it's like nobody even processed the difference to me
drinking alcohol which I I was turned off by watching alcoholics do dumb things and I
didn't have a um another thing to go to I just enjoyed going out and being that person who
remembered everything that happened and right and I was the life of the party I always felt that was the life of the
party and could enjoy the moment I was never anxious in crowds I just became the center of the attention it energized
me so I didn't need anything to fuel that sort of either being able to be in
it or not but it's just um yeah it's just it's so weird to me because when you look back on it
logically you just those connections aren't made and yet I grew up in an environment that is no different than a
lot of environments that are still around today where people just equate heroin drug you know weeds
all the same and it's like it's it's not a drug first of all weed is not a drug
right it's a plant no it's not so don't even put it in that category we're a flower we're a medicine really that's
and and thank God now it's finally it's starting to get out there more that we are in medicine and that we're helping
for the anxiety and depression and to help alcoholics get off of alcohol and
there is so many more benefits and if we're helping people with cancer like there's just so many more benefits to it
and people need to realize that it's not yeah it's great it's great to get high but there's just so many more benefits
to the plant right oh yeah yeah so I think you you touched on a very big one
right there as part of your journey like I feel like it's a perfect segue to lead into why
um specifically you use RSO can you take us to the very beginning of like what
what happened because I've heard bits and pieces of the story but I want to hear it right from you uh can I just say
for the for the newbies um around what's RSO because she said Rick Simpson
technically if you don't know who Rick Simpson is yeah Rick Simpson who's Rick
Rick Simpson had skin cancer and he actually um came up with the formula which is now
called Rick Simpson Oil which is cannabis oil um he came up with the formula with the
ibuprofol and the cannabis oil it's a whole it's it's like a time consuming takes like eight hours to process it
boiling over a slow period of time because you got to boil all the alcohol out of there
um it's a dangerous process if you don't know what you're doing too absolutely yeah it's very it's very yeah it's it's
I feel like I should add the warning for like yeah yeah I do it outside I go to Farms when
I do do it I'm I'm thank god um I have donors who have been donating it to me for the last six years which is
unbelievable um and they do it they they make them the Rick Simpson out at their Farms but the one time when I did do it I did it
out on a farm um where we were all walking and walking around watching it boil for like eight
hours because it just it's so time consuming but it's worth it it is absolutely worth it I just I just want
to interject and say if you don't know who Rick Simpson is and you want to know more information you could go and Google
run from the cure for the Cure but from the Cure and I
believe there's a number two as well that you can see but they're both there they're both free to watch go check that
out and then come back here or checking out after either way and he's fantastic actually he found me I guess it was
about three or four years ago he found me on I think I don't know which whichever social media but yeah his
people found me and uh he was really excited I saw I should have the book here but he's over there but yeah he
sent me a signed copy of his book and told me how proud he was with me and he knows that I I tell people a little
different but then what his protocol is but that's you know I think it's different for every sort of cancer right
like he had skin cancer I had brain cancer so I think everyone you know you got experiment a little bit right but
definitely I credit him to where I am today right but he also gotta so so what
what basically happened is um I was at a parade in my hometown and um I was
getting out from my parade and I felt out of this world that's the only way I
can describe it I can't say I felt High because I'm always high but I felt
out of this world I almost felt like I was like looking down on myself I don't know it was just weird and then I
remember like looking around kind of going okay that's kind of weird but didn't want to think of anything of it
and before you knew it we started walking away from the parade because the parade was over so as we were walking
away um I put my left foot down had no issues took my right foot down and it was like
there was no ground below me it was like water um and then I remember this like looking
down like okay did I just step off the sidewalk like why why did it feel that way but you're just walking so fast that
your mind just stops and you keep walking so then I walk back on my left foot again there's no issues go to my
right foot again again I couldn't like I couldn't find the solid ground and I'm like what the hell's going on and my
girlfriend just so happened to be a nurse and she's like what's going on and on like I don't know Laurie like she's like well should we go to the hospital
I'm like no no you know like no no no let's just let's just go to my car and we'll see how we how I feel when we get
to my car how old are you at this point this was this was in um 2000 sorry
2017. that's one of the prices that the brain um right memory and my numbers so yeah
so it was 2017. so it was it was actually June 18 2017. so we start we keep walking we
start walking again at this time my legs are fine and I didn't fall so I kind of
knew in my mind just to kind of keep walking so my main goal was just to get to my car and then get to her house to
try to figure out what's going on so we get to my car but on the way to my car I can I I kind
of I'm losing myself more like I'm just like just yeah things are kind of like
sounding weird my surroundings are weird but so I'm just moving my goal is just
to get to my car so we get to my car and I remember standing now at my my
driver's side and just standing there and I'm waiting for my legs to sit me down in my car but
my legs aren't doing anything and I'm sitting there kind of still waiting because like I'm cool right
and I don't want to say anything to my girlfriend yet and I'm high and I'm like not [ __ ] sure what's going on and I'm
a little bit panicking yeah so then she finally says what are you doing are you getting in the car and I went no Lori
I'm paralyzed I can't move and she's like what I'm like I can't move
so she jumps out of my car and she comes right over to where I'm standing and
grabs me and has to like force me like literally walk me over to the passenger
side and then she's standing there waiting for me to sit down realizes I can't sit down because I can't move so
it's just literally pushed me into the seat lift my legs everything shut me in lock me in
drive me down to the hospital and I'm looking at her right and I have to even stand her like you know do you want to
speed up like it's funny because I knew she didn't want to speed in my car because I had a nice car but at this point I just want to just be that and we
were actually going to her at her house at this point we were on the way to the hospital so we we got to the hospital
thank God there was only one other person ahead of me um she let them know that they they
didn't look more important than I did that I looked more important that I should be ahead of them and I'm like I'm
just like in my I just remember I'm in a shell right I'm just in my body and I'm thinking oh my God how embarrassing
and uh then she leaves and I'm sitting there and I remember a nurse came and
that was it that was it and then I woke up in the hospital and I had all these people around me and
yeah so it turns out I had a grand mal seizure for eight minutes
um at that point when I woke up they still didn't have an idea what was going on
with me they they figured I had had a stroke either just that day
when it happened or I had a stroke uh a couple years prior because they found a
lesion on my brain but they didn't have an MRI only as CAT scan so that's all
they they knew so they did know that of course when I woke up um I was only 16 and it's funny
because Cranbrook is where I grew up and I wasn't I wasn't living there when I was at the parade I was just visiting so
I kind of grew up where I left off 35 years ago so yeah it was bizarre I left
there when I was 16 I woke up in the same hospital with the same boyfriend that I went back to after 30 years
right so yeah so apparently I woke up I was 16 years old and then finally I
guess after time right I came to and then I was back to being four I was 46.
so yeah so they for three days they're like yeah we think you had a stroke
nobody could tell me why it was in there they had a stroke so finally I said you know what can I like just go back to
Alberta and try to figure out what's going on with me because I knew I didn't have a stroke I just I knew it my art I
knew was not a stroke and it was funny guys because let me tell you an hour before I went to that parade I
had to get something out of my car um and I went out to my car and as I was walking back to the house I smelled
burning toast yeah I stopped and I looked at the roof
and I'm like like that commercial right and I'm like I thought it was burning tar on the roof
or something like um I literally stopped in my trap going what's what's that smell so I'm like okay to the roof or
whatever yeah and then an hour later I had a Grandma's seizure so yeah the
Grandma's seizure is very bad if you're not with anybody most times you die with the Grandma's seizure that that's right
you need to be with somebody so um yeah I was pretty fortunate that way um after three days like I said after
being in there from Saturday Sunday then Monday I said you know what like I don't know why I'm here just
laying in the bed I'd rather go to Alberta and figure out what's going on so that's when my journey started
um yeah and then I went back to Alberta and it took they're like oh okay yeah yeah we'll get you an MRI it's gonna
take two months so I had my grandma's seizure on June 18th and didn't even get
to get to see a neurologist until the beginning of August sat down with him in 10 minutes he goes
you have to bring cancer you have a brain tumor you didn't even have to do an MRI because you have a brain tumor
and I went I freaking knew that I knew I had cancer I knew it there's no way
everything that I've been through was just a stroke and I knew it and I knew that I was prepared after two months you
you do a lot of thinking and reflecting I'm very spiritual
um the night before actually I got my results um it was so funny we went out for
dinner and uh we had Chinese food and uh we got the cookies and my husband always
throws me his cookies and I always switch them so I made him read his first and then I read mine and mine says
expect the unexpected I said to him I looked at him I go you know I got cancer right he goes you
don't [ __ ] got cancer don't be dumb I go Scott I'm just telling you I got
cancer so because when you go to work tomorrow because you had to drive four hours back to BC to work I said when you
go back to work tomorrow I'm going to probably be calling you to let you know I got cancer he's like don't be stupid
blah blah blah so when I called him the next day yeah I had to consult even my
doctor you guys see this is a part of my I believe it was all kind of meant to be like this is now I know why I had the
migraines at five and six years old I this tumor it was the size of a golf ball you guys the size of a golf ball
that sucker has been ticking in my brain since I was six years old and not one doctor I've seen probably 35 doctors did
one ever do an MRI on my brain so what I suggest to anybody out there if you
really feel like it's that severe you go walking to the hospital and you scream and cry until they do an MRI don't just
go to your doctors they just fluff you off they just give you this they give you that they give you try this try that
that's I was just an experiment job as a guinea pig and it turns out it was it
was it was a it was a golf ball-sized tumor in my brain right and so that's
what I tell you and it's funny too because for the last like three or four years prior
I get like these Tremor things in my body and I thought it was just old age you
know how you see people in older ages that are kind of shaking and stuff I thought maybe I'm gonna get an old you know because I'm 54. so you know I was
46 at the time but you know people you see that so I just thought stuffed it off but now these are the signs these
are the signs for people if you ever like it's the migraines it's
the it's the blurry vision I mean I had such I would vomit like when I would drink after two or three drinks I would
bomb it for eight to nine hours the day after like so severely I would be in a fetal position my doctors knew I was
taking Tylenol with codeine probably 20 a day they prescribed me with they
diagnosed me with m I m I did medicine medicine induced headaches mih is what
it's called because I used to eat codeine so much because I would just be scared I was going to get a migraine but
it was a tumor I haven't taken even a an aspirin in six years
or anything so at that moment though because obviously you hear you got cancer it's freaky as anything everybody
you know is just like what am I doing the only thing that people drop in
general though is okay I guess it's chemo now yeah you said you were no way before like you you were prepared what
was the plan okay yeah obviously they're coming at you like Timmy says that okay
and they do oh my God they see dollar signs hey they oh money oh my gosh she's
gonna redecorate my living room and my bedroom I'm gonna get a new kitchen out of her that's how they think that I see
that in them right there's one specific doctor specifically I fired at princess
Margaret's got dollar signs all over anyway um yeah you know what I I knew I knew I
had cancer I really did um I have it in my family I lost my auntie Dar at 46 breast cancer I've lost my other Auntie
um everybody my both my grandfathers I I knew it I just didn't think I'm being the healthiest probably Baker ever in my
family seriously I've been out every day in the gym since 1993. I was the most
healthiest first so for me to get sick and I don't smoke the rest of my family all smoke cigarettes I don't smoke that
[ __ ] I only smoke [ __ ] and uh yeah I yeah it was really shocking so when I
got sick it was a shocker to everybody um but yeah so I was prepared mentally so like when I literally okay so when
the doctor told me he's like he's like okay sharian um that's up and he goes I'm gonna get full in the
hospital right now and I'm gonna get you in for that MRI because I still hadn't been able to get into the MRI just to
see him he's like I'll get you in tomorrow and he did he did he's on my
days off on Friday but I want you to be here because I want to go over the results with you on Friday so be here so
he was just absolutely amazing so I did that went to the hospital on Thursday just so you know when you're in the MRI
you got a little window and you can look and you can see your technician which I do watch them and you can see their
facial expressions and I knew right then and there that holy [ __ ] I had a monster in my brain because that technician was
like so yeah I knew I knew and um so yeah so
go back there on the Friday and he's like yeah yeah you have um a monster in
your brain he showed me it's literally the size of a golf ball and he said so first place you're gonna go right now is
you're gonna go to the drugstore and you're gonna fill your prescription for Capra so you don't have another Grandma
seizure on us because that sucker is still in your brain remember I'm walking around since June 18th with that in my
break and the doctor like they just fluffed me off and um so that's what he did and then he
said then I want you to go up to Foothills Hospital and I want you to go meet Dr Kelly he's going to be your neurosurgeon who's going to do your
brain surgery and he's going to do your brain surgery today and it didn't happen that day and that's when I started to
realize I needed to take my health into my own hands because I was just a guinea
pig and I was just a number I was literally up in the Calgary Foothill hospital for eight hours in a room I was
so bored I was like a child I had the heart monitors on my toes like we were sitting there my dogs were in the trucks
even the nurses were so great they're like can we go feed your dogs could we go like take your dogs for a walk like
we feel terrible that they sent you up here and you've been sitting here for eight hours and they're like [ __ ] you
around and they were I went I had three different doctors tell me three different diagnosis well we don't think
it's terminal well we don't think it's this and no we think it's terminal oh we think you only have this and it's like
can somebody just give me like a straight [ __ ] answer you know seriously so I end up going home that
day back to Lethbridge with the big old monster still in my brain but thank God to one doctor that listened to me and
gave me some you know pills to help me so that I wouldn't have another Grandma's seizure but that's basically
where my story started and um yeah and then I knew right away they
were gonna We want me to do chemo radiation and I just um got on the Android internet and I searched for
alternative ways to fake cancer and good old Rick Simpson came up nice and
um it just so happens that uh while the Cannabis world thank God to them really
I um I they're the ones that have saved me they're the ones I'm still here really the cannabis
industry our family is the reason
um they just started networking me with everybody and sending me here and there and here sure you try here's a here's a
syringe of Rick Simpson I'll try this try that try this and then it just so happens that somebody tells me a story
about a friend of mine Chris Chris Weitzel from Kimberly from um I grew up with him we went to the same high school
together he had lung cancer he got diagnosed about a year and a half maybe two years prior to me
Chris had lung cancer I had brain cancer Chris did the Rick Simpson Oil
Chris did end up passing away but when they did his autopsy he didn't die from
cancer he died from the stint that they had put in his in him had shifted
because he had lost so much weight and it punctured his lung and that's what killed him when they did his autopsy he
was cancer-free because of the Rick sense and all so that was it that was it for me I was like don't even doctors
trust me you can ask them they they didn't even mention chemo radiation because I would get so angry I would
literally sweat them like like they knew not to even talk about it absolutely not not do it wouldn't even discuss it yeah
absolutely out of the question no no this is what I was going to do so basically when I was diagnosed with I'm
going to try to say it all all agulo glomia stage two brain cancer
terminal I was told I had five to ten years to live if I do chemo in radiation
if I don't do chemo radiation I'll be lucky to see two years I said well
I ain't doing chemo radiation because to me this is my thinking why am I going to
do chemo and radiation first of all I don't care I don't want to lose my hair I don't care my doctor's like to feel me
hair I don't care this is my doctor he's bald okay first of all I'm a woman and I
don't care I I Don't Care Credit to those women that want to be both but I don't want to be bold no I have loved my
hair my entire life it's a part of me it is part of me so I would not leave my house puppy before a year if I did chemo
radiation and I'd be sick I would it kills you that's human radiation fries
you do people not watch movies do people not do research you know people do more
research on buying a car or a computer than they do on their own health right
away they just think okay the doctor's right gotta do this no no I think it's
it's fear right it's fear you know that in that moment in that office you're
terrified I I I didn't feel like I was dying I still
to this day I I still I'm not I'm not maybe it's because I'm not afraid to die but I don't I've never felt sick I it
hurt I had to have brain surgery to get that sucker removed now that hurt
um but even so like I've had migraines my whole life so other than that I never
really I feel bad for other people who have really have suffered with other types of brain cancer or brain cancer or
other cancers but I haven't suffered so to me like it was just like wow I have
to me it was almost like a shop and I did a bit of a denial but in the same
token it was like okay this is no different than joved yeah but it was no
different than anything let's take this on and that's how I looked at it I'm like you know what I ain't going
anywhere yet I'm still extremely healthy I still worked out every day in the gym you know what I mean like and so that's
what I I looked at it like [ __ ] you you don't know who you're [ __ ] messing with like you really don't and I and
seriously this is six years now I'm still extremely healthy but you got I start I changed my whole life that day I
changed my life I changed my diet no more sugars carbs fats flowers or red
meats basically I went home in our entire fridge got thrown out because if you go to health food store you look at
those boxes there's no such thing as healthy food in a healthy food store anything in a can or a box is not
healthy you have to basically you have to juice or your own food everything out of the ground is healthy you know I mean
they changed our for our food groups why do you think that well it's a shame that
most people um most people are do what you're what you said you do and it's just very human
right we respond to the problem if we all because we talk about healthy eating all the time here and
um that process of I'm about to at the time of this taping I'm a couple days
away from my 50th birthday and I've been on a journey the last five years to really
um change your lifestyle yeah change my lifestyle before I used to use the word decrepit I don't want to be the decrepit
one later on like and I might still be that person but
I don't want because by the time you wait for that moment sometimes times it's too late and absolutely that's the
problem is most people it is too late it hurts and they go oh what is this and now I can't do like half of my life
anymore you're preventing you're preventing yourself from getting sick you're preventing yourself from getting
old and people need to start doing that when they're in their 20s I've been working out since 1993. my
brother-in-law used to call me fat all the time and used to make me feel really shitty about myself where I was bulimic
and anorexic where I stuck my fingers down my throat and would barf and and then I realized like what the hell am I
doing and then I started working out and just learned about Fitness and eating right and that's the way to do it right
I just learned you know I didn't have the proper education as a young person right and um so yeah I just learned that
really that's what it is just eating right being healthy it it could change I mean even smoking like I quit smoking oh
gosh I can't remember oh God 25 years ago right but I smoked for 25 years you
know um and and then just one day it was Carol Burnett's daughter when she got diagnosed believe it or not diagnosed
with cancer I was like devastated I'm like oh my God she's got all the money in the world and
she still can't buy her health fat and she still can't live because of this and
so I don't know if maybe all those things came into play with my fight cancer all these years later but I'm
just like [ __ ] that [ __ ] that and I have the internet people get on the [ __ ] internet and do your research there is
[ __ ] life with cancer you don't need to go and nuke yourself and start [ __ ] doing chemo radiation listen to doctors and and funding them take care
of your body you can turn your life around whether it's cancer smoking cigarettes you can add life you can add
life back to your life by living a healthy lifestyle it's the government feeding us all this shitty Foods it's
what's killing us but you can stop that if you want to if you want to and I feel terrible because I I go into Princess
Margaret Hospital and I was really choked because I don't like to go in there [ __ ] I don't like to go in there I
usually um just read my MRIs online but apparently I had to go in there by law
the last time they said I had to go in by law because I really don't know we're like we have to actually physically see
you I'm like do you think somebody just like lie and say like you know I'm on the Uhl well like they're just full of
[ __ ] they obviously just make money that I had to come in there and they'd make a couple Grand on me going in there and they made me sit for 15 or sorry for 45
minutes waiting for them anyway I want to do that they said for another five years here's what I here's what I love
the most about everything you said in that story is at the end of the whole process the
person that I see not just here but the person over the last few years that we've come to just adore and and we we
really love the energy of is you've got a passionate happy
fulfilling life human being who
um whether or not you had two years to live five years to live ten years to live
um what's the point of crying about it you're just embraced you're embracing you're embracing now you're embracing
sorry no I know I see I see people like seriously I go
in the Princess Margaret it's so depressing like they're sitting there and they're [ __ ] eating chocolate bars like so first first of all it makes
me really annoyed Princess Margaret Osborne any other cancer hospital you don't have a bowl of candy at your
[ __ ] reception desk for for people that causes cancer so it really frustrates me and it'll like me when I
come in there because I'm very vocal like when I need like they don't like me in the waiting room because everybody always says they'll look at me right
I'll be in there and they'll be like um so what are you here for I'm not going I got brain cancer terminal brain cancer no like well why do you look so good
I'll go okay cannabis oil and they go what and then they'll ask about it and then I'll hear what I'll hear them in
the back after like they'll go in with the doctor and then I'll hear them leaving as they're walking out and I'll hear them asking the doctor about Rick
Simpson and then I could see the doctors all giving me the evil eye right but it's like you know what they ask they're
going to tell them I'm being honest with them and I just tell people you know what research it just go research it see
how many of us are still alive or how many of us have prolonged Our Lives um and how many like I mean come on it's
six years now six years they told me I'd be dead two years I'm still stable I've
done 17 going on 18 MRIs coming up in three more months you know and if I
would have I you know I was told this one guy told me you know what if I was 12 today I was criminal I would go home
and blow my head away cut off why would you do that why would you do that I
guess that's how people put at least some people look at it like the end but you know what and you're right because
you know what I've had people in my life too when they were when they found out they were sickness same sort of thing and it and
me and my husband would look at each other and be like oh my God you know so it's just a matter of time but now I tell people no it's not true it's not
true there is a life with cancer and cannabis and living a clean lifestyle
and being positive and even you know I mean that's that's I mean that's just how I that's how I and and I I don't
feel sick and I haven't felt set and that's what I do now I I talk to people all around the world I have people reach
outing out to me all around the world and I just tell them what I do I tell them I'm not God I can't guarantee them
anything but this is what I did and this is what's worked for me and I've had so
many great people that have helped me supported me I had Chris Cornell um Vicki Cornell's um was first person that
paid for my first dosage of Rick Simpson Oil so and to this day actually we're
still friends I've had Peter Frampton reach out to me Jim Belushi reached out to me all cannabis people because they
know we know and because we we know we all know somebody who's used it and
where it's helped us and benefited us I helped one of my neighbors who's in a wheelchair I brought him
um some cannabis pills and they're actually supposed to help for pain and I gave them to him yesterday and he said
they actually right he goes I think they're really high on them I said well you're not supposed to get high on them they're more CBD than THC I go but did
they help he goes absolutely I go well there you go and so that's what I do now I try to help other people around the
world and give them some hope and I and I do I like I do I have people reach out to me all the time that tell me that I
give them hope and that they are afraid and and when they listen to their doctors like they don't want to listen
to the doctors and I give them the encouragement to actually tell their doctors nope that's not what I want to
do I want to try alternative I this is what I've been reading about and that's what I tell people just talk to people
talk to a lot of people like me talk to real people that do it and that will help you guide you whether this is for
you or not for you but yeah I'm not ready to go are you kidding me
well the car the conversation needs to be had and one of the reasons why we wanted to start doing interviews on the
show is because I think one of the biggest things that can break down the stigma and one of the best teaching
tools is hearing personal stories and like you said it's like your personal
story it's not going to be the journey for everybody in fact we've talked a lot about the personalization of cannabis
like not every strain not every dosage not every method works for every individual absolutely more stories you
hear the more you have a chance to figure out where do I fit in this I'm like and I feel it exactly I need to
interject because this is where it gets tricky when talking about cannabis and
doing podcasting and this was one of my fears that I discussed in my early
season one of the podcast is that we make no medical claims because we are
not doctors and that goes I'm sure for Sherry for sure I just play one in the bedroom yep that is true true
um but it's one of those things that this is why Timmy said like yes we need
to do the podcast and he's 100 right because it's not that cannabis cures
cancer and uh sharian didn't even say that she said she used cannabis oil as a
tool in conjunction with healthy eating healthy exercise healthy lifestyle it
was just one of many tools that was used together and that cannabis should be an
option and I will say I'm pretty sure because I have a friend
just like you who was diagnosed with cancer and basically told his doctor [ __ ] off I'm not doing chemo or
radiation he told me that did you know that if a
baby a diaper wearing baby has to endure chemo or radiation for any sort of
reason because they have cancer um you are given special instructions on
how to change how to launder this child because the secretions of the like the
the like like the babies pee and poo is actually toxic and can harm you yeah so
that doesn't say something yeah I'm sure it might work some people have
like there are people that have had success with chemo radiation it's about getting the education and and people
absolutely given people are talking about this as well have the discussion yes you know raise the bar have the
discussion and break the stigma against cannabis absolutely and when I had I had my brain surgery just so you know I did
have my I had my brain surgery at Foothills Hospital in Calgary um I mean uh and of course I let all my
doctors make them very aware what was going on my family doctor on Lethbridge told me don't waste your money I said
just bother I'm not asking for you your advice I'm telling you as my physician this is what I'm doing so when I was
told when I after my brain surgery I had my brain surgery at the Flint Hills hospital they were able to remove 97 of
my tumor I did my follow-up three months later and that three percent was gone so
the RSO took that three percent or an alien Did But whichever you decide
they had told me when I went in there and told them I was doing the Rick Simpson on they worked with me there at
Foothills Hospital they were awesome they said they were excited to work with me because I was doing the Rick Simpson
Oil because they had seen so many positive stories coming through the Calgary hospital with people doing
cannabis oil fighting cancer so that even made me even more happier
um when I went in to have my surgery I told them look at when you go in if my tumor had shrunk a considerable amount I
don't even want the brain surgery to hold off on it so with I seen them start to do it a little tear roll demo but
then I was out but I did find out I found out after I had my brain surgery that my tumor when they did actually
went in on October um third 2017 that they had already
noticed that my tumor was already shivering um but you know of course being so big
they chose to go after it um and yeah and like I said I had an
amazing surgeon uh he was able to do my surgery took six and a half hours they cut my head open like this like a flap
and they opened it got her out um I do have um just so you know I do have a
short-term memory a little bit of short-term memory loss math skills so I lost them but it's for calculators
before I'm still alive Yahoo um so those those little side effects
were worth it I was out of the I woke up like you know shortly after surgery
um feeling great the only problem was my hands were like this so I had to took about three months before I could
actually work my hands to do this um but I was out of the hospital um they woke me up walked me around the
ward within like hours of waking me up they were like shocked they were like we have patience
in here for like minor surgeries that haven't been able to walk like you and you just had your surgery like this like
hours ago and then they made the decision that they kicked me out of the hospital in 26 hours because they needed
the beds for people who needed it and clearly I didn't need it so yeah they sent me home like 22 Staples in my brain
or on my head I should say um yeah and with Capra for the um food
so I didn't have another seizure and they and back then even they were already starting to control Tylenol so
basically I had to just take a couple Tylenols and just deal with the pain and
I didn't want to take any medicines but cannabis So within four or five days I totally weaned myself off of Keppra or
sorry not Capra um the um uh they gave me um sorry steroids for the pain the
the yeah terrible drug ABS where's drugs makes this feel awful that stop taking
it and I just suffered the pain and it was well worth it then feeling like crap but yeah and yeah I was in the gym in
two weeks I was driving my car probably in four weeks I got I left my husband
two weeks after brain surgery because we just things weren't working out and that's when yeah my life completely
changed for the better and um January 3rd I drove to Calgary and
that's when I found out that my three percent was gone and I chose to move back to Toronto I packed up my two cats
and my dog and my car and I drove from Alberta to Toronto in three days and
yeah you are the best six years of my life so there's the most amazing thing in
cannabis the most amazing thing about your story your story sherian is that if
you weren't going around being so vocal about your story and about how cannabis changed your life I wouldn't know that
you had brain uh what was it terminal stage yeah like like I would I would not
know that I know I've been I've even been called out people you know people calling me out like sometimes on the
Subways and stuff I sometimes need to sit you know and oh yeah I'll play the little disabled card once in a while on
there but people are sometimes right but they'll look at me like [ __ ] you you're not disabled [ __ ] you know what I mean
and yeah and then it sucks like I've actually had people at the very beginning of my journey actually because
I've talked about it right from the gecko because I think it's important like you know a lot of people are really embarrassed to talk about having cancer
because of the stigma of that we're looking for sympathy well this girl ain't looking for [ __ ] sympathy I'm
sorry to change mine I'm trying to educate people like you know this you know maybe
it's not for you but it's working for me man and if this is the way if you want if you're determined to keep living this
is what's working for me so and I know a lot of other people it's working for so you know read up on it and and give it
to John I mean I had nothing to lose right I was like a guinea pig I'm like okay well I got nothing to lose and I
don't feel sick so this is what I'm gonna do and I'm sure glad I took that chance because look at me now right and
now I'm helping so many other people who are doing this and and who are thriving and you know and
and yeah we're happy you took a chance and decided to do it because yeah yeah
you really are changing you're definitely you're you're helping others you're you know you're always a you know a bright light at the events we've been
to like MJ's even said she enjoys just you know starting her day off by seeing you know you out there just just yeah
that's so awesome Joy of and the joy of life is is evident um before we
close off here I just what I what I love
um most about you know what I want you to start processing right now is um kind
of what would be your final words um but in the process of you talking about your
own journey and in the process of you wanting to um educate people and encourage people
and inspire people you're so involved in the uh giving back
as well like as you're telling your story these are the little things that impress me about certain people is that
you took the time to take our picture from Lyft and have it in there as a way
to promote and to show us well you're the one that we brought on to talk to
and that's what I love about you is because there are some people who just kind of you know they're just kind of
sell their Wares they're just trying to get their stuff out but but you do you do this
you give back and and we know that as much as we're trying to give you a platform here to promote you you do
those little things like oh wait a minute I got their their card back here I'm gonna have it up in the background in case anybody sees it and to me that
that's what makes you incredibly special and unique uh in an industry I think that needs more of you that more
collaboration and more of going you know what I also want to promote you and I think
that's what it's all supposed to be about that's what I struggle with when I see these people that are very selfish and they don't you know that's what it's
all about I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for a lot of you guys right and that's how I feel right so it's all
about giving back and and and you see those you see the ones that are popular right now and that but you know what
they're some of them are certain shallow and very self-centered and people might
not see that at the beginning but eventually they will and I'm just all about you know I like I said I've had
nothing but people wanting to help me for the last six years so why wouldn't I
give back and help these help these poor people who are sick with cancer like me but even though I don't feel sick so I
don't feel sorry for me right like don't right like I you know I I just want other people you
know like yeah I just I just don't get it like I think like for the Cannabis industry we're all in it together I
don't care what you do like it's like a company we should all learn each other's Department because we're all a family so
I so when I see these other people kind of being like I'm a little better than you I just like whatever I just kind of
fluff my way away from them because at the end of the day they're not team players and and I don't want to be
around those type of people I want to be around people like you guys and like the the the you know like the discipline
Stoners and and they're just loving and you guys have all embraced me and we're all like a family you you guys include
everybody and that's what I like you guys don't exclu you include you don't exclude and that's what I'm about and
that's what I've always been about ever since a little girl I was a tomboy
um trust me I I I I I um um you know I I'm heterosexual but
I've always been that type of girl where I I was always included everybody and I never liked it
when people picked on the underdog I'm that person that will beat up the person that feeds up the underdog just like
we're all we're all here for a reason we all have a story and we should all celebrate individual stories and if like
we're in the Cannabis industry we should all just be grateful that we're in the industry and we should all celebrate each other and for what we do and not
push each other out and if you want to do that get the hell out you don't blow
you know the wall that everybody's trying to climb up and get over yes um there there's different types of people
there yeah get down and help other people over the wall there were other
people that will say you know I'll get up to the top and they'll stand there and they'll pull other people up and
then there's there's the people that just they'll take advantage and climb over people and go over the wall and
then even worse those are the people I cannot stand the ones that go where's the stairs
right I'm like those other people I don't even want to be around the ones but it won't even yeah no to play the
game let's let's play the game and all get over the wall you know absolutely it's not what it's all I I
think about this world if the world that was to ever come to an end that's what scares me right now in this world is
everybody's so selfish and it's like what if that ever happened like we all need to [ __ ] be together we all need
to stick together and help each other this is what world's about we need more love and compassion and we need to be
more of a unit we need to stop fighting each other need a little bit more love a little bit more flower
I like it should we all just get a bong
[Applause] um look we we mentioned at the beginning that uh We've wanted you on here a long
time that was that was our error and not having you on sooner you are you are an incredible
um human being you bring so much light I've told people I plan on living to 140 I hope that you live that long if not
more so that we can you know I'll invite you to my 140th birthday and yeah who
will celebrate together I'll be a hundred that's a lot of Botox man
that's a lot of RSO mark it on the calendar everybody
um we can't we can't thank you enough for being on the show thank you very much thank you we can thank you we can
keep thanking you thank you thank you thank you but now we want to relate to you because
um you have lots of work to do you do you have way more people to to connect with and and to share your love and your
story with so we're gonna let you go do and enjoy life today living not dying from it living with cancer
that's what you want yes yes there is a life with cancer and cannabis
a good goddamn life too just saying love it uh sherian where um where can people
find you let's make sure that they uh they know how to connect with you I'm nice and easy I just go by my name sharian Baker so I'm on all social
platforms under Sherry and Baker the only one that you got to do the underscore on the end is good old
Instagram because they Shadow banned me but apparently you haven't made it unless you shot a band so thanks
Instagram I love that Sherry Ann Baker everybody like seriously she is a must follow and
here's the thing don't worry about your numbers growing because they will grow but what what's clear
um about you and we've even seen it in ours because sometimes we get discouraged about how low our numbers are but what we're finding is it's not
about the the quantity of numbers it's about the quality and your build that group of people that you have if it's a
quality group and they're not spammers and they're not just people who are linking on because they want to like increase their own thing
um it looks like what you've what you've done is you've built a community of quality followers that's what we want to
do is even if the number's small we want to have people that are engaged and actually want to be here and your
numbers will continue to grow because I think more and more people will want to be with you Sherry Ann thank you so much for being with us today thank you guys
you guys are so awesome I can't wait to see you guys again soon
thank you [Music]