The Noobie And The Doobie
The Noobie And The Doobie
Marge Madden | Bite Me Podcast | Edibles, Religion & Podcasting | Noobie & Doobie OTS #30
On The Spot with Marge Madden an edibles enthusiast & host of the Bite Me Podcast.
During our conversation with Marge we discussed her cannabis journey from religious home to edibles podcaster...and the sexiness of decarbing.
Instagram: instagram.com/bitemepodcast
Cannabis model Marijane Baker & non-consuming comedian Timmy Boyle have joined forces to explore the wonderful world of weed...from both sides. Be sure to subscribe, turn on notifications, like, comment & share! Thank you so much!
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Email 👉 thenoobieandthedoobie@gmail.com
THE DOOBIE: Model, advocate & artist Marijane Baker Instagram / All Links
THE NOOBIE: Comedian, speaker & coach Timmy Boyle Booking / Instagram / All links
He’s from the Church. She’s from the garden...of Weeden. They’re from different worlds with the same goal. To engage & explore the cannabis culture...from both sides.
Join medicinal user, model & advocate Marijane Baker and non-consumer, former youth pastor & current clean comedian Timmy Boyle for a unique, funny & educational look into the magical, controversial and, for some, forbidden world of weed.
Timmy & Mj (a real life “mixed” couple) bring their cannabis pillow talk into the public domain as well as inviting guests, from inside & outside the weed community, to help educate, entertain & inspire the other noobies & doobies who are tuning in.
[Music] this podcast is for adults only should
not be used as a meal replacement and may contain nuts
[Music] hey everybody and welcome back to another episode of the Newbie and the
Doobie my name is Timmy I am the Newbie Mary Jane I am the Doobie we are happy
to be with us on the spot Marge Madden of football Fame and of The Bite Me
podcast Marge thank you so much for joining us it's a real pleasure to be here now that my football career is kind
of waning I decide I need to do something different so I appreciate you helping me out so was it a like an ACL
you just get bored of the sport how does that transition happen uh pretty much I got bored of the sport I felt like I can
you know took it as far as I could go and just reached the maximum of my potential and decided podcasting was
probably more my thing now nice so it's kind of a Bite Me podcast is there like
a sound that goes along with that no for sure it could be right yeah yeah I'm
gonna have to start reporting bite sounds
they literally would call that a sound bite right
[Music] I'm a professional Marge foreign
despite hitting the peak of everything that I can accomplish both in comedy and podcasting I just continue to go forward
yeah I love it I like it so Marge We uh we had a chance to meet you at Lyft in
Toronto um you were nice enough to come by the booth and and and hang out with
us I don't know did you come by when we were um in Care Bear outfits or in 80s outfits I
know the answer to this yes you are still in your 80s outfits from
the performance that you had given which I had the opportunity to watch too so you actually saw the performance and
still went maybe I should go talk to them yeah I was like I think these
people are my kind of vibe so I came over I thought I should say hello yeah that was very apparent really
quickly too when we started talking with Marge really yes this is our kind of people and then you're like oh and I
have a podcast I was like you definitely our kind of people and you're like it's called The Bite Me podcast I was like uh
Baker hello and if my hair wasn't so short I've I've
wanted curls so badly for so long so oh really are just so much of this is just
perfect I think so and maybe if you grow your hair out something might happen I
mean I didn't get curls until I was about I think when I hit puberty I didn't I wasn't born with I wasn't born like this
this is not what I was born with surprisingly so maybe you'll hit your stride but you you you cultivated it you
a manifested no is it true though that um because people with straight hair
want curls and then curled people sometimes are going you have no idea how much work this takes yeah yeah probably
because there was a period in my life where I spent a lot of time straightening it all the time like every
day for a while and that was a lot of work now I just kind of wash and go it's
it's actually not that bad but you have to deal with things like frizz and not being able to brush your hair so those
are two things because if you brush it it just goes yeah I had I had a friend with beautiful
same like tight curls and she she told me I have to I have to comb my hair in
the shower so that way when I get out I just leave it and let it dry and that's the best thing and if like you're saying
humidity oh my God then you deal with the frizz and yeah and you can't brush
it in between those washes because yeah yeah right you end up with a you look like a paintbrush
yeah that's why I keep my hair uh I have one haircut the guy who does my hair
knows exactly what it is I have black t-shirts in my drawer a pair of jeans and the same wool socks it's just it's I
get up in the morning well no you have multiple pairs of the same style of wool socks right yes I
don't just have one I just want to clarify this is all the same old socks yes you're Steve jobbing it basically
or the same thing all the time so that he didn't have to think about what he was going to wear in the morning right
I know I don't have to worry about I had had I don't have to worry about you know like we were in a pool yesterday I got
out I didn't have to like worry about oh I gotta get my hair done how much time stressing over what I was
even gonna wear no to to go in the pool I was like do I wear this bathing suit this bathing suit this bathing suit
Timmy's like I'm going in like it took me two minutes to get ready for this podcast Mark and uh MJ's been working at
it since late last night so a lot of people when they tune into our podcast for the first little while are going
like do they even talk about cannabis right and we so we do eventually like to
get to that point but uh there's there's more about cannabis and the people that we talk to than just cannabis because of
course like and this was the thing that it took me a really long time I I
I was like yes I'm a cannabis Advocate I'm a cannabis model I'm all this cannabis but I'm also a mom a teacher
like I'm all these other things but I consume cannabis right so that's why we like we want to know who you are and why
you use cannabis and where you you are in this journey and how did it help you get here
the the thing just to say we're just to feed off what you just said there what I
think and I think we we might have even talked about this we were um depending on how this all airs out
here we were at some point on your podcast depending on what who's gets uh released first it was recorded first
just a second the um the the breaking down of the stigma yeah
um which was which is very important I I mean I think it's important on both sides of the thing for someone like
myself you know that that's important because I need people to see what what I'm beginning to see
um but I'm sure both those in the industry need that stigma to be broke down too because they want people to see what's actually happening as well and
I think one of the things that is going to be the most important and it's not
education is probably up there but I think it's the fact that it's real people
just telling their real stories and if I was somebody coming in brand new
and you get a chance to just see three normal people chatting about frizzy hair problems
it's kind of like these people are not they're not well maybe they would say we're odd I don't know but it it I think
creates a sense of like look look people who smoke cannabis or or eat cannabis or
you know rub it on their skin whatever they want to do they literally is the person sitting on the bus across from
you that you would have no idea they just they just can't be the bus driver
yeah well right he could have just put a topical on his ankle so that way he could push that pedal all day they get
up and put their pants on two legs at a time like everybody else you do two legs
nice and quick so you come across although you are although you are our Vibe and some
people would say we have a weird vibe you're just a regular person going about their Bay that that day that happens to
consume cannabis well I feel like our Vibe is fun that's what I feel like we
were trying to emulate that day and that's what we got back from you and I was like okay so we need to have I was
like we need to have you on the podcast immediately I was like we just need to because I love promoting especially fellow
podcasters and I'm like and it's about Edibles and and I'm like okay okay so I
don't want to get I don't want to get in too far to the podcast yet though because I do want to hear I want to hear your first I want to hear your story so
I always ask I'm interested in the first time you consumed cannabis now this may
not it may not also be the first time you you got high um so I want you to walk me through that
experience if it was good if it was bad how you consumed um you don't have to tell me anything
about your age if that's going to get you in trouble like or even get your parents in trouble I don't know but
you're free to tell your story I'm just so excited well first of all my parents won't be listening to this I was lucky
to have I had wonderful parents my mom passed away a bunch of years ago now but
uh they were older when they had kids so my dad is now in his 90s and he has
asked a couple times about how to tune into my podcast but trying to explain the technology is not something I'm
prepared to do at this point yeah but I did also grow up in a pretty religious household so when I was a teenager like
a lot of kids do you know you're looking to sort of find ways to rebel against everything that you feel is is weighing
you down and my best friend and I at the time decided we were gonna try smoking pot
time did I don't remember a lot of the details because obviously it was a few
years ago but um we did manage to find some weed
I couldn't tell you if it was weed or oregano it might have been a bit of both
it's hard to say you came over to my house we had a sleepover and We snuck out of the house
and went to the neighboring School and we had rolled up some joints probably very poorly
and we smoked them and I recall she got high and I didn't I was just like this
is kind of a letdown I was super excited about it and then and which makes me wonder sometimes is what were we really
smoking because I don't know if she was high from some placebo effect or whatever but it just didn't really yeah
it didn't do anything so I think after that it wasn't long after that that I tried hash for the first time because when I was in high school hash was like
huge it was everywhere that's all you could really get so maybe that was oregano actually now that I think about
it but wait can I step in here because I keep sometimes I get my brain my brain
gets confused sometimes still as the Newbie right people then throw in and then I had hash and I'm like well okay
is Hash cannabis one of the words of the week that was the concentrate it was a
while ago I would like to I would like to hear Marge right kind of explain how she knew
how well that it was hash I mean you're just beginning this journey aren't you right so yeah that's the difference
I mean it was a concentrate definitely concentrated cannabis you needed a lot less and I guess I've had friends that
were like maybe it wasn't as soon after again this was a very long time ago but um it was sort of what was going around
in the in the schools at the time so again oregano weed not really sure it was
probably schwag whatever it was but um the hash seemed to do the trick because that first experience was pretty
psychedelic and it was a lot of fun and that was really eye-opening like as to the possibilities
as to what this could be because I don't I don't think I smoked very much I probably didn't need to but so that
didn't freak you out though as an early like like going into that kind of really a clear psychedelic kind of trip
that that that because some people I would think would probably go hold on here that's a little bit too freaky I
don't know sure but you were okay with it I was I think because I was with friends it was you know that set and
setting thing they talk a lot about with psychedelics I think that applies a lot to cannabis as well and it was just the
right the right setting and the right feeling so it felt really nice and I mean it was psychedelic in the sense
that I got really high like that first time you get high from smoking something um not psychedelic in the sense that I
was like you know seeing kaleidoscopes in the sky or anything like that so just to clarify
okay yeah yeah so you you then so did that become
your regular form of consumption at that point absolutely yeah okay it wasn't it was pretty quickly after that that I I
was drawn to consuming hash again that was really what was available at the time throughout my entire High School
career pretty much and all the trappings that went with it like I did you know I smoked cigarettes too and so I was doing
Bottle tokes and hot knives and all those fun things that people remember and
yeah I really enjoyed it I guess and it was also a way to rebel against my parents too so
yeah it's interesting that hash actually was a huge thing at one point because if
we think about how it's processed um we know that it requires a large
amount of cannabis to create hash and the fact that we as you know teenagers
in high school were able to just buy this concentrated form of cannabis at I
don't even want to say the deals we used we used to get in that because it was it was good deals yeah yeah it really was
but I think there's also like that small like period of History where it was just so readily available it was being
imported into like Montreal and shipped across Canada and Peterborough was a stop and you know I just happened to be
in the crosshairs of that really lovely time in history when hash was plentiful because I touched people now were like
they can't find it I mean I guess you can find it in dispensaries and stuff like that but for a while it wasn't very easy to find so so what um what was your
religious background so I I grew up in an Evangelical Baptist Church and and if
anything cannabis was just simply not talked about there was it's not like people were like walking around
spreading the wrong information just it never came up right um and then you know
as I grew up and and I started to hear more about it in general I actually began to to preach against it like it
wasn't a passive thing I wasn't not standing on a street corner well you grew up during the Reagan years
like during that like well I grew up during the don't do drugs yeah the Nancy Reagan don't do drugs yeah like that big
campaign that they were doing right so in your religious background though was was it even was it a thing of where were
the leadership of of that you experienced were like said they're saying hey like like we're gonna we're
gonna talk about this because we don't want our kids being involved or was it a non-issue oh it was an issue yeah it's not really
an issue like and I don't remember it being talked a lot about in the trip like being talked a lot about that topic
in the church specifically but it was just one of those like you know doing drugs as a sin getting drunk as a sin
all that kind of stuff um my parents are definitely not happy about it and
yeah but I did grow up in an Evangelical kind of church as well and they took the Bible pretty literally and most of the
stuff that I did as a teenager even though I like looking back I wasn't particular like I was rebellious yes
because I was like you know they my parents didn't like me listening to certain types of music and
you know that kind of thing and so it was pretty easy to record unquote Rebel
because you know you'd fart the wrong way and I'm going to hell now so yeah the
smoking weed definitely was a part of that and they sort of didn't understand it either so they equated with like a
lot of people did at the time weed with being a gateway drug because I remember the assemblies and going to like having
programs in school and all this stuff and that was the big message of the day was that cannabis was a gateway drug to
shooting up in the streets and that if you started that then you're going to be on a lifelong path to death and
destruction yeah so you literally just caused a
flashback from my childhood and I remember the board I I like remember the
board that they put in front of you and it was this is what you're talking about the Gateway cannabis was at the bottom
and it was kind of like a friggin like follow the trail and when you get up at the top it was like like the skull with
the bones it was like you're gonna die yeah yeah if you start smoking weed next
thing you know you're gonna be doing all the bad the really bad stuff and the heroin and those are the messages I was
getting and then of course my parents were like it's it's a so couldn't you also just create boards
that you know here's a bowl of fruit loops and then here's cake and then yeah they're gonna die
right it's the same pattern you know what I would think that at the top of any uh board like that you know what the
final one is it's a skull you're gonna die no matter what exactly at the end of
the day well I thought it was really strange now that I'm like thinking back to it as a kid I remember wondering
how was it even possible that okay I understand that's a police officer that's showing the drugs but that board
had actual drugs on it right like there was actual pills and I was like wait a minute is that a real bag of cocaine
right yeah who knows maybe it sounds like you didn't hide it from
your parents you made a comment there if they weren't happy with it like did you go through a period where you tried to kind of hide it or you just were pretty
open from the beginning well yeah I went through periods where I tried to hide it but there was also I got caught
sometimes um and I remember my mom at one point joined a
support group for parents of kids who were doing drugs and I don't know what
kind of parents were involved I think it was a church Related Group but I don't know if this was just parents of kids
who are smoking weed or if it was like parents or kids who were doing all kinds of drugs because I would come home sometimes and to this day my favorite
snack is still peanut butter and honey sandwiches and I don't eat them very much because they're pretty calorically
dense but um I would come home and have some of those like after school or something like that or when I was out with friends
and if my mom saw me eating one of these she would automatically assume I was high and she was right about 50 of the time
but you know so sometimes it couldn't really hide it but she just always made the assumption that I was stoned anyway
so yeah that's at a certain point you have to just run with it I guess yeah
well it's kind of too stinky to hide too like I mean you can spray yourself you
can rush home shower and your parents still see the red eyes and they're like the red eyes although I always had
for me and also when there's [ __ ] hash it doesn't smell as much right because you're doing balls oh yeah so I
probably smelled like cigarettes because I smoked at the time right yeah I didn't really come in smelling like a joint
because I wasn't smoking joints so maybe sometimes I could hide it a little bit but it doesn't really matter she assumed I
was high anyway well yeah if she was part of that group they were probably feeding her all sorts of information on
signs to look for in your children your child like if they isolate themselves they're probably on drugs or you know if
they're never home they're probably on drugs and the one thing too I think was that they told people that if you get
the munchies so she would see me having a snack even though I'm a teenager I'm probably eating a lot and yeah she would
just make these assumptions based on the stuff that they were informing her about which who knows what kind of [ __ ]
they were feeding her really yeah did they ever kind of accepted or make up make a a
reach out to try to understand uh as a teenager not my mom really we
really butted heads during that period of my life my dad was far more likely to
listen to my diatribes about how we isn't the evils that Society is making
it out to be and he to this day is an incredibly patient man so I always have
appreciated that about him that he would listen to me even if deep down he was just like I think what you're saying is
total crap he would never actually say that out loud to me he did catch me at one point with a quarter of hash and I
don't know how that happened or whatever but my mom and I got in a big fight and then my dad calmed us down and my mom
left the room and he talked to me about it very calmly and he asked me questions about her like how do you smoke him what
do you do with it and he had in his hand and he's like rolling it around and looking at it and then he actually gave it back to me and he said well I hope
you flush this and I did not I definitely did not because sorry Dad
I probably told him I did at the time which I maybe feel a little guilty about but there's a quarter of hash when
you're in you know back in the what was that I feel like I feel like now if your
dad heard this story he'd be like well you know it would have if you flushed it that might you would have had to go out
and buy more which would have cost you more money so you did that you did the smart thing really I think so too
oh you agree yeah what when was the transition then from
hash being your primary source to now I mean having a podcast called The Bite Me podcast and and talking Edibles when did
when did that transition happen a lot later I had never actually done
Edibles until probably like my mid to late 30s kind of thing
um and I've sort of used cannabis throughout my entire adult life off and on like there's been periods where I
haven't been consuming um you know when I've been pregnant or when kids were really young or just depending on whatever phase of my life
I've been in um but then later on like in my 30s I think I was away from it for a little
bit and then I was trying it again and experimenting and I found that it made it could make me really paranoid which
I'm sure I mean everybody's heard that story like they smoke it which is probably because you're smoking too much
if you're not if you're not accustomed to smoking it all the time it's really easy to smoke too much especially with joints and I would find I would get like
uncomfortable and paranoid and not social which sort of defeats the purpose of using it in a social setting
and um I decided to try making some butter admittedly we were growing some weed at
the time and we had all this extra stuff and I had heard about Edibles somewhere along the line and decide to try it how
I didn't overdose myself with those first Edibles I have no idea but I guess I wouldn't be here if that was the case
so I tried my partner and I we made butter on the stove it was a long
laborious process and not a method I would recommend anymore but we made I'm trying to remember probably cookies or
something like that from it afterwards and I really liked the Edibles high and I found that was sort of my my sweet
spot if you will I could still like carry on a Converse conversation I felt
warm and fuzzy and happy and you know it helped with some of the aches and pains and I also really liked the slow onset
of an Edibles High sort of that you know you start out normal and then it just creeps Creeps in so for all those
reasons that's kind of when I made the switch in a way like I still I do smoke still but Edibles is my preferred way to
consume hmm that's funny as I was listening to Marge talk about all the positives and
why she likes Edibles I'm like that's why they scare me on the slow onset and
all of a sudden I know you're painting a pretty creepy picture there because Edibles is something I you know it was
kind of on the list of how do I how do I consume cannabis going forward and if I if I if I do how and then your likes
that are going well it had to be done right now no it has to be done right like I I want
to applaud you just for saying the first time you made Edibles or you were you like I'm gonna make edibles you decided
to make butter you know how many people I know that literally like I made weed
cake and they dropped me a piece off and it's literally take a bite and this going back like this is before you know
but but I'm like why are there like it's just like round up weed in cake batter
and I'm uh I mean it's gross yeah I know but it's true it's true that
cannabis Edibles hit you completely differently than um you know smoking
because I I can't handle the Edibles and I think it's all it's all dosage for
sure yeah yeah I think so and I I mean I I really don't actually like smoking joints anymore maybe because I find my
biology has changed I find them pretty strong but also as an ex-s smoker I just really don't enjoy the
the combustion aspect of this so if I'm consuming that way I use like a dry herb
vaporizer which I really love because it's so much easier on the lungs I'm asthmatic too lucky me so I just find
it's easier on the lungs and I really love the flavor from that so that's sort of the other one yeah go as well so um I
know I just got myself a da Vinci babe and it is amazing for like you're saying the flavor which you don't really get
the flavor of the Cannabis I mean you get a little bit um but like that's why I use flavored
papers because I want some flavor but I like smoking the joints um what is your preferred like what Vape
do you have do you have a portable oh yeah I have a packs a Pax three and I
have one called the dynavap I don't know if you've heard of that one it's more of a analog version you have to use like a
glider to light it up for people actually great if you're out in the wilderness and you don't have to worry
about yeah charging anything there's no pieces like that that to get charged so I used both of those nice yeah and the
first I used one because I didn't use one again until you know after I started experimenting with Edibles I was blown away because
everyone's always everyone was always talking about terpenes and like oh this tastes like you know cake or like all
this stuff and it was like oh yeah whatever and then I try to dry her Vape it's like oh that's what they're talking
about it all makes sense so the one weird thing that I found with my vape is
that I really really like cheese strains like the and I call them cheese strains I don't know if they're like if the name
is something cheese but when I smell it to me it smells so potent cheesy that I
call it cheese yeah but but to smoke in a joint I love cheese as soon as you put
that in the Vape it is the nastiest because you get all the Terps and all the stuff
from the steak and I'm like no so I I'm still struggling to find which strains I
really want in The Vape right for the the terpene profile yeah because some of
those cheese strains can be pretty some people love that stuff the ones
that smell like piss or like oh I don't like those yeah cheese I don't mind the
cheese but yeah I don't know what what terpene it is I I'm still looking for but I it's the I
call it kick me in my face it's the kind that when you go to stick your face to the jar and you smell it
you literally have to like pull your head back because it like whacks you right and and it literally like kicks
you in the face yeah what that that terpene is for me because I know that that is the one that I need
right yeah one of the reasons why um I love doing the podcast in regards
to having two sides is as you're talking [Music] um there's things that I think you said
that if if we were all just consumers I don't know if I would pick up on it because
there's every once in a while there's things that are said that I would just you know what I'm about to say here most
consumers will probably go uh yeah and I think there's a lot
um that's attached to the stigma that's caused the break between the Cannabis community and those that don't know the
Cannabis Community or aren't in it that the assumptions are just uh yeah and and
those assumptions can't be made and the the one that I that I kind of noticed throughout this thing is number one it's
kind of Blended between your your adapt adapting process over the years
and the um the concept that MJ was kind of bringing in there about
um when you guys were talking about oh like this one I I don't love this one or I can't I don't know why people smoke
this and and the personalizing of it and I think on the outside the the
perception is they just it goes back to my weed equals
weed thing it's just like they just sit there and they smoke and it's like you're saying well there's times I'm a I'm a I'm a cannabis consumer and a
cannabis Advocate but there's periods of time where I haven't and yet the outside
would kind of go I assume you know you start smoking and that's it you're smoking 24 7 for the rest of your life
you know there's lots of people out there I think that have thought that MJ has converted me
um and they just and vice versa and they just assume right they just assume that I'm smoking weed in the basement all the
time now yeah but that's it yeah yeah that's it yeah
so it's just it's just fascinating to me because like I said I I think a lot of
the Cannabis consumers that will be listening and watching this podcast would go yeah of course we adapt we
don't just smoke the same strain for the rest of our life but I bet you there are people out there that do they they smoke
it in the same way the same dosage amount you know the same strain because they found out in 13 that was their
favorite strain and they haven't adapted well and they're just like well this is what I've been smoking for 20 years and
this is how I do it so why would and that's just the reality of human beings you know how Nubia she is like I have to
stop you babe so um in order to consume the same strain for
an extended period of time you have to get it from the same plant if you want the exact same type of profile so you
have to have a mother plant and you have to take cuttings off that mother plant so if you if you were an amazing grower
and you were able to keep that mother plant alive for 25 years and you were able to make propagation and make babies
and grow enough cannabis for yourself I feel like one of two things would
happen you're a going to get sick of the same strain because it is literally
doing the same thing and I know you're like consistency is good sometimes but what happens is your tolerance level and
maybe Marge if you're you I see you nodding over there right the tolerance level you you need more and more and
more and next thing you know you're into like concentrates and I think too it's like the the concept of
always smoking the same thing it's like going to the beer store and always buying Coors Light when you have like a
wall of craft beer now and like International beers but you know that you know there are people out there that
do that right you know there are people who just you know Coors Light yeah but
they still buy moles and sometimes I have to buy a bottle of Jack right for
the weekend yeah and well I think that I mean I'm not saying that they smoke the same thing every time everybody has has
little things but like when you say I love how newbie is the reality is there is a large segment of the population
like you sit there and say well this seems obvious to me yeah Timmy like clearly this is what would happen yeah
but but also that is not what a lot of people might think yeah also a lot of people probably do consume it in the
same way over time because people do also create rituals around their cannabis use a lot of the times so like
the act of rolling a joint I don't have that ritual because I don't smoke joints but a lot of people like like Mary Jane
probably has a ritual around rolling up the joints and smoking them and a lot of people really enjoyed that part of it so
they are going to continue engaging in that ritual because it's in such an enjoyable part of the consumption like
never mind even the actual smoking just that time to yourself to sit down and
take a breather and just roll a joint or pack a bowl or slowly eat a cookie I don't know you
know so some people I'm from that perspective some people may just continue doing that forever because they
just will probably switch up the strains every so often they'll have their favorites but you know there's always something yeah and you you create you
can create your habits you know MJ MJ has the uh one more thing and we're sometimes I don't even think she needs
one more but it's just now it's just it's it's a running joke it's time for bed okay but just one more
it's like well you're just doing that because the clock says it was time for bed and so now that's what you do you do one more that's funny because Timmy also
pointed out to me that I have transition moments so in between going from one thing to
another is a transition and during that transition I need a break right so I'm
like I'm just gonna go roll a joint and when there's a long list of things to do taking an hour and a half transition
break every two hours yeah we have to like move multiple activities together so they get done yeah it was like did so
you were awake for uh 16 hours and you uh were smoking taking a break for
eight of those hours right it's a very weird it's all part of the self-care routine
yeah well that and I think the self-care thing is is important too because in my
role with my role of advocacy I don't even know if that's a thing but one
thing that I I keep wanting people to answer the question is is the why the like why do you smoke why do you smoke
this why do you smoke or why do you consume it in this way he's on me all the time and I am the the guiltiest one
and I'm like look I just want to smoke a joint because I like smoking weed like I
just want to have a smoke rate but that's a why yeah a genuine why is because I just like smoking weed and I
want a minute to rest that's fine yeah um but now that comment just wait what
did you say that made me want to say that uh well self-care yeah
um do you use it what's your why do you use it for self-care
I guess you could say that yeah because I do use it a lot I I probably consume primarily in the evenings myself I'm not
really a daytime smoker because I find that it distracts me and Edibles are probably
a bit too much for my daytime if I have a long list of things to do and I consume some cannabis I'm like staring
at the ceiling and then going gonna go have a nap I'm not gonna get anything done but it's part of my relaxation
routine I don't really um drink anymore like I do drink but I used to drink a glass of wine in the
evenings kind of thing to sort of unwind and stuff and now it's I almost never buy wine for my house I
might have a drink out with a friend or something but at home part of a whole relaxation process is using cannabis and
I think it's partly because it makes me feel really happy I could be in a pretty [ __ ] mood and then
you know I'm laughing again about whatever and I really appreciate that about it because it can I mean just
living life can be sometimes really daunting and filled with you know there's always problems there's
always problems no matter what you're doing there's problems that you run into and that's just life and so I find it's
just a way to sort of shed all the [ __ ] of the day and just relax so it's definitely part of my self-care
regime nice I hope I hope that answered your question but yeah no it does and I think
what I like about your answer is is it's a there's an answer I used to say when I
was in the church I used to say I'd much rather hang out with a non-believer
who could tell me even if I didn't agree but could tell me a thought out reason of why they were non-believer than to
hang out with a Christian who couldn't answer why they were a Christian well I was I was just racist yeah and and for
me and I think this is you know three things that we try to focus on on on our show and our brand and what we're trying
to do here is to break the stigma raise the bar and have the conversation and in
a world today that's having a hard time having the conversation about anything
let alone topics like cannabis because the whole point of having that
conversation you've got to come to a foundation of going look even if I don't agree with you
I'm willing to sit down and hear your side of the story and then walk away not
believing that we're enemies just because we have a different opinion on that right right and so the fact the
fact that you whether or not I even agreed with that your answer was good or
Worthy I think people need to just take a step back and go just you know like if
someone can verbalize and have thought through anything let's give them the chance to verbalize that and realize
that you know too many people don't think through anything at all you know so I just think that's part of
having the conversation that's another reason why I enjoy doing this well we've talked and touched upon intention a lot
um I think in first first season especially because um you should be using I think anything
in life with intention I mean you pick up that weight set you're intending to get stronger so why are you picking up
that cannabis this is and as as I'm sitting here I'm like oh my God I have said for like years I don't believe
there's recreational cannabis use I believe there's only medical use whether or not you think you're using it for
recreational you're still using it for medical you're using it to relax is that not MediCal and I'm like [ __ ] I use it
recreationally and medicinally right because like there is a time I just want to smoke it
that's the recreational part so I'm like I'm learning as we're sitting I'm like
okay and I think it's actually interesting to hear people's stories as to why they're using it because there's
such a broad range of of purposes and intentions and so for people who are new
to it as well it's always interesting for you know someone to hear well are you this is how I use it I'd like to use
in the evenings to relax and unwind from a day and shed the [ __ ] and just feel good and for other people they're
using it throughout the day because it helps them with their anxiety or depression or whatever else aches and
pains and there's everything in between and then there's people who don't feel comfortable using it at all and all of
that's okay and that's the one thing that I love about cannabis is that there are so many different ways that it can
be used and appreciated or are not used and appreciated as well well I think what you just said there with and and
it's okay um to Consumer not consume is is interesting because that that in itself
is a um not universally accepted yeah it's it's a discussion statement for sure
because we know people who are adamant adamant to the to the point of they will
die on the sword that everybody not only should but needs cannabis right and it's
like hey um I don't I haven't gone far enough down the the science you know Rabbit
Hole to find out whether or not that is fact um I do I've come to a place to realize
that um more people need cannabis than I
thought needed cannabis but these these black and white statements our world is
very very gray there's very few things that are black and white in terms of right wrong boom boom right and the fact
that you would even you you know that you can say it's like it's okay to not smoke cannabis and to smoke cannabis to
smoke it recreationally to smoke it medically or just consume it um is
is part of this conversation because I I would lean towards yours I sit there and say and I think we need to just accept
that it's it's okay you know if you if you just smoke it recreationally you don't need to have people pounding you
going no you need a medical reason it's like no maybe I just you know just like
um I like to sit down and watch a baseball game and just chill and relax and sports for me is a
a a a relax a relaxing yet also tense you know like I enjoy that competitive
one of the only things that I found that can like amp you up and make you up but it can also bring you and make you relax
so if I use if I use baseball for that why can't you use cannabis for that you
know and people say oh well they're just you the church would say you know phrases like they're just using it to escape
and it's like well I we we use this we read fiction novels we watch movies we
go to sporting events all of that is to escape life right of course and there may be people who are using cannabis to
escape I mean I can't speak for anybody which is why I'm always hesitant to be like you have to smoke weed or do
Edibles to fully maximize your life or whatever like I can't speak for other
people and cannabis like for some people an entry point can just be topicals I don't know if you use topicals to me but
um oh that is that's what I've been using on my hands because I told him I'm like you're not going to get high from yeah I mean
unless he starts licking it because it is cannabis oil it's a wound and I literally would lick my wounds
um but yeah I sliced up my hand pretty good um three weeks ago three weeks ago on on
Tuesday as of this recording you should have got stitches but they oh they bandaged them up so good uh where he
injured it that they said whoa they did it was right on the phone it was right on the fine line and so I I had mashed
it up pretty good and it's taken taken three weeks to get to the point but I have been using for that um probably two
of those three weeks after I was able to start kind of removing bandages and they weren't kind of open wounds I've been
using it's I made it here in the magical butter machine with um avocado and uh
coconut oil oh nice but it's a THC yep it's pink Kush okay so I've been using
pink Kush on my hands and my and my hand my hands look good now yeah some people would say
um well there's no proof that that's the Cannabis doing that fair enough I don't know either maybe it was just my skin
healing up nicely maybe I've got great skin maybe there's other things that I took I took care of but the reality is
is that I did use it and my hand has healed up very nicely and so unless
someone can show me the other side to say that it didn't help right okay I'm I'm not very educated Marge I'm curious
I just had a thought so topicals when you wrap them on they don't they don't
go into your bloodstream so they don't make you high no but what if you had a
cut and it goes in your bloodstream I was like I was just looking at Timmy and I
was like oh no I don't I don't I don't oh I'm a drug addict
they actually get like something well I mean he didn't feel high so I'm gonna say no and I think the
amounts that would have to like enter into your bloodstream in order to reach your brain like you'd have to have open
I would I would pour it on like like over a sink like just
I didn't know how much I needed I told him I would never dose him without you know his agreement and I feel bad maybe
you have I don't know Timmy you are the drug add drug addict you're always hoping you wouldn't be so I'm sorry I'm
not even a newbie anymore now I literally have been like consuming it right it's funny that you guys mentioned this
because I'm just curious if like you using a topical does that make you a cannabis consumer even though it's not
like a traditional well I think it would have it would have to because we we we use the word
consumption when we talk about the five forms of consumption and one of those is topicals so by our unless we've misused
the definition well no you're still using it you're still rubbing it on and consuming the product whether you're not
putting you you're putting it on you consuming and using
no because consumption is taking it inward would it not be I guess yeah I
mean we're getting to something being the expert I've muddled the issue a little bit but
this is all by way of saying that my 92 year old dad will use cannabis topicals
and some CBD Edibles um I'll never he'll never smoke a joint or eat like a more traditional edible
with me which is fine I mean I have it would be nice maybe but maybe it would be weird I don't know but it's just nice
that someone like my dad can decide oh it's legal now because that's literally what he said to me he's like oh it's
legal now it's fine like I don't know what the problem ever was I'm like oh my God but anyway but I mean it's such a safe entry point
for a lot of people to experiment with cannabis and see how it can help them in their life and the cannabis use doesn't
have to mean you know smoking joints and bongs and you know eating 500 milligram
Edibles or whatever so that's another thing that I love about cannabis is that it can help a lot of people it doesn't
mean you have to be consuming it in the traditional way so maybe consumption is the wrong word maybe maybe using
is just simply like like the user you have yeah right that comes with this
that's such a loaded word right you say you're a user it's like um it's it's it's so weird our the
language but yeah technically yeah I mean um I don't I don't smoke cannabis
I am open and part of the journey that we're gonna document at some point here will be you know you know Edibles those
type of things as well but yeah for the last two weeks daily I have rubbed
cannabis oil on my hands and is this the first time you've really used like a topical like that
uh on a consistent basis I think so yeah I've I've used like when he's like oh
babe you know like I kind of like tweaked my shoulder or whatever I'm like okay I'll I'll rub your shoulder and I
just grabbed I do that every night by tweak my shoulder again yeah I do uh
I do a really good um I have this uh oil called Blue heat yeah and a couple drops
of that essential oil mixed with the cannabis oil just adds a little bit of heat when you're rubbing and it just I
like we don't know I don't know if it's the cannabis oil I don't know if it's the blue heat I don't know if it's the
massaging but I mean you say it it helps so I would yeah I mean like from my from
my experience because I've used a lot of Tiger Balm which I'm sure you're familiar with yeah icy heat because I
have a bad back I hate to say that that Canada that have a bad back here I
am and I've used a lot of Tiger Bomb on it and it can distract me from the pain often
but it's the Cannabis topical that makes it feel like it's not there for the
moment so for me the icy Heat or the heat can help but in the actual cannabis infused topical is
what actually gives me improved relief from that so anecdotally it's the weed I
think I think um what we've been talking about here is is a sign anyways of
um the progression of like ultimately the goal is that you
come to this place where people use or don't use cannabis and it's not even a a thing it's like they walk into a store
they get some cannabis oil or they get Tylenol or whatever like it's just it's like okay you pick pick whatever one
because you know when you when I when we're talking about me using it because I never thought about you know I knew I
was using it but yeah it's like for two weeks I've used it consistently and you talk about you know your father who is
now like you know using and it's like they still wouldn't smoke but they've
they've crossed the line and have understood that cannabis has the benefits and I
think a generation ago when I was growing up that line mostly wasn't crossed it was
it was like it was like all if if it has like even hemp might even be considered you know like the devil right
you'd have to be in an extreme case I think for that but those extreme cases
exist but I think that's what that's what's slowly happening and I think I think it's worth worth recognizing that
there is a there's a group of people who never would have gone to say the kind summer fair that we were just at or to
lift it would never dare walk into a cannabis store per se you know maybe they still send a friend but they have
at least now hit a line where they realize that okay there are some benefits and that's a victory well
absolutely even even just like Marcus dad said um was legal now
you know like I remember I was at a truck stop restaurant uh when I was working for advanced nutrients and it
was two days after cannabis it became legal and it was on the news that they
had sold out of all of the stores and and all of this stuff and I remember the two old ladies and one of them said you
know now that it's legal I might go down and try it and the other one said yeah now that I don't have to worry about getting arrested right I might go with
you and I was like enough so many people away from trying it out honestly like
they're like I feel like people my dad's generation in particular and the Boomers and stuff were just like it's illegal so
I guess I just don't do it right and because there's consequences and even if the likelihood of you getting arrested
for smoking a joint depending on where you were or what your circumstances were were slim it was enough to
keep people from trying it out and I think what you mentioned a second ago Timmy was that it would just be nice I
think what we're all looking for is for us just to have it be normal like we have conversations about alcohol and no
one's like questioning that you're not having a fifth drink no one's saying why
aren't you drinking tonight no I mean sometimes you have friends who might be like why are you drinking tonight but yeah you don't really questions your
choices around how you drank or what you drink or when you drink or where or where or any of that stuff but somehow
with cannabis we still have so many of these taboos around it that it's like yeah so one day would be nice it was
just normal you just walk into a store and smoke it on your front porch and no one's gonna be bothered by it or you
know right I want our consumption sites yes where are our clubs and our freaking
like yeah the lounges yeah I think there will always be unfortunately I think
there will always be though the um the group of people because especially in the cons in the um
in the smoking realm there's there's there will always be a segment of the people and I appreciate
um one of the reasons why our relationship works is because there's there's things that MJ does that I really respect and
that is things where when we're walking along the street even though she can smoke cannabis whenever and wherever she wants now if she sees a people coming
towards us especially if there's a kid she'll walk to the outside of me and
she'll hold she'll hold the joint down she doesn't have to because there's lots of people who in every not just in
cannabis but in every form there's just there's just people out there that are like I'm gonna do this and I don't even care if it offends you and I won't even
I won't even exhale I'll wait until I get past the family yeah and some people might think that's extreme I think I
think it's just it's just respectful from the fact of you know there will always be people who are going to be
irritated not even that it's cannabis cigarette smoke yeah
offensive I mean as an ex-s smoker now I just yeah I just find I'm so gross and I
would rather smell weed but of course you're being very considerate MJ and that's probably partly because you said you're a mom right so oh yeah yeah
I've hid for so long and like I'm not trying to be in your face
um although one of my favorite things to do is when we're like standing somewhere I can't remember where we were last and
oh at the waterfront festival and I had a joint and I was watching the band or the guy play as fiddle and
um or violin whatever it was a little thing with strings um he's really good the fiddle people are not gonna like that either are the
violinists um so so uh there was a gentleman
sitting on the bleachers and I made sure I like stood away from Timmy because he was on the bleachers and there was
another guy on the bleachers and then the bottom of the hill there was two people sitting on like um a blanket and
one of them had dreads and one of them had tie-dye and I [ __ ] you not
I'm standing in the corner smoking my joint and because the guy he does this he looks over there and then he goes
like this and he looks down the hill and he's just looking at them staring at them waiting to see if they're smoking I'm like it's me it's me oh interesting
the one in the cute dress that you wouldn't friggin like me so as much as I do enjoy that I don't I'm not in your
face and like blowing bong rips in the yeah but that also just speaks to the
stereotypes that still are very much alive and well because he looks at the tie-dye and the the dreads yes I mean
those people and meanwhile it's MJ smoking right I'm like maybe I should be
out there more and be like no this is what a cannabis consumer looks like right yeah because you can't really be
like I'm sorry humor looks like you know if it's bugging you I can move I'll move further away no and that I mean that
that's one of the other re you know another reason why we're together we've talked about this very openly there's
weep we probably never would have got into any sort of phase of getting to know each other if I
had looked at her and went she's a cannabis consumer it was the fact that I didn't no you wouldn't have
known and and was sitting there going wait you're fully functional you know you don't have you know the the red
weird eyes you look like I thought he was crazy I'm like what are you talking about I literally just spoke to join or
else I wouldn't have been able to do what I did like right and I think you know we've talked and you probably
experienced this too Marge where you know growing up in the church I would say I I would say even just two years
ago even going you know I didn't know anybody growing up who smoked weed and now I
realize that some of those people that I was sitting in the Pew with every Sunday morning might well have consumed
cannabis or maybe used cannabis on their hands for whatever and simply didn't talk about it but you never would have
known they did I would love to know who my old church is smoking weed when I was
there that would be some real real gossip right yeah it's it's so and I
think I think in this journey that everybody is on is and it just comes down to human beings trying to be trying
to get rid of whatever weird you know like anger thing everybody's on where
it's like everybody's the enemy if they don't agree exactly what I say but it's like if you're walking around and
consuming it through a through smoking is your method just because somebody
goes oh when you walk by doesn't mean they're anti-cannabis it could simply
mean that they just haven't certain aversion to smoke maybe it's not maybe they've got lung problems maybe they
grew up in a home where it was in you know they lived in a smoke-filled home and they've developed it an intolerance
and it's this thing of going oh you know why do I can smoke I can smoke whatever it's like no no let's just have some
respect and realize that not everybody is anti cannabis even just because they went
like this right it's not a hater I know people that really don't like the smell of weed when it's burning and I I love
it I do enjoy it again I don't smoke a lot of joints but when I'm out and about and I can smell weed I'm like somebody's
somebody's chilling and it's great but I know people who can't stand it and for
whatever reason I think they're crazy but that doesn't mean like you said though and it doesn't mean that they're
wrong right I also feel there's a difference too with what you just said with the you know just the oh
somebody's having a good time yeah and then the person who's standing right by the exit door at the hospital or
wherever just having whether it's this we'll just say a smoke having us smoke
yeah you know what I mean it's kind of like it's 2023 we don't smoke in airplanes we
don't smoke in hospitals we don't smoke in offices anymore so it's it's kind of that thing where it's just be respectful
yeah absolutely sorry yeah so obviously we've talked a lot about smoking here
but we want to um I want to kind of finish this off we need to get into Edibles because that's that's where you
focus yeah and like why did you start the podcast yeah on Edibles like with
The Bite Me podcast title right um did we even talk Edibles we didn't talk
Edibles a little bit at the beginning I mean because I talked about how I like them yeah no I mean when we were on your
podcast oh uh uh I'm sure am I'm like oh she has a
podcast on Edibles I'm like but we didn't talk Edibles right um I'm trying to remember I'd have to go
back and listen to it again which I will be doing but okay on it but uh so let's
let's talk Edibles now as we're kind of finishing this this conversation off and and why that became your focus why you
even started this podcast and and what what you're hoping to do with it uh basically
um I'm a huge can I pause for a second
I'm so sure there's like a garbage truck going by and I don't know if you guys can hear it but like that's all I can
hear and I'm for audio focuses that's uh probably not ideal so I just had to shut them up
quick but I started the podcast because a I'm a huge podcast consumer so I've
been listening to podcasts for quite a while it's how I like to listen to things I'm more audio oriented than
visual probably um and I was really into Edibles when I
started it four years ago and it just seemed like something I wanted to talk about
which is a good thing is when you know when you start a podcast it has to be something that you want to talk about a
little bit before you know because a lot of people might start something and then realize 10 episodes in well there's
nothing more to say about this and then it just yeah that's right so I was making a lot and experimenting and
learning a lot of things about making Edibles so I started it not really sure
what I was doing I guess and I came out with my first episode I
think I released another one a couple weeks later I was kind of doing it every couple weeks and then I got my first
email from somebody who was listening to the show and I was like oh maybe maybe
people want more of this and then I started to do it like on a weekly basis instead of the every couple weeks every
month kind of thing and I really enjoy the process of podcasting
and making Edibles so it just kind of kept growing from there did it take you a long time to come up
with The Bite Me podcast with that name branding is so important and I love your
name for it well thank you invite me I mean it's Bite Me podcast or bite me the show about edibles
I don't I mean bite me I can't remember why I came up with that I don't think it took me that long to be honest invite me
the show about Edibles it's like pretty obvious what I'm gonna be talking about so the best the best things come real
quickly like that I think yeah so no I don't think it did yeah so what what's
the purpose what's the purpose of the podcast what do you do you want people to just understand Edibles more do you
just want to to just have the discussion what what why what do you want to do
with it it's really geared to people who are making Edibles I mean I guess if you're
not making you can still listen in because I have a lot of great guests on my show like the
Newbie and the Doobie coming up very soon we're going to have them on at some point yeah
um so a lot of it's geared to people who are making their own Edibles because I do interviews and I do like solo
episodes where I'm going through an infused recipe that I've made in my own kitchen and I'm not a professional chef
so I think that's sort of my niche in a way because there's so many amazing chefs culinary cannabis chefs that are
doing fantastic stuff and I've had a number of them on my show as well and I learn a lot from them but I don't have
like any magical knife skills or or some fancy culinary background or
anything I just had to cook food for my family and try not to give anybody food poisoning really along the way so you
know I've been successful with that I've been successful okay good you say that I've never given anybody food poisoning
but so from the perspective of I'm just somebody who likes to cook I tend to
work from recipes a lot and um I'm just trying to show people that you if I can do it you can do it kind of
thing because I think in Edibles are really intimidating for a lot of people when they're just starting out and yet
it's also the route that a lot of people go to now to get into cannabis especially people who are you know in
that demographic I guess where they're like well it was illegal before so I didn't do it but now it's legal so now I
want to try it but they don't want to and so a lot of people are interested in Edibles for that reason but they find
the process intimidating and you know legal dispensary Edibles there's some
drawbacks to them and when you're making your own you can do whatever you want you can you know what you're putting in
them you know how much is going into them you can use the best quality ingredients that you can afford or you
can or you want to use and so you have a lot more ability to sort of control the experience if you will and
you can Infuse almost anything so it's more interesting as well so I I'm curious because my neighbor
um she her husband went to get her some edibles for her birthday and bought her
um stuff from the non-legal Market from Legacy market and obviously it was a
high dose edible and like you say a lot of people are turning to Edibles right now and if they're not educated and they
get a high dose edible as their first experience that could really turn them off of Edibles all together so I'm
assuming in your podcast you must have done something on how to measure dosing
properly yeah and I talk about that a lot actually because yeah if somebody gives someone a high
dose edible for their first experience that's just being kind of reckless in a lot of ways and you know if you have
access to Legal Market Edibles and you want to start out that's a it's you can
start a one milligram of THC and that may seem ridiculously low but I know
large men who get pretty high from five milligrams and then I know teeny tiny
women who could consume like 500 milligrams it's like it's not you could
have a real high tolerance to smoking too and that doesn't translate to a tolerance to Edibles either yes that's
me that's right my comfortable don't feel anything is five milligrams right
my oh I feel something is 10 milligrams and I will tell you because I don't know
how to dose my own Edibles I don't eat my own Edibles and when I give my Edibles away I tell them half a cookie
is probably too much right and I've even tried cutting cutting the
butter with half can of butter half regular butter so I'm like if you have something on on dosing I'm like I
definitely need that link and we'll include it in the description because that is that's if you're going to be
making Edibles and you forget to to do the dosing you forget it just especially
giving them to people because you can really turn somebody off weed by giving them an edible and they have a bad time
because I've seen that happen and heard so many stories because I used to work in a dispensary and when I did people
always came in with these stories of how they got way too high and so they
were pretty reluctant to try it but if you're if it's somebody who just wants to experiment like say you Timmy are
like I want to try Edibles go to it it's about legal dispense right and get the lowest dose that you can and they
they'll have one or two milligram Edibles and if you don't feel anything that's fine you know you can sort of
take that next little step and I say the next day wait till the next day and then
I think we've talked before about this the the concern with Edibles is when
somebody like you know infuses a cake and there's no way to know whether or
not the slice you took is more or less than the slice someone else Cuts see
that's why I like cupcakes because like personally if I were to do that I'm I'm most likely using the oil and I'm
dripping the oil in each cupcake as I made the batter I'm like that's one
milligram in this cupcake one milligram in this cupcake so that's how you can
actually but that's why I'm like go to the legal Market if you're gonna experiment in like the brand new because
it's it's all under 10 milligram packet or it's 10 milligram packages so you can dose it like some have 10 in a pack some
have two in a pack some have one in a pack and that's too much for me unfortunately Tupac is dead no no it's
not no he's hanging out with biggie right but it is good it is a good idea
and I've bought like Edibles from the Legacy Market as well because uh it's more cost effective a lot of the
times because I'm sort of in the if it's a drink I can do 10 milligrams I'll actually feel something a lot of times
from the 10 milligram drinks but I'm around 20 milligrams kind of kind of so if I'm buying it from a legal Market dispensary I need to buy two packages of
Edibles to fuel anything and then you're looking at 20 bucks and for that 20
bucks I could make myself like batch of cookies or something like that right so yeah and the options are more limited
too at the Cannabis stores because this is what they have yeah you know like
somebody I think yesterday was asking me well have you tried this chocolate and I was like well no because I'm not really like I don't really like chocolate like
if I'm gonna eat um cannabis oil most of the time I'll just drop it right in my mouth because I
don't want to waste it on any of the the pan or whatever like that but um I'll I'll fry my eggs in it right yeah I'll
just yeah options or people put it in their coffee or their tea or you don't have to and that's the great thing about
making your own too is that you're not just limited to gummies and cookies and chocolate because that seems to be
because of the way our dispensers are set up that's what we have available to us I see what they have in some places
in the states and I'm like oh that would be so great but we're not there yet so
in the meanwhile just make your own but yeah and there's more than just butter too like you literally you can make
um my favorite is to infuse the liquid um either liquid grape seed oil or
coconut oil or avocado oil because I find not only can I ingest it internally
but I can rub it on me and it works just as well yeah yeah
olive oil say coconut oil
have you tried hemp oil yet like infusing it yes I haven't and I
think it's mainly because it's got a pretty strong taste I don't know if you've ever I've consumed it before for
health reasons and I don't do that anymore because it's pretty strong to
just drink hemp oil off the spoon so I put hemp seeds in my smoothies or all my salads and stuff like that but I it's
also I don't think it's super I shouldn't say shelf stable but it goes rancid fairly quickly compared to some
of the other oils so I just don't really I was I always thought it would be great to have like an all cannabis oil because
like and cannabis too yeah yeah I should try it I mean you could by
the you know there's no reason why you couldn't but it's got such a strong flavor that it just lends itself well to
a lot of in feet like applications if you're making like a salad dressing with it if you wanted to boil then by all means but
I wonder if there's something that cuts that taste because yeah I know like with certain recipes sometimes uh with
certain strains of making like butter or Oils when you translate that into like
um the the cookies or whatever and then you eat them and you're like oh this is really strong like cannabis right
certain foods like mint yeah I know covers up uh the taste of cannabis
peanut butter is another good one yeah yeah anything with a strong flavor is gonna mask that a little bit yeah it's
interesting you mentioned certain strains because I almost never use certain strains for using infusions
because I still I got like a hobby grower so I often end up I guess that is
a string but it often gets all mixed in together but I also use a lot of cannabis from my dry herb babe because
that's already decarbed so you can just take and then but the stuff that's in
that Vape is often by the time I use it for an infusion it's mystery weed because it's so many different colors
yeah all mixed in together so yeah well the as of right now the day is still
young so you have plenty of time to do some experimenting this afternoon right um Marge We want to thank you so much
for being on the spot when us uh definitely take one moment here to tell
people where they can find you yeah absolutely so my show is bite me the
show about Edibles I have new episodes come out every Thursday so there's at the time of this recording there's one
coming out today uh they come out 52 weeks out of the year you can also find
me on the socials at Bite Me podcast I'm most active on Instagram and there's
also bite me podcast.com which is my website and I have all kinds of things over there the show notes for all my
episodes I have a calculator you can use to figure out the potency of your Edibles all kinds of stuff so yeah we're
definitely gonna have to put a link in for that yeah we'll put a link in the description for that um Mark just to summarize and correct me
if I'm wrong you basically said that uh everybody needs to use Edibles and
Edibles is the only form of consumption that is legitimate is that correct that
is truly what I believe deep down which is why I started my show
oh no we're going to see it all over the internet now it was well it was well
thought out on my part yeah uh Marge thank you so much again for joining us I'm sure we'll we'll connect again down
the road and uh for those that are listening at some point whether before or after we are also a guest on Marge's
show so uh The Bite Me podcast you want to check that out and uh hear our side
of the story with her asking us are you on the spot that's right all right have
a great day today Marge thank you again and we will talk to you soon awesome thank you bye
thank you [Music]